package com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieComposition; import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieDrawable; import com.airbnb.lottie.LottieProperty; import com.airbnb.lottie.animation.content.ContentGroup; import com.airbnb.lottie.animation.keyframe.BaseKeyframeAnimation; import com.airbnb.lottie.animation.keyframe.TextKeyframeAnimation; import com.airbnb.lottie.animation.keyframe.ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation; import com.airbnb.lottie.model.DocumentData; import com.airbnb.lottie.model.Font; import com.airbnb.lottie.model.FontCharacter; import com.airbnb.lottie.model.animatable.AnimatableTextProperties; import com.airbnb.lottie.model.content.ShapeGroup; import com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils; import com.airbnb.lottie.value.LottieValueCallback; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import o.C0667Ltg; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class TextLayer extends BaseLayer { private final C0667Ltg codePointCache; private BaseKeyframeAnimation colorAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation colorCallbackAnimation; private final LottieComposition composition; private final Map> contentsForCharacter; private final Paint fillPaint; private final LottieDrawable lottieDrawable; private final Matrix matrix; private final RectF rectF; private final StringBuilder stringBuilder; private BaseKeyframeAnimation strokeColorAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation strokeColorCallbackAnimation; private final Paint strokePaint; private BaseKeyframeAnimation strokeWidthAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation strokeWidthCallbackAnimation; private final TextKeyframeAnimation textAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation textSizeCallbackAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation trackingAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation trackingCallbackAnimation; private BaseKeyframeAnimation typefaceCallbackAnimation; /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ public TextLayer(LottieDrawable lottieDrawable, Layer layer) { super(lottieDrawable, layer); this.stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(2); this.rectF = new RectF(); this.matrix = new Matrix(); int i = 1; this.fillPaint = new Paint(this, i) { // from class: com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.TextLayer.1 final TextLayer this$0; { this.this$0 = this; setStyle(Paint.Style.FILL); } }; this.strokePaint = new Paint(this, i) { // from class: com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.TextLayer.2 final TextLayer this$0; { this.this$0 = this; setStyle(Paint.Style.STROKE); } }; this.contentsForCharacter = new HashMap(); this.codePointCache = new C0667Ltg<>(); this.lottieDrawable = lottieDrawable; this.composition = layer.getComposition(); TextKeyframeAnimation createAnimation = layer.getText().createAnimation(); this.textAnimation = createAnimation; createAnimation.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(createAnimation); AnimatableTextProperties textProperties = layer.getTextProperties(); if (textProperties != null && textProperties.color != null) { BaseKeyframeAnimation createAnimation2 = textProperties.color.createAnimation(); this.colorAnimation = createAnimation2; createAnimation2.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.colorAnimation); } if (textProperties != null && textProperties.stroke != null) { BaseKeyframeAnimation createAnimation3 = textProperties.stroke.createAnimation(); this.strokeColorAnimation = createAnimation3; createAnimation3.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.strokeColorAnimation); } if (textProperties != null && textProperties.strokeWidth != null) { BaseKeyframeAnimation createAnimation4 = textProperties.strokeWidth.createAnimation(); this.strokeWidthAnimation = createAnimation4; createAnimation4.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.strokeWidthAnimation); } if (textProperties == null || textProperties.tracking == null) { return; } BaseKeyframeAnimation createAnimation5 = textProperties.tracking.createAnimation(); this.trackingAnimation = createAnimation5; createAnimation5.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.trackingAnimation); } @Override // com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.BaseLayer, com.airbnb.lottie.animation.content.DrawingContent public void getBounds(RectF rectF, Matrix matrix, boolean z) { super.getBounds(rectF, matrix, z); rectF.set(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, this.composition.getBounds().width(), this.composition.getBounds().height()); } @Override // com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.BaseLayer void drawLayer(Canvas canvas, Matrix matrix, int i) {; if (!this.lottieDrawable.useTextGlyphs()) { canvas.concat(matrix); } DocumentData value = this.textAnimation.getValue(); Font font = this.composition.getFonts().get(value.fontName); if (font == null) { canvas.restore(); return; } BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation = this.colorCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation != null) { this.fillPaint.setColor(baseKeyframeAnimation.getValue().intValue()); } else { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation2 = this.colorAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation2 != null) { this.fillPaint.setColor(baseKeyframeAnimation2.getValue().intValue()); } else { this.fillPaint.setColor(value.color); } } BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation3 = this.strokeColorCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation3 != null) { this.strokePaint.setColor(baseKeyframeAnimation3.getValue().intValue()); } else { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation4 = this.strokeColorAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation4 != null) { this.strokePaint.setColor(baseKeyframeAnimation4.getValue().intValue()); } else { this.strokePaint.setColor(value.strokeColor); } } int intValue = ((this.transform.getOpacity() == null ? 100 : this.transform.getOpacity().getValue().intValue()) * 255) / 100; this.fillPaint.setAlpha(intValue); this.strokePaint.setAlpha(intValue); BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation5 = this.strokeWidthCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation5 != null) { this.strokePaint.setStrokeWidth(baseKeyframeAnimation5.getValue().floatValue()); } else { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation6 = this.strokeWidthAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation6 != null) { this.strokePaint.setStrokeWidth(baseKeyframeAnimation6.getValue().floatValue()); } else { this.strokePaint.setStrokeWidth(value.strokeWidth * Utils.dpScale() * Utils.getScale(matrix)); } } if (this.lottieDrawable.useTextGlyphs()) { drawTextGlyphs(value, matrix, font, canvas); } else { drawTextWithFont(value, font, canvas); } canvas.restore(); } private void drawTextGlyphs(DocumentData documentData, Matrix matrix, Font font, Canvas canvas) { float f; BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation = this.textSizeCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation != null) { f = baseKeyframeAnimation.getValue().floatValue(); } else { f = documentData.size; } float f2 = f / 100.0f; float scale = Utils.getScale(matrix); String str = documentData.text; float dpScale = documentData.lineHeight * Utils.dpScale(); List textLines = getTextLines(str); int size = textLines.size(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { String str2 = textLines.get(i); float textLineWidthForGlyphs = getTextLineWidthForGlyphs(str2, font, f2, scale);; applyJustification(documentData.justification, canvas, textLineWidthForGlyphs); canvas.translate(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, (i * dpScale) - (((size - 1) * dpScale) / 2.0f)); drawGlyphTextLine(str2, documentData, matrix, font, canvas, scale, f2); canvas.restore(); } } private void drawGlyphTextLine(String str, DocumentData documentData, Matrix matrix, Font font, Canvas canvas, float f, float f2) { float floatValue; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { FontCharacter e = this.composition.getCharacters().e(FontCharacter.hashFor(str.charAt(i), font.getFamily(), font.getStyle())); if (e != null) { drawCharacterAsGlyph(e, matrix, f2, documentData, canvas); float width = (float) e.getWidth(); float dpScale = Utils.dpScale(); float f3 = documentData.tracking / 10.0f; BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation = this.trackingCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation != null) { floatValue = baseKeyframeAnimation.getValue().floatValue(); } else { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation2 = this.trackingAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation2 != null) { floatValue = baseKeyframeAnimation2.getValue().floatValue(); } canvas.translate((width * f2 * dpScale * f) + (f3 * f), BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } f3 += floatValue; canvas.translate((width * f2 * dpScale * f) + (f3 * f), BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } } } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x008e A[LOOP:0: B:16:0x008c->B:17:0x008e, LOOP_END] */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument */ private void drawTextWithFont(com.airbnb.lottie.model.DocumentData r9, com.airbnb.lottie.model.Font r10, r11) { /* r8 = this; r10 = r8.getTypeface(r10) if (r10 != 0) goto L7 return L7: java.lang.String r0 = r9.text com.airbnb.lottie.LottieDrawable r1 = r8.lottieDrawable com.airbnb.lottie.TextDelegate r1 = r1.getTextDelegate() if (r1 == 0) goto L19 java.lang.String r2 = r8.getName() java.lang.String r0 = r1.getTextInternal(r2, r0) L19: r1 = r8.fillPaint r1.setTypeface(r10) com.airbnb.lottie.animation.keyframe.BaseKeyframeAnimation r10 = r8.textSizeCallbackAnimation if (r10 == 0) goto L2d java.lang.Object r10 = r10.getValue() java.lang.Float r10 = (java.lang.Float) r10 float r10 = r10.floatValue() goto L2f L2d: float r10 = r9.size L2f: r1 = r8.fillPaint float r2 = com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils.dpScale() float r2 = r2 * r10 r1.setTextSize(r2) r1 = r8.strokePaint r2 = r8.fillPaint r2 = r2.getTypeface() r1.setTypeface(r2) r1 = r8.strokePaint r2 = r8.fillPaint float r2 = r2.getTextSize() r1.setTextSize(r2) float r1 = r9.lineHeight float r2 = com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils.dpScale() float r1 = r1 * r2 int r2 = r9.tracking float r2 = (float) r2 r3 = 1092616192(0x41200000, float:10.0) float r2 = r2 / r3 com.airbnb.lottie.animation.keyframe.BaseKeyframeAnimation r3 = r8.trackingCallbackAnimation if (r3 == 0) goto L6b java.lang.Object r3 = r3.getValue() java.lang.Float r3 = (java.lang.Float) r3 float r3 = r3.floatValue() goto L79 L6b: com.airbnb.lottie.animation.keyframe.BaseKeyframeAnimation r3 = r8.trackingAnimation if (r3 == 0) goto L7a java.lang.Object r3 = r3.getValue() java.lang.Float r3 = (java.lang.Float) r3 float r3 = r3.floatValue() L79: float r2 = r2 + r3 L7a: float r3 = com.airbnb.lottie.utils.Utils.dpScale() float r2 = r2 * r3 float r2 = r2 * r10 r10 = 1120403456(0x42c80000, float:100.0) float r2 = r2 / r10 java.util.List r10 = r8.getTextLines(r0) int r0 = r10.size() r3 = 0 L8c: if (r3 >= r0) goto Lc2 java.lang.Object r4 = r10.get(r3) java.lang.String r4 = (java.lang.String) r4 r5 = r8.strokePaint float r5 = r5.measureText(r4) int r6 = r4.length() int r6 = r6 + (-1) float r6 = (float) r6 com.airbnb.lottie.model.DocumentData$Justification r7 = r9.justification float r6 = r6 * r2 float r5 = r5 + r6 r8.applyJustification(r7, r11, r5) int r5 = r0 + (-1) float r5 = (float) r5 float r5 = r5 * r1 r6 = 1073741824(0x40000000, float:2.0) float r5 = r5 / r6 float r6 = (float) r3 float r6 = r6 * r1 float r6 = r6 - r5 r5 = 0 r11.translate(r5, r6) r8.drawFontTextLine(r4, r9, r11, r2) r11.restore() int r3 = r3 + 1 goto L8c Lc2: return */ throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.TextLayer.drawTextWithFont(com.airbnb.lottie.model.DocumentData, com.airbnb.lottie.model.Font,"); } private Typeface getTypeface(Font font) { Typeface value; BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation = this.typefaceCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation != null && (value = baseKeyframeAnimation.getValue()) != null) { return value; } Typeface typeface = this.lottieDrawable.getTypeface(font.getFamily(), font.getStyle()); return typeface != null ? typeface : font.getTypeface(); } private List getTextLines(String str) { return Arrays.asList(str.replaceAll("\r\n", "\r").replaceAll("\n", "\r").split("\r")); } private void drawFontTextLine(String str, DocumentData documentData, Canvas canvas, float f) { int i = 0; while (i < str.length()) { String codePointToString = codePointToString(str, i); i += codePointToString.length(); drawCharacterFromFont(codePointToString, documentData, canvas); canvas.translate(this.fillPaint.measureText(codePointToString) + f, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } } private float getTextLineWidthForGlyphs(String str, Font font, float f, float f2) { float f3 = BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { FontCharacter e = this.composition.getCharacters().e(FontCharacter.hashFor(str.charAt(i), font.getFamily(), font.getStyle())); if (e != null) { f3 = (float) (f3 + (e.getWidth() * f * Utils.dpScale() * f2)); } } return f3; } /* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */ /* renamed from: com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.TextLayer$3, reason: invalid class name */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static /* synthetic */ class AnonymousClass3 { static final int[] $SwitchMap$com$airbnb$lottie$model$DocumentData$Justification; static { int[] iArr = new int[DocumentData.Justification.values().length]; $SwitchMap$com$airbnb$lottie$model$DocumentData$Justification = iArr; try { iArr[DocumentData.Justification.LEFT_ALIGN.ordinal()] = 1; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused) { } try { $SwitchMap$com$airbnb$lottie$model$DocumentData$Justification[DocumentData.Justification.RIGHT_ALIGN.ordinal()] = 2; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused2) { } try { $SwitchMap$com$airbnb$lottie$model$DocumentData$Justification[DocumentData.Justification.CENTER.ordinal()] = 3; } catch (NoSuchFieldError unused3) { } } } private void applyJustification(DocumentData.Justification justification, Canvas canvas, float f) { int i = AnonymousClass3.$SwitchMap$com$airbnb$lottie$model$DocumentData$Justification[justification.ordinal()]; if (i == 2) { canvas.translate(-f, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } else if (i == 3) { canvas.translate((-f) / 2.0f, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED); } } private void drawCharacterAsGlyph(FontCharacter fontCharacter, Matrix matrix, float f, DocumentData documentData, Canvas canvas) { List contentsForCharacter = getContentsForCharacter(fontCharacter); for (int i = 0; i < contentsForCharacter.size(); i++) { Path path = contentsForCharacter.get(i).getPath(); path.computeBounds(this.rectF, false); this.matrix.set(matrix); this.matrix.preTranslate(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, (-documentData.baselineShift) * Utils.dpScale()); this.matrix.preScale(f, f); path.transform(this.matrix); if (documentData.strokeOverFill) { drawGlyph(path, this.fillPaint, canvas); drawGlyph(path, this.strokePaint, canvas); } else { drawGlyph(path, this.strokePaint, canvas); drawGlyph(path, this.fillPaint, canvas); } } } private void drawGlyph(Path path, Paint paint, Canvas canvas) { if (paint.getColor() == 0) { return; } if (paint.getStyle() == Paint.Style.STROKE && paint.getStrokeWidth() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) { return; } canvas.drawPath(path, paint); } private void drawCharacterFromFont(String str, DocumentData documentData, Canvas canvas) { if (documentData.strokeOverFill) { drawCharacter(str, this.fillPaint, canvas); drawCharacter(str, this.strokePaint, canvas); } else { drawCharacter(str, this.strokePaint, canvas); drawCharacter(str, this.fillPaint, canvas); } } private void drawCharacter(String str, Paint paint, Canvas canvas) { if (paint.getColor() == 0) { return; } if (paint.getStyle() == Paint.Style.STROKE && paint.getStrokeWidth() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) { return; } canvas.drawText(str, 0, str.length(), BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, paint); } private List getContentsForCharacter(FontCharacter fontCharacter) { if (this.contentsForCharacter.containsKey(fontCharacter)) { return this.contentsForCharacter.get(fontCharacter); } List shapes = fontCharacter.getShapes(); int size = shapes.size(); ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { arrayList.add(new ContentGroup(this.lottieDrawable, this, shapes.get(i))); } this.contentsForCharacter.put(fontCharacter, arrayList); return arrayList; } private String codePointToString(String str, int i) { int codePointAt = str.codePointAt(i); int charCount = Character.charCount(codePointAt) + i; while (charCount < str.length()) { int codePointAt2 = str.codePointAt(charCount); if (!isModifier(codePointAt2)) { break; } charCount += Character.charCount(codePointAt2); codePointAt = (codePointAt * 31) + codePointAt2; } long j = codePointAt; if (!this.codePointCache.d(j)) { this.stringBuilder.setLength(0); while (i < charCount) { int codePointAt3 = str.codePointAt(i); this.stringBuilder.appendCodePoint(codePointAt3); i += Character.charCount(codePointAt3); } String obj = this.stringBuilder.toString(); this.codePointCache.c(j, obj); return obj; } return this.codePointCache.c(j); } private boolean isModifier(int i) { return Character.getType(i) == 16 || Character.getType(i) == 27 || Character.getType(i) == 6 || Character.getType(i) == 28 || Character.getType(i) == 8 || Character.getType(i) == 19; } @Override // com.airbnb.lottie.model.layer.BaseLayer, com.airbnb.lottie.model.KeyPathElement public void addValueCallback(T t, LottieValueCallback lottieValueCallback) { super.addValueCallback(t, lottieValueCallback); if (t == LottieProperty.COLOR) { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation = this.colorCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation != null) { removeAnimation(baseKeyframeAnimation); } if (lottieValueCallback == null) { this.colorCallbackAnimation = null; return; } ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation = new ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation(lottieValueCallback); this.colorCallbackAnimation = valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation; valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.colorCallbackAnimation); return; } if (t == LottieProperty.STROKE_COLOR) { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation2 = this.strokeColorCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation2 != null) { removeAnimation(baseKeyframeAnimation2); } if (lottieValueCallback == null) { this.strokeColorCallbackAnimation = null; return; } ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation2 = new ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation(lottieValueCallback); this.strokeColorCallbackAnimation = valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation2; valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation2.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.strokeColorCallbackAnimation); return; } if (t == LottieProperty.STROKE_WIDTH) { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation3 = this.strokeWidthCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation3 != null) { removeAnimation(baseKeyframeAnimation3); } if (lottieValueCallback == null) { this.strokeWidthCallbackAnimation = null; return; } ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation3 = new ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation(lottieValueCallback); this.strokeWidthCallbackAnimation = valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation3; valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation3.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.strokeWidthCallbackAnimation); return; } if (t == LottieProperty.TEXT_TRACKING) { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation4 = this.trackingCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation4 != null) { removeAnimation(baseKeyframeAnimation4); } if (lottieValueCallback == null) { this.trackingCallbackAnimation = null; return; } ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation4 = new ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation(lottieValueCallback); this.trackingCallbackAnimation = valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation4; valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation4.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.trackingCallbackAnimation); return; } if (t == LottieProperty.TEXT_SIZE) { BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation5 = this.textSizeCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation5 != null) { removeAnimation(baseKeyframeAnimation5); } if (lottieValueCallback == null) { this.textSizeCallbackAnimation = null; return; } ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation5 = new ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation(lottieValueCallback); this.textSizeCallbackAnimation = valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation5; valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation5.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.textSizeCallbackAnimation); return; } if (t != LottieProperty.TYPEFACE) { if (t == LottieProperty.TEXT) { this.textAnimation.setStringValueCallback(lottieValueCallback); return; } return; } BaseKeyframeAnimation baseKeyframeAnimation6 = this.typefaceCallbackAnimation; if (baseKeyframeAnimation6 != null) { removeAnimation(baseKeyframeAnimation6); } if (lottieValueCallback == null) { this.typefaceCallbackAnimation = null; return; } ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation6 = new ValueCallbackKeyframeAnimation(lottieValueCallback); this.typefaceCallbackAnimation = valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation6; valueCallbackKeyframeAnimation6.addUpdateListener(this); addAnimation(this.typefaceCallbackAnimation); } }