package o; import kotlin.KotlinNothingValueException; /* renamed from: o.ghe, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class C15116ghe extends gfJ implements InterfaceC15043gfc { private final Throwable b; private final String e; public C15116ghe(Throwable th, String str) { this.b = th; this.e = str; } @Override // o.gfJ public final gfJ e() { return this; } @Override // o.AbstractC15004geU public final boolean c() { d(); throw new KotlinNothingValueException(); } @Override // o.gfJ, o.AbstractC15004geU public final AbstractC15004geU c(int i) { d(); throw new KotlinNothingValueException(); } private final Void d() { String str; if (this.b != null) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Module with the Main dispatcher had failed to initialize"); String str2 = this.e; if (str2 == null || (str = ". ".concat(String.valueOf(str2))) == null) { str = ""; } sb.append(str); throw new IllegalStateException(sb.toString(), this.b); } throw new IllegalStateException("Module with the Main dispatcher is missing. Add dependency providing the Main dispatcher, e.g. 'kotlinx-coroutines-android' and ensure it has the same version as 'kotlinx-coroutines-core'"); } @Override // o.gfJ, o.AbstractC15004geU public final String toString() { String str; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Dispatchers.Main[missing"); if (this.b != null) { StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(", cause="); sb2.append(this.b); str = sb2.toString(); } else { str = ""; } sb.append(str); sb.append(']'); return sb.toString(); } @Override // o.AbstractC15004geU public final /* synthetic */ void d(InterfaceC14912gbn interfaceC14912gbn, Runnable runnable) { d(); throw new KotlinNothingValueException(); } }