package butterknife; import; import; import android.view.View; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.Map; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class ButterKnife { private static Map, Constructor> e = new LinkedHashMap(); private ButterKnife() { throw new AssertionError("No instances."); } public static Unbinder Dg_(Activity activity) { return c(activity, activity.getWindow().getDecorView()); } public static Unbinder c(View view) { return c(view, view); } public static Unbinder Dh_(Dialog dialog) { return c(dialog, dialog.getWindow().getDecorView()); } public static Unbinder c(Object obj, View view) { Constructor c = c(obj.getClass()); if (c == null) { return Unbinder.a; } try { return c.newInstance(obj, view); } catch (IllegalAccessException e2) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to invoke ".concat(String.valueOf(c)), e2); } catch (InstantiationException e3) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to invoke ".concat(String.valueOf(c)), e3); } catch (InvocationTargetException e4) { Throwable cause = e4.getCause(); if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) { throw ((RuntimeException) cause); } if (cause instanceof Error) { throw ((Error) cause); } throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create binding instance.", cause); } } /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ private static Constructor c(Class cls) { Constructor c; Map, Constructor> map = e; Constructor constructor = map.get(cls); if (constructor != null || map.containsKey(cls)) { return constructor; } String name = cls.getName(); if (name.startsWith("android.") || name.startsWith("java.") || name.startsWith("androidx.")) { return null; } try { ClassLoader classLoader = cls.getClassLoader(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(name); sb.append("_ViewBinding"); c = classLoader.loadClass(sb.toString()).getConstructor(cls, View.class); } catch (ClassNotFoundException unused) { c = c(cls.getSuperclass()); } catch (NoSuchMethodException e2) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find binding constructor for ".concat(String.valueOf(name)), e2); } e.put(cls, c); return c; } }