package o; import android.os.Parcel; import android.os.Parcelable; import java.util.Objects; import o.C0665Ls; /* renamed from: o.Lo, reason: case insensitive filesystem */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public class C0657Lo extends C0665Ls implements Parcelable { public static final Parcelable.Creator CREATOR = new Parcelable.Creator() { // from class: o.Lo.2 @Override // android.os.Parcelable.Creator public final /* synthetic */ C0657Lo createFromParcel(Parcel parcel) { return new C0657Lo(parcel); } @Override // android.os.Parcelable.Creator public final /* bridge */ /* synthetic */ C0657Lo[] newArray(int i) { return new C0657Lo[i]; } }; public String A; public String B; public String C; public String D; public String E; public String F; public String G; private String H; public String I; private boolean J; private String K; private String L; private String M; private String N; private boolean P; private String R; private String S; public String c; public String d; public String f; public String g; public String i; public String k; public String l; public String m; public String n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ public String f8255o; public boolean p; public String q; public boolean r; public String s; public String t; public String u; public String v; public String w; public String x; public String y; public String z; /* renamed from: o.Lo$LWm */ /* loaded from: classes3.dex */ public static final class LWm extends C0665Ls.HBt { public String A; public String B; public String C; public String D; public String E; public String F; public String G; public String H; public String I; public String J; public String K; public String L; public String M; public String N; public String O; public String S; public String a; public String b; public String f; public String g; public String i; public String j; public String k; public String l; public String m; public String n; /* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */ public String f8256o; public String p; public String q; public String r; public String s; public String t; public boolean u; public boolean v; public String w; public boolean x; public boolean y; public String z; } @Override // o.C0665Ls, o.EQ, android.os.Parcelable public int describeContents() { return 0; } private C0657Lo(LWm lWm) { super(lWm); this.q = lWm.s; this.f8255o = lWm.p; this.m = lWm.r; this.p = lWm.x; this.I = lWm.L; this.r = lWm.u; this.E = lWm.M; this.C = lWm.E; this.t = lWm.q; this.s = lWm.A; this.J = lWm.v; this.P = lWm.y; this.n = lWm.n; this.f = lWm.l; this.i = lWm.m; this.k = lWm.f8256o; this.L = lWm.f; this.N = lWm.j; this.K = lWm.t; this.M = lWm.w; this.v = lWm.H; this.S = lWm.G; this.R = lWm.z; this.H = lWm.a; this.B = lWm.K; this.G = lWm.S; this.z = lWm.J; this.F = lWm.O; this.d = lWm.g; this.g = lWm.i; this.w = lWm.F; this.A = lWm.I; this.l = lWm.k; this.D = lWm.N; this.y = lWm.D; this.u = lWm.C; this.c = lWm.b; this.x = lWm.B; } protected C0657Lo(Parcel parcel) { super(parcel); this.q = parcel.readString(); this.f8255o = parcel.readString(); this.m = parcel.readString(); this.p = parcel.readByte() != 0; this.I = parcel.readString(); this.r = parcel.readByte() != 0; this.E = parcel.readString(); this.C = parcel.readString(); this.t = parcel.readString(); this.s = parcel.readString(); this.J = parcel.readInt() == 1; this.P = parcel.readInt() == 1; this.n = parcel.readString(); this.f = parcel.readString(); this.i = parcel.readString(); this.k = parcel.readString(); this.L = parcel.readString(); this.N = parcel.readString(); this.K = parcel.readString(); this.M = parcel.readString(); this.v = parcel.readString(); this.S = parcel.readString(); this.R = parcel.readString(); this.H = parcel.readString(); this.B = parcel.readString(); this.G = parcel.readString(); this.z = parcel.readString(); this.F = parcel.readString(); this.d = parcel.readString(); this.g = parcel.readString(); this.w = parcel.readString(); this.A = parcel.readString(); this.l = parcel.readString(); this.D = parcel.readString(); this.y = parcel.readString(); this.u = parcel.readString(); this.c = parcel.readString(); this.x = parcel.readString(); } @Override // o.C0665Ls, o.EQ, android.os.Parcelable public void writeToParcel(Parcel parcel, int i) { super.writeToParcel(parcel, i); parcel.writeString(this.q); parcel.writeString(this.f8255o); parcel.writeString(this.m); parcel.writeByte(this.p ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); parcel.writeString(this.I); parcel.writeByte(this.r ? (byte) 1 : (byte) 0); parcel.writeString(this.E); parcel.writeString(this.C); parcel.writeString(this.t); parcel.writeString(this.s); parcel.writeInt(this.J ? 1 : 0); parcel.writeInt(this.P ? 1 : 0); parcel.writeString(this.n); parcel.writeString(this.f); parcel.writeString(this.i); parcel.writeString(this.k); parcel.writeString(this.L); parcel.writeString(this.N); parcel.writeString(this.K); parcel.writeString(this.M); parcel.writeString(this.v); parcel.writeString(this.S); parcel.writeString(this.R); parcel.writeString(this.H); parcel.writeString(this.B); parcel.writeString(this.G); parcel.writeString(this.z); parcel.writeString(this.F); parcel.writeString(this.d); parcel.writeString(this.g); parcel.writeString(this.w); parcel.writeString(this.A); parcel.writeString(this.l); parcel.writeString(this.D); parcel.writeString(this.y); parcel.writeString(this.u); parcel.writeString(this.c); parcel.writeString(this.x); } @Override // o.C0665Ls public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (obj == null || getClass() != obj.getClass() || !super.equals(obj)) { return false; } C0657Lo c0657Lo = (C0657Lo) obj; return Objects.equals(Boolean.valueOf(this.p), Boolean.valueOf(c0657Lo.p)) && Objects.equals(Boolean.valueOf(this.r), Boolean.valueOf(c0657Lo.r)) && Objects.equals(Boolean.valueOf(this.J), Boolean.valueOf(c0657Lo.J)) && Objects.equals(Boolean.valueOf(this.P), Boolean.valueOf(c0657Lo.P)) && Objects.equals(this.q, c0657Lo.q) && Objects.equals(this.f8255o, c0657Lo.f8255o) && Objects.equals(this.m, c0657Lo.m) && Objects.equals(this.I, c0657Lo.I) && Objects.equals(this.E, c0657Lo.E) && Objects.equals(this.C, c0657Lo.C) && Objects.equals(this.t, c0657Lo.t) && Objects.equals(this.s, c0657Lo.s) && Objects.equals(this.n, c0657Lo.n) && Objects.equals(this.f, c0657Lo.f) && Objects.equals(this.i, c0657Lo.i) && Objects.equals(this.k, c0657Lo.k) && Objects.equals(this.L, c0657Lo.L) && Objects.equals(this.N, c0657Lo.N) && Objects.equals(this.K, c0657Lo.K) && Objects.equals(this.M, c0657Lo.M) && Objects.equals(this.v, c0657Lo.v) && Objects.equals(this.S, c0657Lo.S) && Objects.equals(this.R, c0657Lo.R) && Objects.equals(this.H, c0657Lo.H) && Objects.equals(this.B, c0657Lo.B) && Objects.equals(this.G, c0657Lo.G) && Objects.equals(this.z, c0657Lo.z) && Objects.equals(this.F, c0657Lo.F) && Objects.equals(this.d, c0657Lo.d) && Objects.equals(this.g, c0657Lo.g) && Objects.equals(this.w, c0657Lo.w) && Objects.equals(this.A, c0657Lo.A) && Objects.equals(this.l, c0657Lo.l) && Objects.equals(this.D, c0657Lo.D) && Objects.equals(this.y, c0657Lo.y) && Objects.equals(this.u, c0657Lo.u) && Objects.equals(this.c, c0657Lo.c) && Objects.equals(this.x, c0657Lo.x); } @Override // o.C0665Ls public int hashCode() { String str = this.q; String str2 = this.f8255o; String str3 = this.m; boolean z = this.p; String str4 = this.I; boolean z2 = this.r; String str5 = this.E; String str6 = this.C; String str7 = this.t; String str8 = this.s; boolean z3 = this.J; boolean z4 = this.P; return Objects.hash(str, str2, str3, Boolean.valueOf(z), str4, Boolean.valueOf(z2), str5, str6, str7, str8, Boolean.valueOf(z3), Boolean.valueOf(z4), this.n, this.f, this.i, this.k, this.L, this.N, this.K, this.M, this.v, this.S, this.R, this.H, this.B, this.G, this.z, this.F, this.d, this.g, this.w, this.A, this.l, this.D, this.y, this.u, this.c, this.x); } @Override // o.C0665Ls public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("EasycashLandingTileDisplay{imageUrl='"); sb.append(this.q); sb.append("', description='"); sb.append(this.f8255o); sb.append("', creditLimit='"); sb.append(this.m); sb.append("', isEnabled="); sb.append(this.p); sb.append(", upWhitelistLabel='"); sb.append(this.I); sb.append("', isReferral="); sb.append(this.r); sb.append(", trapezoidText='"); sb.append(this.E); sb.append("', productGroup='"); sb.append(this.C); sb.append("', flowType='"); sb.append(this.t); sb.append("', collateralProjectName='"); sb.append(this.n); sb.append("', collateralAddressNo='"); sb.append(this.f); sb.append("', collateralAmphor='"); sb.append(this.i); sb.append("', collateralProvince='"); sb.append(this.k); sb.append("', appraisalDate='"); sb.append(this.L); sb.append("', appraisalNumber='"); sb.append(this.N); sb.append("', interestNormal='"); sb.append(this.K); sb.append("', interestSpecial='"); sb.append(this.M); sb.append("', pricingCodeInsurance='"); sb.append(this.v); sb.append("', pricingCodeNoInsurance='"); sb.append(this.S); sb.append("', mcsScore='"); sb.append(this.R); sb.append("', aScore='"); sb.append(this.H); sb.append("', subModel='"); sb.append(this.B); sb.append("', yearOfManufacture='"); sb.append(this.G); sb.append("', provinceOfRegistration='"); sb.append(this.z); sb.append("', yearOfRegistration='"); sb.append(this.F); sb.append("', carBrand='"); sb.append(this.d); sb.append("', carModel='"); sb.append(this.g); sb.append("', plateNumber='"); sb.append(this.w); sb.append("', productProgram='"); sb.append(this.A); sb.append("', collateralType='"); sb.append(this.l); sb.append("', repaymentAbility='"); sb.append(this.D); sb.append("', monthlyIncome='"); sb.append(this.y); sb.append("', nameTitle='"); sb.append(this.u); sb.append("', applicationId='"); sb.append(this.c); sb.append("', ntbDeeplinkUrl='"); sb.append(this.x); sb.append("'}"); return sb.toString(); } public /* synthetic */ C0657Lo(LWm lWm, byte b) { this(lWm); } }