package o; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import o.hFr; import o.wdQ; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class LPk extends wdQ { private int a; private boolean b; private final boolean c; private final WeakReference d; private boolean e; private ArrayList f; private C17820zzj h; private wdQ.IeS i; public LPk(InterfaceC16541pFg interfaceC16541pFg) { this(interfaceC16541pFg, (byte) 0); } private LPk(InterfaceC16541pFg interfaceC16541pFg, byte b) { this.h = new C17820zzj<>(); this.a = 0; this.e = false; this.b = false; this.f = new ArrayList<>(); this.d = new WeakReference<>(interfaceC16541pFg); this.i = wdQ.IeS.INITIALIZED; this.c = true; } @Deprecated public final void a(wdQ.IeS ieS) { d("markState"); d("setCurrentState"); d(ieS); } public final void b(wdQ.IeS ieS) { d("setCurrentState"); d(ieS); } public final void d(wdQ.HBt hBt) { d("handleLifecycleEvent"); d(hBt.a()); } public final void d(wdQ.IeS ieS) { wdQ.IeS ieS2 = this.i; if (ieS2 == ieS) { return; } if (ieS2 == wdQ.IeS.INITIALIZED && ieS == wdQ.IeS.DESTROYED) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("no event down from "); sb.append(this.i); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } this.i = ieS; if (this.e || this.a != 0) { this.b = true; return; } this.e = true; c(); this.e = false; if (this.i == wdQ.IeS.DESTROYED) { this.h = new C17820zzj<>(); } } @Override // o.wdQ public final void e(InterfaceC16186lzC interfaceC16186lzC) { InterfaceC16541pFg interfaceC16541pFg; d("addObserver"); IeS ieS = new IeS(interfaceC16186lzC, this.i == wdQ.IeS.DESTROYED ? wdQ.IeS.DESTROYED : wdQ.IeS.INITIALIZED); if (this.h.a(interfaceC16186lzC, ieS) == null && (interfaceC16541pFg = this.d.get()) != null) { boolean z = this.a != 0 || this.e; wdQ.IeS d = d(interfaceC16186lzC); this.a++; while (ieS.d.compareTo(d) < 0 && this.h.b.containsKey(interfaceC16186lzC)) { this.f.add(ieS.d); wdQ.HBt e = wdQ.HBt.e(ieS.d); if (e == null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("no event up from "); sb.append(ieS.d); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } ieS.b(interfaceC16541pFg, e); ArrayList arrayList = this.f; arrayList.remove(arrayList.size() - 1); d = d(interfaceC16186lzC); } if (!z) { c(); } this.a--; } } @Override // o.wdQ public final void a(InterfaceC16186lzC interfaceC16186lzC) { d("removeObserver"); this.h.b(interfaceC16186lzC); } private void c() { InterfaceC16541pFg interfaceC16541pFg = this.d.get(); if (interfaceC16541pFg == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("LifecycleOwner of this LifecycleRegistry is alreadygarbage collected. It is too late to change lifecycle state."); } while (!d()) { this.b = false; if (this.i.compareTo(this.h.a.getValue().d) < 0) { d(interfaceC16541pFg); } hFr.Sts sts = this.h.e; if (!this.b && sts != null && this.i.compareTo(sts.getValue().d) > 0) { a(interfaceC16541pFg); } } this.b = false; } public final void d(String str) { if (!this.c || C7268clA.d().c.c()) { return; } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Method "); sb.append(str); sb.append(" must be called on the main thread"); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString()); } static wdQ.IeS a(wdQ.IeS ieS, wdQ.IeS ieS2) { return (ieS2 == null || ieS2.compareTo(ieS) >= 0) ? ieS : ieS2; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class IeS { private InterfaceC3451axm b; wdQ.IeS d; IeS(InterfaceC16186lzC interfaceC16186lzC, wdQ.IeS ieS) { this.b = QmX.d(interfaceC16186lzC); this.d = ieS; } final void b(InterfaceC16541pFg interfaceC16541pFg, wdQ.HBt hBt) { wdQ.IeS a = hBt.a(); this.d = LPk.a(this.d, a); this.b.c(interfaceC16541pFg, hBt); this.d = a; } } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:20:0x0012, code lost: continue; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ private void d(o.InterfaceC16541pFg r7) { /* r6 = this; o.zzj r0 = r6.h o.hFr$LWm r1 = new o.hFr$LWm o.hFr$Sts r2 = r0.e o.hFr$Sts r3 = r0.a r1.(r2, r3) java.util.WeakHashMap, java.lang.Boolean> r0 = r0.c java.lang.Boolean r2 = java.lang.Boolean.FALSE r0.put(r1, r2) L12: boolean r0 = r1.hasNext() if (r0 == 0) goto L7c boolean r0 = r6.b if (r0 != 0) goto L7c java.lang.Object r0 = java.util.Map$Entry r0 = (java.util.Map.Entry) r0 java.lang.Object r2 = r0.getValue() o.LPk$IeS r2 = (o.LPk.IeS) r2 L28: o.wdQ$IeS r3 = r2.d o.wdQ$IeS r4 = r6.i int r3 = r3.compareTo(r4) if (r3 <= 0) goto L12 boolean r3 = r6.b if (r3 != 0) goto L12 o.zzj r3 = r6.h java.lang.Object r4 = r0.getKey() o.lzC r4 = (o.InterfaceC16186lzC) r4 java.util.HashMap> r3 = r3.b boolean r3 = r3.containsKey(r4) if (r3 == 0) goto L12 o.wdQ$IeS r3 = r2.d o.wdQ$HBt r3 = o.wdQ.HBt.d(r3) if (r3 == 0) goto L66 o.wdQ$IeS r4 = r3.a() java.util.ArrayList r5 = r6.f r5.add(r4) r2.b(r7, r3) java.util.ArrayList r3 = r6.f int r4 = r3.size() int r4 = r4 + (-1) r3.remove(r4) goto L28 L66: java.lang.IllegalStateException r7 = new java.lang.IllegalStateException java.lang.StringBuilder r0 = new java.lang.StringBuilder java.lang.String r1 = "no event down from " r0.(r1) o.wdQ$IeS r1 = r2.d r0.append(r1) java.lang.String r0 = r0.toString() r7.(r0) throw r7 L7c: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.LPk.d(o.pFg):void"); } private wdQ.IeS d(InterfaceC16186lzC interfaceC16186lzC) { C17820zzj c17820zzj = this.h; wdQ.IeS ieS = null; hFr.Sts sts = c17820zzj.b.containsKey(interfaceC16186lzC) ? c17820zzj.b.get(interfaceC16186lzC).c : null; wdQ.IeS ieS2 = sts != null ? sts.getValue().d : null; if (!this.f.isEmpty()) { ieS = this.f.get(r0.size() - 1); } wdQ.IeS ieS3 = this.i; if (ieS2 == null || ieS2.compareTo(ieS3) >= 0) { ieS2 = ieS3; } return (ieS == null || ieS.compareTo(ieS2) >= 0) ? ieS2 : ieS; } /* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:20:0x000e, code lost: continue; */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ private void a(o.InterfaceC16541pFg r6) { /* r5 = this; o.zzj r0 = r5.h o.hFr$IeS r1 = new o.hFr$IeS r1.(r0) java.util.WeakHashMap, java.lang.Boolean> r0 = r0.c java.lang.Boolean r2 = java.lang.Boolean.FALSE r0.put(r1, r2) Le: boolean r0 = r1.hasNext() if (r0 == 0) goto L76 boolean r0 = r5.b if (r0 != 0) goto L76 java.lang.Object r0 = java.util.Map$Entry r0 = (java.util.Map.Entry) r0 java.lang.Object r2 = r0.getValue() o.LPk$IeS r2 = (o.LPk.IeS) r2 L24: o.wdQ$IeS r3 = r2.d o.wdQ$IeS r4 = r5.i int r3 = r3.compareTo(r4) if (r3 >= 0) goto Le boolean r3 = r5.b if (r3 != 0) goto Le o.zzj r3 = r5.h java.lang.Object r4 = r0.getKey() o.lzC r4 = (o.InterfaceC16186lzC) r4 java.util.HashMap> r3 = r3.b boolean r3 = r3.containsKey(r4) if (r3 == 0) goto Le o.wdQ$IeS r3 = r2.d java.util.ArrayList r4 = r5.f r4.add(r3) o.wdQ$IeS r3 = r2.d o.wdQ$HBt r3 = o.wdQ.HBt.e(r3) if (r3 == 0) goto L60 r2.b(r6, r3) java.util.ArrayList r3 = r5.f int r4 = r3.size() int r4 = r4 + (-1) r3.remove(r4) goto L24 L60: java.lang.IllegalStateException r6 = new java.lang.IllegalStateException java.lang.StringBuilder r0 = new java.lang.StringBuilder java.lang.String r1 = "no event up from " r0.(r1) o.wdQ$IeS r1 = r2.d r0.append(r1) java.lang.String r0 = r0.toString() r6.(r0) throw r6 L76: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.LPk.a(o.pFg):void"); } private boolean d() { if (this.h.d == 0) { return true; } wdQ.IeS ieS = this.h.a.getValue().d; wdQ.IeS ieS2 = this.h.e.getValue().d; return ieS == ieS2 && this.i == ieS2; } @Override // o.wdQ public final wdQ.IeS a() { return this.i; } }