package o; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; import o.PRA; import org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime; /* renamed from: o.haf, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public final class C15663haf implements InterfaceC16691qQA { final BYR a; final plf b; final NyX c; final Evt d; final vLe e; final C3748bFj f; final VJo g; final NuG h; final Jrb i; final rNz j; private final QCt k; final Xky l; final RzE m; final C15818ioo n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ final XhC f9159o; private final Isw p; private final NLu q; private final HdN r; private final jCC s; private final C17448wov t; private final oLv u; private final SharedPreferences v; private final DXU w; private final String x; @InterfaceC13391fZD public C15663haf(jCC jcc, Xky xky, DXU dxu, XhC xhC, rNz rnz, Jrb jrb, NyX nyX, QCt qCt, oLv olv, BYR byr, vLe vle, Evt evt, VJo vJo, NuG nuG, NLu nLu, C17448wov c17448wov, Isw isw, RzE rzE, C3748bFj c3748bFj, String str, plf plfVar, HdN hdN, C15818ioo c15818ioo, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences) { this.s = jcc; this.w = dxu; this.f9159o = xhC; this.j = rnz; this.i = jrb; this.c = nyX; this.l = xky; this.k = qCt; this.u = olv; this.a = byr; this.e = vle; this.d = evt; this.g = vJo; this.h = nuG; this.q = nLu; this.t = c17448wov; this.p = isw; this.f = c3748bFj; this.x = str; this.b = plfVar; this.m = rzE; this.r = hdN; this.n = c15818ioo; this.v = sharedPreferences; } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk d(String str, String str2) { AbstractC13163fSk> linkRtp = this.s.c.getLinkRtp(str, str2); final DXU dxu = this.w; Objects.requireNonNull(dxu); return fSS(dxu) { // from class: o.pPv private DXU c; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { return DXU.b((SingleDataEntity) obj); } { this.c = dxu; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk m(final String str) { return this.s.c.getCreditCardPaymentInfo(str).map(new fSS(this, str) { // from class: o.lfC private C15663haf a; private String c; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { XhC xhC = this.a.f9159o; return XhC.e(this.c, (SingleDataEntity) obj); } { this.a = this; this.c = str; } }).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.ZMl private C15663haf e; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { C15663haf c15663haf = this.e; NkD nkD = (NkD) obj; c15663haf.e.d = nkD.e; c15663haf.e.a = nkD.a; c15663haf.e.b = nkD.c; } { this.e = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk d(String str) { return this.s.c.ctaVerify(str).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.jug private C15663haf c; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { NyX nyX = this.c.c; return NyX.d((C0745NoK) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()); } { this.c = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk k(String str) { return this.s.c.getLoanPayment(str).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.tnD private C15663haf a; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { rNz rnz = this.a.j; return rNz.e((COu) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()); } { this.a = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk b(C1885aR c1885aR) { return this.s.c.getLoansProductInquiry(c1885aR).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.kxg private C15663haf a; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { Jrb jrb = this.a.i; return Jrb.a((rai) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()); } { this.a = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk f(String str) { AbstractC13163fSk> cardManagementActivation = this.s.c.getCardManagementActivation(str); final QCt qCt = this.k; Objects.requireNonNull(qCt); return fSS(qCt) { // from class: o.NXJ private QCt a; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { ttS tts = (ttS) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); C15609hAM c15609hAM = new C15609hAM(tts.e, tts.d, tts.c, tts.a, ZTC.b(tts.b, (OffsetDateTime) null)); c15609hAM.a((iJI) ZTC.e(new Object[]{tts}, 321450472, -321450471, (int) System.currentTimeMillis())); return c15609hAM; } { this.a = qCt; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk l(String str) { AbstractC13163fSk> oprRenew = this.s.c.getOprRenew(str); final oLv olv = this.u; Objects.requireNonNull(olv); return fSS(olv) { // from class: o.nRB private oLv c; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { return oLv.e((SingleDataEntity) obj); } { this.c = olv; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk a(final String str) { jCC jcc = this.s; return jcc.c.getPaymentBillPartner(str, this.x, this.v.getString("USER_MODE", gHK.INDIVIDUAL.mode)).map(new fSS(this, str) { // from class: o.VrV private C15663haf b; private String e; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { String str2; String str3; String str4; List list; FFT fft; PXR pxr; Boolean bool; C15804ijY c15804ijY; List list2; C15663haf c15663haf = this.b; String str5 = this.e; BYR byr = c15663haf.a; UEu uEu = (UEu) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); C14957gcv.e(str5, ""); C14957gcv.e(uEu, ""); if (!C14957gcv.b((Object) str5, (Object) uEu.d)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(); } float f = uEu.e; String str6 = uEu.b; String str7 = uEu.i; String str8 = uEu.f; String str9 = uEu.h; String str10 = uEu.f8384o; String str11 = uEu.n; String str12 = uEu.k; String str13 = uEu.a; String str14 = uEu.j; String str15 = uEu.g; KrN krN = uEu.c; if (krN != null && (list2 = krN.b) != null) { List list3 = list2; C14957gcv.e(list3, ""); List arrayList = new ArrayList(list3 instanceof Collection ? list3.size() : 10); Iterator it = list3.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { lsm lsmVar = (lsm); arrayList.add(new C17640yZm(lsmVar.a, lsmVar.d, lsmVar.e, lsmVar.g, lsmVar.c, null, 32)); it = it; str15 = str15; str14 = str14; str13 = str13; } str2 = str13; str3 = str14; str4 = str15; list = arrayList; } else { str2 = str13; str3 = str14; str4 = str15; list = C14851gaI.c; } KrN krN2 = uEu.c; String str16 = krN2 != null ? krN2.d : null; KrN krN3 = uEu.c; xLZ xlz = (krN3 == null || (c15804ijY = krN3.c) == null) ? null : new xLZ(c15804ijY.c, c15804ijY.d, c15804ijY.a, c15804ijY.b, c15804ijY.i, c15804ijY.e); KrN krN4 = uEu.c; PXR pxr2 = krN4 != null ? krN4.a : null; boolean booleanValue = (pxr2 == null || (bool = pxr2.d) == null) ? true : bool.booleanValue(); KrN krN5 = uEu.c; if (krN5 == null || (pxr = krN5.a) == null) { fft = null; } else { lge lgeVar = pxr.e; fft = new FFT(lgeVar != null ? new wKJ(lgeVar.c, Integer.valueOf(lgeVar.b), lgeVar.d) : null); } return new oHO(f, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, str12, str2, str3, str4, list, str16, xlz, booleanValue, fft, uEu.d); } { this.b = this; this.e = str; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk h(String str) { jCC jcc = this.s; return jcc.c.getIdpRequestInfo(str, this.x).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.tBF private C15663haf e; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { NuG nuG = this.e.h; return NuG.a((XYQ) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()); } { this.e = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk o(String str) { if (str != null && !str.isEmpty()) { AbstractC13163fSk map = this.s.c.getLoanOfferStatus(str).map(new AmN()); NLu nLu = this.q; Objects.requireNonNull(nLu); return vCN(nLu)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.WXC private C15663haf c; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { this.c.m.m = bTI.CONSUMER; } { this.c = this; } }); } AbstractC13163fSk map2 = this.s.c.getLatestLoanOfferStatus().map(new AmN()); NLu nLu2 = this.q; Objects.requireNonNull(nLu2); return vCN(nLu2)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.suS private C15663haf b; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { this.b.m.m = bTI.CONSUMER; } { this.b = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk g(String str) { if (str != null && !str.isEmpty()) { AbstractC13163fSk map = this.s.c.getBusinessOwnerLoanOfferStatus(str).map(new AmN()); NLu nLu = this.q; Objects.requireNonNull(nLu); return vCN(nLu)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.Rju private C15663haf b; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { this.b.m.m = bTI.BUSINESS_OWNER; } { this.b = this; } }); } AbstractC13163fSk map2 = this.s.c.getBusinessOwnerLatestLoanOfferStatus().map(new AmN()); NLu nLu2 = this.q; Objects.requireNonNull(nLu2); return vCN(nLu2)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.kvA private C15663haf b; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { this.b.m.m = bTI.BUSINESS_OWNER; } { this.b = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk s(String str) { if (str != null && !str.isEmpty()) { AbstractC13163fSk map = this.s.c.getCustomerContact(str).map(new qZY()); Isw isw = this.p; Objects.requireNonNull(isw); return VzS(isw)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.dqE private C15663haf e; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { this.e.m.B = ((Cae) obj).k; } { this.e = this; } }); } AbstractC13163fSk map2 = this.s.c.getLatestCustomerContact().map(new qZY()); Isw isw2 = this.p; Objects.requireNonNull(isw2); return VzS(isw2)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.NFe private C15663haf c; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { this.c.m.B = ((Cae) obj).k; } { this.c = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk d(String str, final bTI bti) { AbstractC13163fSk> setupResult; if (bTI.BUSINESS_OWNER == bti) { setupResult = this.s.c.getBusinessOwnerSetupResult(str); } else { setupResult = this.s.c.getSetupResult(str); } return fSS(this, bti) { // from class: o.ijP private C15663haf d; private bTI e; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { C15663haf c15663haf = this.d; return c15663haf.f.b((C5485btu) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(), this.e); } { this.d = this; this.e = bti; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk c(String str) { return this.s.c.getBillPaymentTransactions(str).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.jdt private C15663haf c; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { String str2; String str3; double d; C9641dnd c9641dnd; plf plfVar = this.c.b; Phl phl = (Phl) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); C14957gcv.e(phl, ""); String str4 = phl.j; OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = (OffsetDateTime) ZTC.e(new Object[]{phl.k, null}, 267499366, -267499366, (int) System.currentTimeMillis()); C14957gcv.e(offsetDateTime); String str5 = phl.c; String str6 = phl.e; String str7 = phl.l; String str8 = phl.m; String str9 = phl.i; String str10 = phl.h; String str11 = phl.f; double d2 = phl.b; double d3 = phl.g; String str12 = phl.f8316o; String str13 = phl.n; AjZ ajZ = phl.d; if (ajZ != null) { d = d3; str2 = str13; str3 = str12; c9641dnd = new C9641dnd(ajZ.c, ajZ.a, ajZ.b, ajZ.e, ajZ.d); } else { str2 = str13; str3 = str12; d = d3; c9641dnd = null; } return new pXf(str4, offsetDateTime, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, d2, d, str3, str2, c9641dnd, phl.a); } { this.c = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk e(String str) { return this.s.c.getBankingAgentsTransactions(str).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.zjr @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { tnm tnmVar = (tnm) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); return new NEQ(tnmVar.i, tnmVar.h, tnmVar.f9280o, tnmVar.d, tnmVar.b, tnmVar.a, tnmVar.c, tnmVar.e, Double.parseDouble(tnmVar.g), tnmVar.f, tnmVar.j); } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk q(String str) { return this.s.c.verifyEmail(str).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.ZaV private C15663haf b; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { NyX nyX = this.b.c; return NyX.d((C0745NoK) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()); } { this.b = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk b(String str) { jCC jcc = this.s; AbstractC13163fSk map = jcc.c.getApplicationsById(str, this.x).map(new BEX()); HdN hdN = this.r; Objects.requireNonNull(hdN); return C1730aMp(hdN)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.NKF private C15663haf c; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { C15663haf c15663haf = this.c; Unc unc = (Unc) obj; c15663haf.m.B = unc.j; RzE rzE = c15663haf.m; c15663haf.m.a = unc.b; } { this.c = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk a() { jCC jcc = this.s; AbstractC13163fSk map = jcc.c.getApplicationsLatest(this.x).map(new BEX()); HdN hdN = this.r; Objects.requireNonNull(hdN); return C1730aMp(hdN)).doOnNext(new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.nMz private C15663haf b; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { C15663haf c15663haf = this.b; Unc unc = (Unc) obj; c15663haf.m.B = unc.j; RzE rzE = c15663haf.m; c15663haf.m.a = unc.b; } { this.b = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13175fSw i(String str) { AbstractC13175fSw> businessOwnerApplicationLatest; if (str != null) { businessOwnerApplicationLatest = this.s.c.getBusinessOwnerApplicationById(str); } else { businessOwnerApplicationLatest = this.s.c.getBusinessOwnerApplicationLatest(); } return new C13369fYh(new C13372fYk(new C13372fYk(businessOwnerApplicationLatest, new fSS() { // from class: o.cxn @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { return (ZGm) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); } }), new fSS() { // from class: o.jFQ @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { EVU valueOf; ZGm zGm = (ZGm) obj; if (zGm.e == null) { valueOf = EVU.GENERAL; } else { valueOf = EVU.valueOf(zGm.e); } return new Lsx(valueOf, RUM.valueOf(zGm.d), zGm.b); } }), new fSQ(this) { // from class: o.vZj private C15663haf c; @Override // o.fSQ public final void c(Object obj) { C15663haf c15663haf = this.c; Lsx lsx = (Lsx) obj; c15663haf.m.a = lsx.e; c15663haf.m.B =; } { this.c = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13175fSw d() { return new C13372fYk(this.s.c.getSecuritiesList(), new fSS(this) { // from class: o.dBN private C15663haf e; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { C15818ioo c15818ioo = this.e.n; return C15818ioo.b(((COZ) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()).b); } { this.e = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13175fSw n(String str) { jCC jcc = this.s; return new C13372fYk(jcc.c.getNdidAs(str, this.x), new fSS(this) { // from class: o.VFB private C15663haf b; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { NuG nuG = this.b.h; XYQ xyq = (XYQ) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); C14957gcv.e(xyq, ""); String str2 = xyq.a; if (str2 == null) { throw new EntityMappingException("requestId can't be null."); } String str3 = xyq.e; if (str3 == null) { throw new EntityMappingException("requestType can't be null."); } if (xyq.d != null && (!xyq.d.isEmpty())) { return new uHW(str2, str3, xyq.d); } throw new EntityMappingException("serviceIdList can't be null."); } { this.b = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13175fSw r(String str) { return new C13372fYk(this.s.c.getTransferLandingDeeplinkInfo(new lMh(str, this.x, 2, "false")), new fSS(this) { // from class: o.jwZ private C15663haf a; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { pnK pnk; C14851gaI c14851gaI; C14851gaI c14851gaI2; VJo vJo; Iterator it; String str2; CoP coP; List list; pnK pnk2; double d; VJo vJo2 = this.a.g; C16119lQQ c16119lQQ = (C16119lQQ) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData(); String str3 = ""; C14957gcv.e(c16119lQQ, ""); Double valueOf = Double.valueOf(0.0d); pnN pnn = new pnN(valueOf, "", C14851gaI.c); pnK pnk3 = new pnK(valueOf, "true", C14851gaI.c); pnN pnn2 = c16119lQQ.a; C17370wGt c17370wGt = vJo2.d; if (pnn2 != null) { pnn = pnn2; } C14957gcv.e(pnn, ""); Double d2 = pnn.c; double doubleValue = d2 != null ? d2.doubleValue() : 0.0d; String str4 = pnn.b; if (str4 == null) { str4 = ""; } uND und = c17370wGt.e; C14851gaI c14851gaI3 = pnn.a; if (c14851gaI3 == null) { c14851gaI3 = C14851gaI.c; } zEE zee = new zEE(doubleValue, str4, uND.d(c14851gaI3)); List list2 = c16119lQQ.c; if (list2 != null) { List list3 = list2; C14957gcv.e(list3, ""); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list3 instanceof Collection ? list3.size() : 10); for (vPd vpd : list3) { C7172cjK c7172cjK = vJo2.e; C14957gcv.e(vpd, ""); Integer num = vpd.w; int intValue = num != null ? num.intValue() : c7172cjK.c; C15104ghK c15104ghK = vpd.x; String str5 = c15104ghK != null ? c15104ghK.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK2 = vpd.x; CoP coP2 = new CoP(str5, c15104ghK2 != null ? c15104ghK2.b : null); String str6 = vpd.b; String str7 = str6 == null ? "" : str6; String str8 = vpd.a; String str9 = str8 == null ? "" : str8; String str10 = vpd.i; String str11 = str10 == null ? "" : str10; String str12 = vpd.g; String str13 = str12 == null ? "" : str12; String str14 = vpd.e; String str15 = str14 == null ? "" : str14; C15104ghK c15104ghK3 = vpd.p; String str16 = c15104ghK3 != null ? c15104ghK3.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK4 = vpd.p; CoP coP3 = new CoP(str16, c15104ghK4 != null ? c15104ghK4.b : null); String str17 = vpd.n; String str18 = str17 == null ? "" : str17; Double d3 = vpd.f; if (d3 != null) { d = d3.doubleValue(); pnk2 = pnk3; } else { pnk2 = pnk3; d = c7172cjK.b; } Double d4 = vpd.l; double doubleValue2 = d4 != null ? d4.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; Double d5 = vpd.d; double doubleValue3 = d5 != null ? d5.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; Double d6 = vpd.z; double doubleValue4 = d6 != null ? d6.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; String str19 = vpd.C; String str20 = str19 == null ? "" : str19; Double d7 = vpd.v; double doubleValue5 = d7 != null ? d7.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; Double d8 = vpd.B; double doubleValue6 = d8 != null ? d8.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; String str21 = vpd.A; String str22 = str21 == null ? "" : str21; String str23 = vpd.u; String str24 = str23 == null ? "" : str23; Double d9 = vpd.t; double doubleValue7 = d9 != null ? d9.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; String str25 = vpd.m; String str26 = str25 == null ? "" : str25; Double d10 = vpd.f9291o; double doubleValue8 = d10 != null ? d10.doubleValue() : c7172cjK.b; C15104ghK c15104ghK5 = vpd.s; String str27 = c15104ghK5 != null ? c15104ghK5.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK6 = vpd.s; CoP coP4 = new CoP(str27, c15104ghK6 != null ? c15104ghK6.b : null); String str28 = vpd.y; String str29 = str28 == null ? "" : str28; String str30 = vpd.r; String str31 = str30 == null ? "" : str30; String str32 = vpd.D; String str33 = str32 == null ? "" : str32; String str34 = vpd.j; String str35 = str34 == null ? "" : str34; List list4 = vpd.c; if (list4 == null) { list4 = Collections.singletonList(""); C14957gcv.c(list4, ""); } List list5 = list4; String str36 = vpd.k; String str37 = str36 == null ? "" : str36; String str38 = vpd.q; String str39 = str38 == null ? "" : str38; String str40 = vpd.h; String str41 = str40 == null ? "" : str40; Integer num2 = vpd.H; arrayList.add(new C16243mcs(intValue, coP2, str7, str9, str11, str13, str15, coP3, str18, d, doubleValue2, doubleValue3, doubleValue4, str20, doubleValue5, doubleValue6, str22, str24, doubleValue7, str26, doubleValue8, coP4, str29, str31, str33, str35, list5, str37, str39, str41, num2 != null ? num2.intValue() : c7172cjK.c)); pnk3 = pnk2; } pnk = pnk3; c14851gaI = arrayList; } else { pnk = pnk3; c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c; } pnK pnk4 = c16119lQQ.b; Ijl ijl = vJo2.c; pnK pnk5 = pnk4 != null ? pnk4 : pnk; C14957gcv.e(pnk5, ""); Double d11 = pnk5.a; double doubleValue9 = d11 != null ? d11.doubleValue() : 0.0d; String str42 = pnk5.d; if (str42 == null) { str42 = ""; } uND und2 = ijl.b; C14851gaI c14851gaI4 = pnk5.c; if (c14851gaI4 == null) { c14851gaI4 = C14851gaI.c; } LUN lun = new LUN(doubleValue9, str42, uND.d(c14851gaI4)); List list6 = c16119lQQ.d; if (list6 != null) { List list7 = list6; C14957gcv.e(list7, ""); ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list7 instanceof Collection ? list7.size() : 10); Iterator it2 = list7.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { tMN tmn = (tMN); C2464afB c2464afB = vJo2.a; C14957gcv.e(tmn, str3); Integer num3 = tmn.p; int intValue2 = num3 != null ? num3.intValue() : c2464afB.e; C15104ghK c15104ghK7 = tmn.r; String str43 = c15104ghK7 != null ? c15104ghK7.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK8 = tmn.r; CoP coP5 = new CoP(str43, c15104ghK8 != null ? c15104ghK8.b : null); String str44 = tmn.a; String str45 = str44 == null ? str3 : str44; C15104ghK c15104ghK9 = tmn.m; String str46 = c15104ghK9 != null ? c15104ghK9.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK10 = tmn.m; CoP coP6 = new CoP(str46, c15104ghK10 != null ? c15104ghK10.b : null); C15104ghK c15104ghK11 = tmn.n; String str47 = c15104ghK11 != null ? c15104ghK11.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK12 = tmn.n; CoP coP7 = new CoP(str47, c15104ghK12 != null ? c15104ghK12.b : null); C15104ghK c15104ghK13 = tmn.l; String str48 = c15104ghK13 != null ? c15104ghK13.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK14 = tmn.l; CoP coP8 = new CoP(str48, c15104ghK14 != null ? c15104ghK14.b : null); String str49 = tmn.f; String str50 = str49 == null ? str3 : str49; String str51 = tmn.j; String str52 = str51 == null ? str3 : str51; String str53 = tmn.g; String str54 = str53 == null ? str3 : str53; String str55 = tmn.b; String str56 = str55 == null ? str3 : str55; String str57 = tmn.i; String str58 = str57 == null ? str3 : str57; Double d12 = tmn.h; double doubleValue10 = d12 != null ? d12.doubleValue() : c2464afB.c; C15104ghK c15104ghK15 = tmn.c; String str59 = c15104ghK15 != null ? c15104ghK15.a : null; C15104ghK c15104ghK16 = tmn.c; CoP coP9 = new CoP(str59, c15104ghK16 != null ? c15104ghK16.b : null); String str60 = tmn.e; String str61 = str60 == null ? str3 : str60; String str62 = tmn.f9275o; String str63 = str62 == null ? str3 : str62; List list8 = tmn.d; if (list8 == null) { list8 = Collections.singletonList(str3); C14957gcv.c(list8, str3); } List list9 = list8; C14851gaI c14851gaI5 = tmn.q; if (c14851gaI5 == null) { c14851gaI5 = C14851gaI.c; } if (c14851gaI5 != null) { List list10 = c14851gaI5; C14957gcv.e(list10, str3); vJo = vJo2; List arrayList3 = new ArrayList(list10 instanceof Collection ? list10.size() : 10); Iterator it3 = list10.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { C7516cpm c7516cpm = (C7516cpm); Iterator it4 = it3; int i = c7516cpm.d; Iterator it5 = it2; String str64 = c7516cpm.a; C14957gcv.c((Object) str64, str3); CoP coP10 = coP9; Double d13 = c7516cpm.e; C14957gcv.c(d13, str3); double doubleValue11 = d13.doubleValue(); String str65 = c7516cpm.c; C14957gcv.c((Object) str65, str3); String str66 = c7516cpm.b; C14957gcv.c((Object) str66, str3); arrayList3.add(new Fuf(i, str64, doubleValue11, str65, str66)); it3 = it4; coP9 = coP10; it2 = it5; str3 = str3; } it = it2; str2 = str3; coP = coP9; list = arrayList3; } else { vJo = vJo2; it = it2; str2 = str3; coP = coP9; list = C14851gaI.c; } String str67 = tmn.k; arrayList2.add(new bBL(intValue2, coP5, str45, coP6, coP7, coP8, str50, str52, str54, str56, str58, doubleValue10, coP, str61, str63, list9, list, str67 == null ? str2 : str67)); vJo2 = vJo; it2 = it; str3 = str2; } c14851gaI2 = arrayList2; } else { c14851gaI2 = C14851gaI.c; } return new fQB(zee, c14851gaI, lun, c14851gaI2); } { this.a = this; } }); } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final void b() { this.e.d = null; this.e.a = null; this.e.b = null; } @Override // o.InterfaceC16691qQA public final AbstractC13163fSk j(String str) { Iterable arrayList; phi e = phi.e(); C7968cyO p = this.l.p(); if (p == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList(); } else { arrayList = p.e; } YKU yku = new YKU(arrayList); e.b = (List) new YKU(yku.a, new wxK(yku.b, new InterfaceC1244Ytw() { // from class: o.THa @Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw public final Object d(Object obj) { YUT d = YUT.d(); d.b = ((hAo) obj).j; return d; } })).a(new PRA.Sts(new PRA.AnonymousClass4(), new PRA.AnonymousClass8())); e.a = this.x; if (str != null) { e.d = str; } return this.s.c.getCreditCardSummary(e).flatMap(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.sGL private C15663haf e; @Override // o.fSS public final Object a(Object obj) { List arrayList2; C15663haf c15663haf = this.e; lBu lbu = (lBu) obj; Evt evt = c15663haf.d; C7968cyO p2 = c15663haf.l.p(); if (p2 == null) { arrayList2 = new ArrayList<>(); } else { arrayList2 = p2.e; } return AbstractC13163fSk.just(evt.e(lbu, arrayList2, lbu.d, lbu.a)); } { this.e = this; } }); } }