package o; import; import android.os.Process; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewConfiguration; import android.widget.ExpandableListView; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import o.ZI; import o.cYP; import o.wRi; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.CipherSuite; /* renamed from: o.aNy */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public class C1773aNy extends ZI { private IeS a; private final C16537pC b; private final C16259mkC c; private RVV d; private C0386Fk e; private final C16572pS g; private final C16563pP h; private AbstractC0570Js i; private static final byte[] $$a = {51, -93, -34, -1}; private static final int $$b = CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256; private static int $10 = 0; private static int $11 = 1; /* renamed from: o */ private static int f8499o = 0; private static int s = 1; private static char[] m = {15935, 15934}; private static int k = 1934311150; private static boolean l = true; private static boolean n = true; public static /* synthetic */ Object b(Object[] objArr, int i, int i2, int i3) { int i4 = (i * 659) + (i2 * (-657)); int i5 = ~((~i) | i2); int i6 = ~((~i2) | i); int i7 = ~(i | i3); int i8 = i4 + ((i5 | i6 | i7) * (-658)) + (i6 * 658) + ((i7 | i6) * 658); return i8 != 1 ? i8 != 2 ? b(objArr) : a(objArr) : d(objArr); } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r6v10, types: [int] */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r6v8, types: [int] */ /* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r7v2, types: [int] */ private static void q(int i, byte b, short s2, Object[] objArr) { ?? r7 = 122 - (s2 * 57); byte[] bArr = $$a; int i2 = 3 - (b * 2); int i3 = i * 4; byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i3 + 1]; int i4 = -1; byte b2 = r7; if (bArr == null) { b2 = i2 + r7; i2 = i2; } while (true) { i4++; bArr2[i4] = b2; int i5 = i2 + 1; if (i4 == i3) { objArr[0] = new String(bArr2, 0); return; } else { b2 += bArr[i5]; i2 = i5; } } } private static /* synthetic */ Object a(Object[] objArr) { C1773aNy c1773aNy = (C1773aNy) objArr[0]; Throwable th = (Throwable) objArr[1]; int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = s + 89; f8499o = i2 % 128; if (i2 % 2 == 0) { return Boolean.valueOf(c1773aNy.i(th)); } c1773aNy.i(th); throw null; } static /* synthetic */ boolean a(C1773aNy c1773aNy, Throwable th) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 23; s = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; boolean i4 = c1773aNy.i(th); int i5 = s + 25; f8499o = i5 % 128; int i6 = i5 % 2; return i4; } static /* synthetic */ void b(C1773aNy c1773aNy) { int i = 2 % 2; if (c1773aNy.f != 0) { int i2 = f8499o + 95; s = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; c1773aNy.f.ar_(); return; } int i4 = f8499o + 23; s = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; } static /* synthetic */ void d(C1773aNy c1773aNy) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 105; s = i2 % 128; if (i2 % 2 == 0) { T t = c1773aNy.f; Object obj = null; obj.hashCode(); throw null; } if (c1773aNy.f != 0) { int i3 = s + 99; f8499o = i3 % 128; if (i3 % 2 == 0) { c1773aNy.f.ar_(); return; } return; } int i4 = f8499o + 31; s = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; } @InterfaceC13391fZD public C1773aNy(C16259mkC c16259mkC, C16537pC c16537pC, C16563pP c16563pP, C16572pS c16572pS, C16903sI c16903sI) { super(c16903sI); this.c = c16259mkC; this.b = c16537pC; this.h = c16563pP; this.g = c16572pS; } /* renamed from: o.aNy$5 */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass5 { static final int[] a; static { int[] iArr = new int[ZGL.values().length]; a = iArr; try { iArr[ZGL.TYPE_CURRENT.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) { } try { a[ZGL.TYPE_FIXED.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused2) { } try { a[ZGL.TYPE_LONG_TERM.ordinal()] = 3; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused3) { } } } public final void e(C0386Fk c0386Fk) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = s + 97; f8499o = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; if (ZGL.TYPE_SAVING.equals(c0386Fk.w)) { return; } C10500eG c10500eG = new C10500eG(); c10500eG.b = c0386Fk.D; int i4 = AnonymousClass5.a[c0386Fk.w.ordinal()]; InterfaceC13169fSq interfaceC13169fSq = null; if (i4 == 1) { String str = c0386Fk.D; Object[] objArr = new Object[1]; p(null, new byte[]{-126}, null, 128 - (Process.getElapsedCpuTime() > 0L ? 1 : (Process.getElapsedCpuTime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), objArr); interfaceC13169fSq = this.c.c.b(new LRC(str, ((String) objArr[0]).intern())); } else if (i4 != 2) { int i5 = f8499o + 37; s = i5 % 128; if (i5 % 2 != 0 ? i4 == 3 : i4 == 4) { interfaceC13169fSq = this.c.c.d(c10500eG); } } else { interfaceC13169fSq = this.c.c.b(c10500eG); } RVV rvv = this.d; if (rvv != null) { rvv.dispose(); } RVV rvv2 = new RVV(this, c0386Fk.w); this.d = rvv2; if (interfaceC13169fSq != null) { this.c.d(interfaceC13169fSq, rvv2); } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:15:0x0040 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:31:0x006a */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:34:0x0077 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:42:0x00c9 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:45:0x00d9 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:47:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final void a() { /* Method dump skipped, instructions count: 223 To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C1773aNy.a():void"); } private /* synthetic */ void c(cYP.LWm lWm) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 87; s = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; lWm.c(this.i); int i4 = s + 91; f8499o = i4 % 128; if (i4 % 2 != 0) { throw null; } } /* renamed from: o.aNy$RVV */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public class RVV extends wRi.LWm { private C1773aNy a; private ZGL d; @Override // o.wRi.LWm, o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final /* synthetic */ void onNext(Object obj) { AbstractC0570Js d; ibY iby = (ibY) obj; if (iby instanceof C15981kDY) { C1773aNy.e(this.a); d = C16537pC.d(this.d, (C15981kDY) iby); } else if (iby instanceof GJK) { d = C1773aNy.c(this.a).d((GJK) iby); } else { d = iby instanceof C17567xqK ? C1773aNy.a(this.a).d((C17567xqK) iby) : null; } if (d != null) { if (!(d instanceof C0574Ju)) { C1773aNy.b(new Object[]{this.a, d}, -1875893484, 1875893485, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); } C1773aNy c1773aNy = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(d) { // from class: o.aNA private AbstractC0570Js c; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj2) { ((cYP.LWm) obj2).a(this.c); } { this.c = d; } }; if (c1773aNy.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1773aNy.f); } C1773aNy c1773aNy2 = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS2 = new ZI.IeS(d) { // from class: o.aNG private AbstractC0570Js d; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj2) { ((cYP.LWm) obj2).d(this.d); } { this.d = d; } }; if (c1773aNy2.f != 0) { ieS2.e(c1773aNy2.f); } } } public RVV(C1773aNy c1773aNy, ZGL zgl) { this.a = c1773aNy; this.d = zgl; } @Override // o.wRi.LWm, o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onError(Throwable th) { ((Boolean) C1773aNy.b(new Object[]{this.a, th}, 105580021, -105580019, (int) System.currentTimeMillis())).booleanValue(); if (this.a.f != 0) { C1773aNy c1773aNy = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.aNC @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((cYP.LWm) obj).d((AbstractC0570Js) null); } }; if (c1773aNy.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1773aNy.f); } } } } private static void p(char[] cArr, byte[] bArr, int[] iArr, int i, Object[] objArr) { int i2 = 2 % 2; C3614bBe c3614bBe = new C3614bBe(); char[] cArr2 = m; char c = 3; char c2 = 0; if (cArr2 != null) { int length = cArr2.length; char[] cArr3 = new char[length]; int i3 = 0; while (i3 < length) { try { Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1]; objArr2[c2] = Integer.valueOf(cArr2[i3]); Object obj = xzZ.y.get(-950481649); if (obj == null) { Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout() >> 16) + 337, 5 - TextUtils.getTrimmedLength(""), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16)); byte b = $$a[c]; byte b2 = (byte) (b + 1); Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1]; q(b2, b2, (byte) (-b), objArr3); obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(-950481649, obj); } cArr3[i3] = ((Character) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).charValue(); i3++; c = 3; c2 = 0; } catch (Throwable th) { Throwable cause = th.getCause(); if (cause == null) { throw th; } throw cause; } } cArr2 = cArr3; } Object[] objArr4 = {Integer.valueOf(k)}; Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-1521625011); if (obj2 == null) { Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(283 - TextUtils.indexOf("", ""), View.MeasureSpec.getMode(0) + 5, (char) ((ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() >> 16) + 39813)); byte b3 = (byte) ($$a[3] + 1); byte b4 = b3; Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1]; q(b3, b4, b4, objArr5); obj2 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr5[0], Integer.TYPE); xzZ.y.put(-1521625011, obj2); } int intValue = ((Integer) ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4)).intValue(); if (n) { c3614bBe.c = bArr.length; char[] cArr4 = new char[c3614bBe.c]; c3614bBe.a = 0; while (c3614bBe.a < c3614bBe.c) { int i4 = $10 + 13; $11 = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; cArr4[c3614bBe.a] = (char) (cArr2[bArr[(c3614bBe.c - 1) - c3614bBe.a] + i] - intValue); Object[] objArr6 = {c3614bBe, c3614bBe}; Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1779759091); if (obj3 == null) { obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(40 - View.MeasureSpec.getMode(0), ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionType(0L) + 5, (char)"D", Object.class, Object.class); xzZ.y.put(1779759091, obj3); } ((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr6); } objArr[0] = new String(cArr4); return; } if (l) { c3614bBe.c = cArr.length; char[] cArr5 = new char[c3614bBe.c]; c3614bBe.a = 0; while (c3614bBe.a < c3614bBe.c) { int i6 = $10 + 37; $11 = i6 % 128; int i7 = i6 % 2; cArr5[c3614bBe.a] = (char) (cArr2[cArr[(c3614bBe.c - 1) - c3614bBe.a] - i] - intValue); Object[] objArr7 = {c3614bBe, c3614bBe}; Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(1779759091); if (obj4 == null) { obj4 = ((Class) xzZ.c(40 - (ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8), (Process.getElapsedCpuTime() > 0L ? 1 : (Process.getElapsedCpuTime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 4, (char) ((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6))).getMethod("D", Object.class, Object.class); xzZ.y.put(1779759091, obj4); } ((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr7); } objArr[0] = new String(cArr5); return; } int i8 = 0; c3614bBe.c = iArr.length; char[] cArr6 = new char[c3614bBe.c]; while (true) { c3614bBe.a = i8; if (c3614bBe.a >= c3614bBe.c) { objArr[0] = new String(cArr6); return; } else { cArr6[c3614bBe.a] = (char) (cArr2[iArr[(c3614bBe.c - 1) - c3614bBe.a] - i] - intValue); i8 = c3614bBe.a + 1; } } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: o.aNy$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ public class IeS extends wRi.LWm { private C1773aNy a; private ZGL e; @Override // o.wRi.LWm, o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final /* synthetic */ void onNext(Object obj) { AbstractC0564Jn abstractC0564Jn; ibY iby = (ibY) obj; C1773aNy.b(this.a); if (iby instanceof C15981kDY) { C1773aNy.e(this.a); abstractC0564Jn = C16537pC.d(this.e, (C15981kDY) iby); C1773aNy c1773aNy = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS(abstractC0564Jn) { // from class: o.aNz private AbstractC0570Js b; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj2) { ((cYP.LWm) obj2).c(this.b); } { this.b = abstractC0564Jn; } }; if (c1773aNy.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1773aNy.f); } } else { abstractC0564Jn = null; } if (abstractC0564Jn != null) { C1773aNy.b(new Object[]{this.a, abstractC0564Jn}, -1875893484, 1875893485, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); C1773aNy c1773aNy2 = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS2 = new ZI.IeS(abstractC0564Jn) { // from class: o.aNB private AbstractC0570Js d; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj2) { ((cYP.LWm) obj2).a(this.d); } { this.d = abstractC0564Jn; } }; if (c1773aNy2.f != 0) { ieS2.e(c1773aNy2.f); } C1773aNy c1773aNy3 = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS3 = new ZI.IeS(abstractC0564Jn) { // from class: o.aNE private AbstractC0570Js d; @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj2) { ((cYP.LWm) obj2).d(this.d); } { this.d = abstractC0564Jn; } }; if (c1773aNy3.f != 0) { ieS3.e(c1773aNy3.f); } } } public IeS(C1773aNy c1773aNy, ZGL zgl) { this.a = c1773aNy; this.e = zgl; } @Override // o.wRi.LWm, o.InterfaceC13174fSv public final void onError(Throwable th) { C1773aNy.a(this.a, th); C1773aNy.d(this.a); if (this.a.f != 0) { C1773aNy c1773aNy = this.a; ZI.IeS ieS = new ZI.IeS() { // from class: o.aNv @Override // o.ZI.IeS public final void e(Object obj) { ((cYP.LWm) obj).d((AbstractC0570Js) null); } }; if (c1773aNy.f != 0) { ieS.e(c1773aNy.f); } } } } private static /* synthetic */ Object d(Object[] objArr) { C1773aNy c1773aNy = (C1773aNy) objArr[0]; AbstractC0570Js abstractC0570Js = (AbstractC0570Js) objArr[1]; int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 71; s = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; c1773aNy.i = abstractC0570Js; if (i3 != 0) { return null; } int i4 = 69 / 0; return null; } private static /* synthetic */ Object b(Object[] objArr) { C1773aNy c1773aNy = (C1773aNy) objArr[0]; C0386Fk c0386Fk = (C0386Fk) objArr[1]; int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 35; s = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; Object obj = null; c1773aNy.e = c0386Fk; if (i3 != 0) { return null; } obj.hashCode(); throw null; } public final void e(AbstractC0570Js abstractC0570Js) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 13; int i3 = i2 % 128; s = i3; int i4 = i2 % 2; this.i = abstractC0570Js; int i5 = i3 + 85; f8499o = i5 % 128; if (i5 % 2 != 0) { int i6 = 74 / 0; } } public final void a(C0386Fk c0386Fk) { b(new Object[]{this, c0386Fk}, -1238523749, 1238523749, System.identityHashCode(this)); } private AbstractC0570Js d() { AbstractC0570Js abstractC0570Js; int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 103; int i3 = i2 % 128; s = i3; if (i2 % 2 == 0) { abstractC0570Js = this.i; int i4 = 87 / 0; } else { abstractC0570Js = this.i; } int i5 = i3 + 89; f8499o = i5 % 128; if (i5 % 2 == 0) { return abstractC0570Js; } Object obj = null; obj.hashCode(); throw null; } static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ C16572pS a(C1773aNy c1773aNy) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = s + 43; f8499o = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; C16572pS c16572pS = c1773aNy.g; if (i3 != 0) { int i4 = 2 / 0; } return c16572pS; } static /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ C16563pP c(C1773aNy c1773aNy) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 89; int i3 = i2 % 128; s = i3; int i4 = i2 % 2; C16563pP c16563pP = c1773aNy.h; int i5 = i3 + 87; f8499o = i5 % 128; int i6 = i5 % 2; return c16563pP; } static /* synthetic */ C16537pC e(C1773aNy c1773aNy) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 47; int i3 = i2 % 128; s = i3; int i4 = i2 % 2; Object obj = null; C16537pC c16537pC = c1773aNy.b; if (i4 == 0) { throw null; } int i5 = i3 + 107; f8499o = i5 % 128; if (i5 % 2 == 0) { return c16537pC; } obj.hashCode(); throw null; } public static /* synthetic */ void b(C1773aNy c1773aNy, cYP.LWm lWm) { int i = 2 % 2; int i2 = f8499o + 63; s = i2 % 128; int i3 = i2 % 2; c1773aNy.c(lWm); int i4 = s + 63; f8499o = i4 % 128; int i5 = i4 % 2; } }