package o; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.res.Resources; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime; /* renamed from: o.tE, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class C17008tE extends C16157lj { private final C16169lr d; /* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ @InterfaceC13391fZD public C17008tE(C16169lr c16169lr, Resources resources, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { super(resources, sharedPreferences); C14957gcv.e(c16169lr, ""); C14957gcv.e(resources, ""); C14957gcv.e(sharedPreferences, ""); this.d = c16169lr; } public final C0757Ny d(List list, List list2, List list3, List list4, Bpv bpv) { C14854gaM c14854gaM; C14854gaM c14854gaM2; C14854gaM c14854gaM3; List list5; List list6; String str; List list7; String b; List list8; String b2; String obj; C14957gcv.e(bpv, ""); C14957gcv.e(bpv, ""); String str2 = bpv.p; String str3 = bpv.n; String str4 = bpv.t; String str5 = bpv.d; String str6 = bpv.f; String str7 = bpv.m; String VL_ = cXG.VL_(this.e, "dd/MM/yyyy", bpv.b); String str8 = VL_ == null ? "" : VL_; String str9 = bpv.c; Double d = bpv.g; String str10 = (d == null || (obj = Integer.valueOf((int) d.doubleValue()).toString()) == null) ? "" : obj; GJE gje = bpv.j; String str11 = (gje == null || (list8 = gje.e) == null || (b2 = C14881gav.b(list8, "\n", null, null, 0, null, null, 62)) == null) ? "" : b2; Boolean bool = bpv.f8113o; GJE gje2 = bpv.h; String str12 = (gje2 == null || (list7 = gje2.e) == null || (b = C14881gav.b(list7, "\n", null, null, 0, null, null, 62)) == null) ? "" : b; gRJ grj = bpv.e; String str13 = grj != null ? grj.d : null; gRJ grj2 = bpv.e; String str14 = grj2 != null ? grj2.c : null; Resources resources = this.e; gRJ grj3 = bpv.e; String VL_2 = cXG.VL_(resources, "dd/MM/yyyy", grj3 != null ? grj3.a : null); String str15 = VL_2 == null ? "" : VL_2; Resources resources2 = this.e; gRJ grj4 = bpv.e; String VL_3 = cXG.VL_(resources2, "dd/MM/yyyy", grj4 != null ? grj4.e : null); C0748Nr c0748Nr = new C0748Nr(str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, bool, str12, str13, str14, str15, VL_3 == null ? "" : VL_3); if (list != null) { List list9 = list; C14957gcv.e(list9, ""); int a = C14856gaP.a(list9 instanceof Collection ? list9.size() : 10); if (a < 16) { a = 16; } c14854gaM = new LinkedHashMap(a); for (C0722NYw c0722NYw : list9) { String str16 = c0722NYw.c; C14957gcv.e(str16); String str17 = c0722NYw.a; C14957gcv.e(str17); c14854gaM.put(str16, str17); } } else { C14854gaM c14854gaM4 = C14854gaM.c; C14957gcv.d(c14854gaM4, ""); c14854gaM = c14854gaM4; } C0722NYw c0722NYw2 = bpv.i; NE ne = new NE(c14854gaM, c0722NYw2 != null ? c0722NYw2.c : null); if (list2 != null) { List list10 = list2; C14957gcv.e(list10, ""); int a2 = C14856gaP.a(list10 instanceof Collection ? list10.size() : 10); if (a2 < 16) { a2 = 16; } c14854gaM2 = new LinkedHashMap(a2); for (C0722NYw c0722NYw3 : list10) { String str18 = c0722NYw3.c; C14957gcv.e(str18); String str19 = c0722NYw3.a; C14957gcv.e(str19); c14854gaM2.put(str18, str19); } } else { C14854gaM c14854gaM5 = C14854gaM.c; C14957gcv.d(c14854gaM5, ""); c14854gaM2 = c14854gaM5; } C0722NYw c0722NYw4 = bpv.k; NE ne2 = new NE(c14854gaM2, c0722NYw4 != null ? c0722NYw4.c : null); if (list3 != null) { List list11 = list3; C14957gcv.e(list11, ""); int a3 = C14856gaP.a(list11 instanceof Collection ? list11.size() : 10); c14854gaM3 = new LinkedHashMap(a3 >= 16 ? a3 : 16); for (C0722NYw c0722NYw5 : list11) { String str20 = c0722NYw5.c; C14957gcv.e(str20); String str21 = c0722NYw5.a; C14957gcv.e(str21); c14854gaM3.put(str20, str21); } } else { C14854gaM c14854gaM6 = C14854gaM.c; C14957gcv.d(c14854gaM6, ""); c14854gaM3 = c14854gaM6; } C0722NYw c0722NYw6 = bpv.a; NE ne3 = new NE(c14854gaM3, c0722NYw6 != null ? c0722NYw6.c : null); if (list4 != null) { List list12 = list4; C14957gcv.e(list12, ""); List arrayList = new ArrayList(list12 instanceof Collection ? list12.size() : 10); Iterator it = list12.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { arrayList.add(((Xfo); } list5 = arrayList; } else { list5 = C14851gaI.c; } if (list4 != null) { List list13 = list4; C14957gcv.e(list13, ""); List arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list13 instanceof Collection ? list13.size() : 10); for (Xfo xfo : list13) { if (C14957gcv.b(new Locale("th"), bBI.qs_(this.d.c.getConfiguration()).c(0))) { str = xfo.e; } else { str = xfo.b; } arrayList2.add(str); } list6 = arrayList2; } else { list6 = C14851gaI.c; } return new C0757Ny(c0748Nr, ne, ne2, ne3, list5, list6); } public static String k(String str) { C14957gcv.e(str, ""); String c = cXG.c(str, "dd/MM/yyyy", "yyyy-MM-dd", false); C14957gcv.c((Object) c, ""); return c; } public static String l(OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime) { C14957gcv.e(offsetDateTime, ""); String format = offsetDateTime == null ? null : offsetDateTime.format(C15554gto.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX").withZone(AbstractC15502gsH.of("Asia/Bangkok"))); C14957gcv.c((Object) format, ""); return format; } }