package o; import android.util.Log; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.Executor; import o.C1050UnO; import o.IQy; import o.InterfaceC1095VmX; import o.RDy; import o.RunnableC3281aua; import o.mhz; import o.zuk; import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.CipherSuite; /* renamed from: o.yuZ, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class C17692yuZ implements InterfaceC17110txV, IQy.RVV, zuk.HBt { private static final boolean b = Log.isLoggable("Engine", 2); private final IQy a; private final IeS c; private final LWm d; private final mhz e; private final DQg g; private final C17611yKc h; private final HBt i; private final mtx j; public C17692yuZ(IQy iQy, InterfaceC1095VmX.Sts sts, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq2, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq3, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq4, boolean z) { this(iQy, sts, executorServiceC0913Rjq, executorServiceC0913Rjq2, executorServiceC0913Rjq3, executorServiceC0913Rjq4, z, (byte) 0); } private C17692yuZ(IQy iQy, InterfaceC1095VmX.Sts sts, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq2, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq3, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq4, boolean z, byte b2) { this.a = iQy; LWm lWm = new LWm(sts); this.d = lWm; mhz mhzVar = new mhz(z); this.e = mhzVar; synchronized (this) { synchronized (mhzVar) { mhzVar.c = this; } } this.g = new DQg(); this.j = new mtx(); this.i = new HBt(executorServiceC0913Rjq, executorServiceC0913Rjq2, executorServiceC0913Rjq3, executorServiceC0913Rjq4, this, this); this.c = new IeS(lWm); this.h = new C17611yKc(); iQy.a(this); } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x0046 A[Catch: all -> 0x0041, TryCatch #0 {all -> 0x0041, blocks: (B:22:0x0029, B:25:0x0031, B:10:0x0046, B:11:0x0075, B:26:0x0035, B:29:0x003d), top: B:21:0x0029 }] */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:18:0x0079 A[DONT_GENERATE] */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ public final o.C17692yuZ.Sts e(o.Fqf r25, java.lang.Object r26, o.InterfaceC2545agd r27, int r28, int r29, java.lang.Class r30, java.lang.Class r31, o.EnumC3495ayd r32, o.LHy r33, java.util.Map, o.wfh> r34, boolean r35, boolean r36, o.unA r37, boolean r38, boolean r39, boolean r40, boolean r41, o.oWF r42, java.util.concurrent.Executor r43) { /* r24 = this; r15 = r24 boolean r0 = o.C17692yuZ.b if (r0 == 0) goto Lb long r1 = o.PYC.e() goto Ld Lb: r1 = 0 Ld: r22 = r1 o.uIA r14 = new o.uIA r1 = r14 r2 = r26 r3 = r27 r4 = r28 r5 = r29 r6 = r34 r7 = r30 r8 = r31 r9 = r37 r1.(r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9) monitor-enter(r24) r1 = 0 if (r38 == 0) goto L43 o.zuk r2 = r15.b(r14) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L41 if (r2 == 0) goto L35 if (r0 == 0) goto L44 o.PYC.e(r22) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L41 goto L44 L35: o.zuk r2 = r15.e(r14) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L41 if (r2 == 0) goto L43 if (r0 == 0) goto L44 o.PYC.e(r22) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L41 goto L44 L41: r0 = move-exception goto L77 L43: r2 = r1 L44: if (r2 != 0) goto L79 r1 = r24 r2 = r25 r3 = r26 r4 = r27 r5 = r28 r6 = r29 r7 = r30 r8 = r31 r9 = r32 r10 = r33 r11 = r34 r12 = r35 r13 = r36 r0 = r14 r14 = r37 r15 = r38 r16 = r39 r17 = r40 r18 = r41 r19 = r42 r20 = r43 r21 = r0 o.yuZ$Sts r0 = r1.a(r2, r3, r4, r5, r6, r7, r8, r9, r10, r11, r12, r13, r14, r15, r16, r17, r18, r19, r20, r21, r22) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L41 monitor-exit(r24) // Catch: java.lang.Throwable -> L41 return r0 L77: monitor-exit(r24) throw r0 L79: monitor-exit(r24) o.pNW r0 = o.pNW.MEMORY_CACHE r3 = r42 r3.b(r2, r0) return r1 */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C17692yuZ.e(o.Fqf, java.lang.Object, o.agd, int, int, java.lang.Class, java.lang.Class, o.ayd, o.LHy, java.util.Map, boolean, boolean, o.unA, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, o.oWF, java.util.concurrent.Executor):o.yuZ$Sts"); } private zuk b(InterfaceC2545agd interfaceC2545agd) { zuk e = this.e.e(interfaceC2545agd); if (e != null) { e.c(); } return e; } private zuk e(InterfaceC2545agd interfaceC2545agd) { zuk zukVar; Ezi b2 = this.a.b(interfaceC2545agd); if (b2 == null) { zukVar = null; } else if (b2 instanceof zuk) { zukVar = (zuk) b2; } else { zukVar = new zuk<>(b2, true, true, interfaceC2545agd, this); } if (zukVar != null) { zukVar.c(); this.e.e(interfaceC2545agd, zukVar); } return zukVar; } public static void a(Ezi ezi) { if (ezi instanceof zuk) { ((zuk) ezi).g(); return; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot release anything but an EngineResource"); } @Override // o.IQy.RVV public final void e(Ezi ezi) { this.h.a(ezi, true); } @Override // o.zuk.HBt public final void b(InterfaceC2545agd interfaceC2545agd, zuk zukVar) { mhz mhzVar = this.e; synchronized (mhzVar) { mhz.HBt remove = mhzVar.e.remove(interfaceC2545agd); if (remove != null) { remove.a = null; remove.clear(); } } if (zukVar.e) { this.a.b(interfaceC2545agd, zukVar); } else { this.h.a(zukVar, false); } } /* renamed from: o.yuZ$Sts */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class Sts { public final C17692yuZ a; public final oWF c; public final DoN e; Sts(C17692yuZ c17692yuZ, oWF owf, DoN doN) { this.a = c17692yuZ; this.c = owf; this.e = doN; } } /* renamed from: o.yuZ$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ static class LWm implements RunnableC3281aua.IeS { private volatile InterfaceC1095VmX c; private final InterfaceC1095VmX.Sts d; LWm(InterfaceC1095VmX.Sts sts) { this.d = sts; } @Override // o.RunnableC3281aua.IeS public final InterfaceC1095VmX e() { if (this.c == null) { synchronized (this) { if (this.c == null) { this.c = this.d.b(); } if (this.c == null) { this.c = new C14037fld(); } } } return this.c; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: o.yuZ$IeS */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class IeS { final RDy.Sts> a = C1050UnO.c(CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, new C1050UnO.RVV>(this) { // from class: o.yuZ.IeS.2 private IeS c; { this.c = this; } @Override // o.C1050UnO.RVV public final /* synthetic */ RunnableC3281aua e() { return new RunnableC3281aua<>(this.c.d, this.c.a); } }); int c; final RunnableC3281aua.IeS d; IeS(RunnableC3281aua.IeS ieS) { this.d = ieS; } } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: o.yuZ$HBt */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class HBt { final RDy.Sts> a = C1050UnO.c(CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, new C1050UnO.RVV>(this) { // from class: o.yuZ.HBt.3 private HBt c; { this.c = this; } @Override // o.C1050UnO.RVV public final /* synthetic */ DoN e() { return new DoN<>(this.c.d, this.c.h, this.c.j, this.c.b, this.c.c, this.c.e, this.c.a); } }); final ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq b; final InterfaceC17110txV c; final ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq d; final zuk.HBt e; final ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq h; final ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq j; HBt(ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq2, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq3, ExecutorServiceC0913Rjq executorServiceC0913Rjq4, InterfaceC17110txV interfaceC17110txV, zuk.HBt hBt) { this.d = executorServiceC0913Rjq; this.h = executorServiceC0913Rjq2; this.j = executorServiceC0913Rjq3; this.b = executorServiceC0913Rjq4; this.c = interfaceC17110txV; this.e = hBt; } } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ private Sts a(Fqf fqf, Object obj, InterfaceC2545agd interfaceC2545agd, int i, int i2, Class cls, Class cls2, EnumC3495ayd enumC3495ayd, LHy lHy, Map, wfh> map, boolean z, boolean z2, unA una, boolean z3, boolean z4, boolean z5, boolean z6, oWF owf, Executor executor, uIA uia, long j) { mtx mtxVar = this.j; DoN doN = (z6 ? mtxVar.c : mtxVar.e).get(uia); if (doN != null) { doN.a(owf, executor); if (b) { PYC.e(j); } return new Sts(this, owf, doN); } DoN d = this.i.a.d(); if (d != null) { DoN b2 = d.b(uia, z3, z4, z5, z6); IeS ieS = this.c; RunnableC3281aua runnableC3281aua = (RunnableC3281aua) ieS.a.d(); if (runnableC3281aua != null) { int i3 = ieS.c; ieS.c = i3 + 1; LTe lTe = runnableC3281aua.a; RunnableC3281aua.IeS ieS2 = runnableC3281aua.g; lTe.a = fqf; lTe.i = obj; lTe.n = interfaceC2545agd; lTe.l = i; lTe.d = i2; lTe.b = lHy; lTe.g = cls; lTe.e = ieS2; lTe.m = cls2; lTe.j = enumC3495ayd; lTe.h = una; lTe.k = map; lTe.f = z; lTe.c = z2; runnableC3281aua.f = fqf; runnableC3281aua.q = interfaceC2545agd; runnableC3281aua.r = enumC3495ayd; runnableC3281aua.f8527o = uia; runnableC3281aua.s = i; runnableC3281aua.h = i2; runnableC3281aua.i = lHy; runnableC3281aua.n = z6; runnableC3281aua.l = una; runnableC3281aua.e = b2; runnableC3281aua.m = i3; runnableC3281aua.p = RunnableC3281aua.ZqN.INITIALIZE; runnableC3281aua.k = obj; mtx mtxVar2 = this.j; (b2.i ? mtxVar2.c : mtxVar2.e).put(uia, b2); b2.a(owf, executor); synchronized (b2) { b2.a = runnableC3281aua; RunnableC3281aua.jbe c = runnableC3281aua.c(RunnableC3281aua.jbe.INITIALIZE); ((c == RunnableC3281aua.jbe.RESOURCE_CACHE || c == RunnableC3281aua.jbe.DATA_CACHE) ? b2.b : b2.d()).execute(runnableC3281aua); } if (b) { PYC.e(j); } return new Sts(this, owf, b2); } throw new NullPointerException("Argument must not be null"); } throw new NullPointerException("Argument must not be null"); } @Override // o.InterfaceC17110txV public final void c(DoN doN, InterfaceC2545agd interfaceC2545agd) { synchronized (this) { mtx mtxVar = this.j; Map> map = doN.i ? mtxVar.c : mtxVar.e; if (doN.equals(map.get(interfaceC2545agd))) { map.remove(interfaceC2545agd); } } } @Override // o.InterfaceC17110txV public final void d(DoN doN, InterfaceC2545agd interfaceC2545agd, zuk zukVar) { synchronized (this) { if (zukVar != null) { if (zukVar.e) { this.e.e(interfaceC2545agd, zukVar); } } mtx mtxVar = this.j; Map> map = doN.i ? mtxVar.c : mtxVar.e; if (doN.equals(map.get(interfaceC2545agd))) { map.remove(interfaceC2545agd); } } } }