
1575 lines
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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package o;
import com.scb.phone.data.entity.transfer.SingleDataEntity;
import com.scb.phone.domain.entity.mwpartner.EntityMappingException;
import java.lang.reflect.Type;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.net.ssl.HttpsURLConnection;
import o.AWw;
import o.C0278DGx;
import o.C0392FnR;
import o.C1076VaH;
import o.C1186Xld;
import o.C16106lLU;
import o.C17180ucA;
import o.C3356avx;
import o.GCo;
import o.GUJ;
import o.PRA;
import o.QJd;
import o.RDW;
import o.Sew;
import o.Uvn;
import o.hHj;
import o.jAf;
import o.lTi;
import o.sCg;
import okhttp3.ResponseBody;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class VZr implements yQF {
final ZlF a;
private final C0358Ewf b;
final C15929jhJ c;
private final vcM d;
private final RXA e;
private final Sew f;
private final CcS g;
private final vlU h;
private final NwG i;
private final C5774bzR j;
private final KZS k;
private final C0712Mvv l;
private final mAH m;
private final C16974spB n;
/* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */
private final C17579xva f8419o;
private final VWB p;
private final XNA q;
private final sCg r;
private final BXY s;
private final C17221utM t;
private final Wky v;
private final C15922jdr w;
private final String x;
public VZr(RXA rxa, KZS kzs, C0712Mvv c0712Mvv, XNA xna, C17221utM c17221utM, C15922jdr c15922jdr, ZlF zlF, sCg scg, VWB vwb, C5774bzR c5774bzR, vlU vlu, C17579xva c17579xva, C15929jhJ c15929jhJ, C0358Ewf c0358Ewf, NwG nwG, mAH mah, CcS ccS, C16974spB c16974spB, BXY bxy, Wky wky, Sew sew, vcM vcm, String str) {
this.e = rxa;
this.k = kzs;
this.q = xna;
this.l = c0712Mvv;
this.t = c17221utM;
this.w = c15922jdr;
this.a = zlF;
this.r = scg;
this.p = vwb;
this.j = c5774bzR;
this.h = vlu;
this.f8419o = c17579xva;
this.c = c15929jhJ;
this.b = c0358Ewf;
this.i = nwG;
this.m = mah;
this.g = ccS;
this.x = str;
this.n = c16974spB;
this.s = bxy;
this.v = wky;
this.f = sew;
this.d = vcm;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<RDW> f(String str, String str2) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = rxa.a.getPurposefulLoanOffers(str, this.x, str2).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.MxX
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (C1033Uck) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final XNA xna = this.q;
return map.map(new fSS(xna) { // from class: o.NuI
private XNA e;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
XNA xna2 = this.e;
C1033Uck c1033Uck = (C1033Uck) obj;
RDW.Sts sts = new RDW.Sts();
YKU yku = new YKU(c1033Uck.f);
sts.g = (List) new YKU(yku.a, new wxK(yku.b, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(xna2) { // from class: o.ASb
private XNA a;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
return XNA.b(this.a, (NLQ) obj2);
this.a = xna2;
})).a(new PRA.Sts(new PRA.AnonymousClass4(), new PRA.AnonymousClass8()));
sts.b = xna2.c(c1033Uck.e);
sts.d = c1033Uck.d != null ? xna2.c(c1033Uck.d) : null;
sts.e = c1033Uck.c != null ? xna2.c(c1033Uck.c) : null;
sts.c = c1033Uck.a;
sts.a = c1033Uck.b;
return (RDW) sts.b();
this.e = xna;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C3356avx> c(String str) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = rxa.a.getEasycashIntroductions(str, this.x).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.Mez
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (sDO) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final C5774bzR c5774bzR = this.j;
return map.map(new fSS(c5774bzR) { // from class: o.Zas
private C5774bzR e;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
C5774bzR c5774bzR2 = this.e;
sDO sdo = (sDO) obj;
if (sdo == null) {
return null;
C3356avx.RVV rvv = new C3356avx.RVV();
rvv.a = sdo.a;
rvv.d = sdo.b;
rvv.b = c5774bzR2.b(sdo.c);
rvv.g = sdo.f;
rvv.j = sdo.h;
rvv.f = sdo.g;
rvv.h = c5774bzR2.d(sdo.i);
return rvv.d();
this.e = c5774bzR;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<AnN> e(GHN ghn) {
return this.e.a.verifyPurposefulFeatures(ghn).map(new Jsb()).map(new Tdn());
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16505osv> b(mZA mza) {
return this.e.a.calculatePurposefulLoan(mza).map(new fSS(this) { // from class: o.eSg
private VZr c;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return this.c.a.c((yoD) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData());
this.c = this;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<xtZ> b(LHd lHd) {
AbstractC13163fSk<C16562pOe> confirmReferralCommercialLoan = this.e.a.confirmReferralCommercialLoan(lHd);
VWB vwb = this.p;
return confirmReferralCommercialLoan.map(new fHF(vwb));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<String> d(BQD bqd) {
return this.e.d.getTermsConditions(bqd.b, bqd.e, bqd.g);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<String> c(BQD bqd) {
return this.e.d.getTermsConditionsReferral(bqd.b, bqd.e, bqd.a, bqd.g);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<String> b(BQD bqd) {
return this.e.d.getTermsConditionsReferralUnsecured(bqd.b, bqd.e, bqd.a, bqd.g);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<String> a(KzX kzX) {
return this.e.a.getNcbMultiproduct(kzX).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.WsY
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return ((ResponseBody) obj).string();
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<kfx> c(EAF eaf) {
AbstractC13163fSk<SingleDataEntity<RLn>> confirmPurposefulLoan = this.e.a.confirmPurposefulLoan(eaf);
CcS ccS = this.g;
return confirmPurposefulLoan.map(new Lwj(ccS));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<kfx> a(EAF eaf) {
AbstractC13163fSk<SingleDataEntity<RLn>> confirmMortgageLoan = this.e.a.confirmMortgageLoan(eaf);
CcS ccS = this.g;
return confirmMortgageLoan.map(new Lwj(ccS));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<List<ZYw>> e(zBq zbq) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.landingNTBReferral(zbq).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.sLj
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (Twr) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final BXY bxy = this.s;
return map.map(new fSS(bxy) { // from class: o.iIy
private BXY e;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return BXY.a((Twr) obj);
this.e = bxy;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<xtZ> a(LHd lHd) {
AbstractC13163fSk<C16562pOe> confirmNTBReferral = this.e.a.confirmNTBReferral(lHd);
VWB vwb = this.p;
return confirmNTBReferral.map(new fHF(vwb));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C2458aew> b(String str) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.getLendingIssuer(str).map(new BUO());
vlU vlu = this.h;
return map.map(new CMO(vlu));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> c(Ina ina) {
return this.e.a.deleteIssuer(ina).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.fHf
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> b(EQZ eqz) {
return this.e.a.additionDocumentScbAccount(eqz).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.fKQ
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<lTi> c(String str, final String str2, String str3) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
return rxa.a.getCustomerContactInformation(str, str2, str3, this.x).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.RAw
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (C15664ham) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
}).map(new fSS(this, str2) { // from class: o.nbV
private String a;
private VZr e;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
VZr vZr = this.e;
String str4 = this.a;
C15664ham c15664ham = (C15664ham) obj;
C15929jhJ c15929jhJ = vZr.c;
if (c15664ham.p == null || c15664ham.r == null || c15664ham.n == null || c15664ham.j == null) {
return null;
lTi.RVV rvv = new lTi.RVV();
rvv.s = c15664ham.p;
rvv.u = c15664ham.x;
rvv.t = c15664ham.q;
rvv.p = c15664ham.s;
rvv.k = c15664ham.n;
rvv.q = c15664ham.r;
YKU yku = new YKU(c15664ham.f);
rvv.h = (List) new YKU(yku.a, new wxK(yku.b, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(c15929jhJ) { // from class: o.ZKE
private C15929jhJ b;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
return C15929jhJ.b((C15866jJa) obj2);
this.b = c15929jhJ;
})).a(new PRA.Sts(new PRA.AnonymousClass4(), new PRA.AnonymousClass8()));
nSA nsa = c15929jhJ.c;
rvv.r = nSA.b(c15664ham.t);
nSA nsa2 = c15929jhJ.c;
rvv.x = nSA.b(c15664ham.y);
rvv.f = c15664ham.j;
rvv.b = c15664ham.b;
rvv.e = c15664ham.a;
rvv.w = c15664ham.w;
rvv.j = c15664ham.g;
rvv.l = c15664ham.f9160o;
rvv.D = c15664ham.z;
rvv.z = c15664ham.C;
rvv.f9203o = c15664ham.m;
nSA nsa3 = c15929jhJ.c;
rvv.y = nSA.b(c15664ham.u);
rvv.d = c15664ham.c;
if ("AUTO_TOP_UP".equals(str4)) {
if (c15664ham.B != null && c15664ham.B.d != null) {
if (c15664ham.k != null && c15664ham.k.d != null) {
if (c15664ham.v != null) {
if (c15664ham.d != null) {
if (c15664ham.A != null) {
if (c15664ham.l != null) {
if (c15664ham.e != null) {
rvv.c = c15664ham.e;
nSA nsa4 = c15929jhJ.c;
rvv.A = nSA.b(c15664ham.B);
nSA nsa5 = c15929jhJ.c;
rvv.m = nSA.b(c15664ham.k);
YKU yku2 = new YKU(c15664ham.A);
rvv.C = (List) new YKU(yku2.a, new wxK(yku2.b, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(c15929jhJ) { // from class: o.XID
private C15929jhJ e;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
return C15929jhJ.e((Urf) obj2);
this.e = c15929jhJ;
})).a(new PRA.Sts(new PRA.AnonymousClass4(), new PRA.AnonymousClass8()));
rvv.v = c15929jhJ.b(c15664ham.v);
rvv.a = c15929jhJ.b(c15664ham.d);
YKU yku3 = new YKU(c15664ham.l);
rvv.n = (List) new YKU(yku3.a, new wxK(yku3.b, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(c15929jhJ) { // from class: o.PVZ
private C15929jhJ c;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
return C15929jhJ.b((aDK) obj2);
this.c = c15929jhJ;
})).a(new PRA.Sts(new PRA.AnonymousClass4(), new PRA.AnonymousClass8()));
rvv.i = c15664ham.i;
rvv.g = c15664ham.h;
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("BirthDate is null", null);
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("EasycashContactInformationDetails have null field", null);
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("EasycashSecuredMobileNumber have null field", null);
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("AddressTypeOption is null", null);
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("ReceivingDocOption is null", null);
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("CurrentAddress: AddressFormatted is null", null);
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("WorkAddress: AddressFormatted is null", null);
return new lTi(rvv, (byte) 0);
this.e = this;
this.a = str2;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<hHj> c(String str, String str2) {
return this.e.a.getDocumentUploaded(str, str2).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.Sht
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (C1076VaH) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
}).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.wxj
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
List list;
C1076VaH c1076VaH = (C1076VaH) obj;
List a = C14881gav.a((Iterable) c1076VaH.c, (Comparator) new C1076VaH.HBt());
C14957gcv.e(a, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(a instanceof Collection ? a.size() : 10);
Iterator it = a.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
KXq kXq = (KXq) it.next();
String str3 = kXq.c;
String str4 = kXq.b;
String str5 = kXq.e;
C14957gcv.e(str5, "");
boolean z = Integer.parseInt(str5) == 1;
Integer num = kXq.i;
int intValue = num != null ? num.intValue() : 0;
Integer num2 = kXq.g;
String str6 = kXq.a;
C9343dhu c9343dhu = C9343dhu.b;
Iiy b = C9343dhu.b(kXq.d);
String str7 = kXq.h;
FHX fhx = kXq.j;
Hzp[] hzpArr = new Hzp[3];
Hzp hzp = Hzp.CAMERA;
String str8 = fhx.e;
C14957gcv.e(str8, "");
Iterator it2 = it;
if (Integer.parseInt(str8) != 1) {
hzp = null;
hzpArr[0] = hzp;
Hzp hzp2 = Hzp.GALLERY;
String str9 = fhx.a;
C14957gcv.e(str9, "");
if (Integer.parseInt(str9) != 1) {
hzp2 = null;
hzpArr[1] = hzp2;
Hzp hzp3 = Hzp.FILE_STORAGE;
String str10 = fhx.b;
C14957gcv.e(str10, "");
hzpArr[2] = Integer.parseInt(str10) == 1 ? hzp3 : null;
C14957gcv.e(hzpArr, "");
C14957gcv.e(hzpArr, "");
Set h = C14881gav.h((List) C14875gap.d((Object[]) hzpArr, new ArrayList()));
List<C0644Lfo> list2 = kXq.m;
if (list2 != null) {
List<C0644Lfo> list3 = list2;
C14957gcv.e(list3, "");
List arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list3 instanceof Collection ? list3.size() : 10);
for (C0644Lfo c0644Lfo : list3) {
arrayList2.add(new hHj.Sts(c0644Lfo.d, c0644Lfo.b));
list = arrayList2;
} else {
list = C14851gaI.c;
arrayList.add(new hHj.LWm(str3, str4, z, intValue, num2, str6, b, str7, h, list));
it = it2;
return new hHj(arrayList, c1076VaH.d);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> e(C17697ywR c17697ywR) {
return this.e.a.uploadValidation(c17697ywR).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.dlj
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C17491xGR> b(C15711htv c15711htv) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.b.documentUpload(c15711htv.c, c15711htv.b, c15711htv.e, c15711htv.j, c15711htv.f9165o, c15711htv.a).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.UXz
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (dEF) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final C0358Ewf c0358Ewf = this.b;
return map.map(new fSS(c0358Ewf) { // from class: o.fLd
private C0358Ewf b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return C0358Ewf.b((dEF) obj);
this.b = c0358Ewf;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> a(String str, String str2) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
return rxa.a.deleteAdditionDocument(new GTL(str, str2)).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.BxP
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<GCo> a(String str) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.getDocumentType(str).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.Jjz
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (UVT) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final C0358Ewf c0358Ewf = this.b;
return map.map(new fSS(c0358Ewf) { // from class: o.rGd
private C0358Ewf a;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
C0358Ewf c0358Ewf2 = this.a;
GCo.HBt hBt = new GCo.HBt();
hBt.c = C0358Ewf.d(((UVT) obj).c, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(c0358Ewf2) { // from class: o.Wwe
private C0358Ewf e;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
return C0358Ewf.b((dEF) obj2);
this.e = c0358Ewf2;
}, new InterfaceC1244Ytw() { // from class: o.yYC
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
int i;
i = ((C17491xGR) obj2).j;
return Integer.valueOf(i);
return new GCo(hBt, (byte) 0);
this.a = c0358Ewf;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<String> i(String str) {
return this.e.a.validateReferralEligibility(str).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.tFf
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return ((ldf) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData()).d;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C17034tQJ> j() {
RXA rxa = this.e;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = rxa.a.validateCommercialEligibility(this.x).map(new YMO());
C15922jdr c15922jdr = this.w;
return map.map(new C15565gtz(c15922jdr));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C17034tQJ> f(String str) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = rxa.a.validateMortgageEligibility(str, this.x).map(new YMO());
C15922jdr c15922jdr = this.w;
return map.map(new C15565gtz(c15922jdr));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> b(C17328voM c17328voM) {
return this.e.a.submitLendingIssuer(c17328voM).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.PDc
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C0278DGx> d(String str, String str2) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.getOccupationInfo(str, str2).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.pQe
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (yrL) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final mAH mah = this.m;
return map.map(new fSS(mah) { // from class: o.fYS
private mAH b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
ArrayList emptyList;
ArrayList emptyList2;
mAH mah2 = this.b;
yrL yrl = (yrL) obj;
wCg wcg = yrl.i;
yJa yja = null;
if (!((wcg == null || wcg.b == null || wcg.c == null || wcg.g == null || wcg.e == null || wcg.a == null || yrl.m == null || yrl.m.b == null || yrl.m.a == null || yrl.b == null || yrl.g == null || yrl.f == null || yrl.j == null) ? false : true)) {
return null;
C0278DGx.Sts c = C0278DGx.c();
if (yrl.i != null) {
String str3 = yrl.i.b;
String str4 = yrl.i.c;
String str5 = yrl.i.g;
String str6 = yrl.i.e;
String str7 = yrl.i.a;
String str8 = yrl.i.f;
String str9 = yrl.i.h;
NhM nhM = mah2.c;
yja = new yJa(str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, NhM.a(yrl.i.d), yrl.i.i != null ? yrl.i.i.booleanValue() : true);
C0278DGx.Sts a = c.a(yja);
GSa gSa = mah2.b;
C0278DGx.Sts b = a.b(GSa.a(yrl.m)).b(yrl.a);
nSA nsa = mah2.e;
C0278DGx.Sts i = b.d(nSA.b(yrl.n)).e(yrl.c).d(yrl.b).i(yrl.g);
if (yrl.e == null) {
emptyList = Collections.emptyList();
} else {
qsO qso = mah2.a;
List<C15832ivD> list = yrl.e;
C14957gcv.e(list, "");
List<C15832ivD> list2 = list;
C14957gcv.e(list2, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list2 instanceof Collection ? list2.size() : 10);
for (C15832ivD c15832ivD : list2) {
C14957gcv.e(c15832ivD, "");
arrayList.add(new QAW(c15832ivD.a, c15832ivD.b, c15832ivD.c, c15832ivD.e, c15832ivD.d));
emptyList = arrayList;
C0278DGx.Sts c2 = i.c(emptyList);
NhM nhM2 = mah2.c;
NhM nhM3 = mah2.c;
C0278DGx.Sts c3 = c2.c(NhM.a(yrl.f9329o));
if (yrl.d != null) {
she sheVar = mah2.d;
List<NsL> list3 = yrl.d;
C14957gcv.e(list3, "");
List<NsL> list4 = list3;
C14957gcv.e(list4, "");
ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list4 instanceof Collection ? list4.size() : 10);
for (NsL nsL : list4) {
C14957gcv.e(nsL, "");
arrayList2.add(new C12371ewu(nsL.c, nsL.b, nsL.e));
emptyList2 = arrayList2;
} else {
emptyList2 = Collections.emptyList();
C0278DGx.Sts d = c3.d(emptyList2);
NhM nhM4 = mah2.c;
NhM nhM5 = mah2.c;
return d.e(NhM.a(yrl.h)).a(yrl.f).c(yrl.j).c();
this.b = mah;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16479ohe> d(C17503xMd c17503xMd) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.postOccupation(c17503xMd).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.UOp
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (zWd) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final mAH mah = this.m;
return map.map(new fSS(mah) { // from class: o.CTq
private mAH c;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return mAH.c((zWd) obj);
this.c = mah;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16032kca> d() {
RXA rxa = this.e;
return rxa.a.getCreditPowerLanding(this.x).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.oDo
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (Uvn) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
}).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.HJZ
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
Uvn uvn = (Uvn) obj;
String str = uvn.a;
String str2 = uvn.b;
String str3 = uvn.i;
String str4 = uvn.c;
String str5 = uvn.f;
String str6 = uvn.d;
String str7 = uvn.e;
String str8 = uvn.g;
List<C16644pvd> list = uvn.j;
C14957gcv.e(list, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list instanceof Collection ? list.size() : 10);
Iterator it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
C16644pvd c16644pvd = (C16644pvd) it.next();
int i = c16644pvd.k;
String str9 = c16644pvd.g;
String str10 = c16644pvd.n;
String str11 = c16644pvd.e;
String str12 = c16644pvd.l;
Iterator it2 = it;
String str13 = c16644pvd.f;
boolean z = c16644pvd.a;
boolean z2 = c16644pvd.h;
String str14 = str8;
boolean z3 = c16644pvd.i;
String str15 = str7;
String str16 = str6;
arrayList.add(new XBv(Integer.valueOf(i), str9, str10, str11, str12, str13, Boolean.valueOf(z), Boolean.valueOf(z2), Boolean.valueOf(z3), c16644pvd.d, C16644pvd.a(c16644pvd.b), Boolean.valueOf(c16644pvd.c), c16644pvd.j));
it = it2;
str8 = str14;
str7 = str15;
str6 = str16;
str5 = str5;
return new C16032kca(str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, str7, str8, C14881gav.a((Iterable) arrayList, (Comparator) new Uvn.Sts()));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16505osv> c(C14834gUF c14834gUF) {
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.calculateMortgageLoan(c14834gUF).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.KBQ
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (yoD) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final ZlF zlF = this.a;
return map.map(new fSS(zlF) { // from class: o.nrQ
private ZlF d;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return this.d.c((yoD) obj);
this.d = zlF;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> c(soy soyVar) {
return this.e.a.verifyMortgageFeatures(soyVar).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.NsI
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16106lLU> b(String str, String str2) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = rxa.a.getMortgageTopupOffers(str, str2, this.x).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.xsk
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (C16683qMn) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final C16974spB c16974spB = this.n;
return map.map(new fSS(c16974spB) { // from class: o.Ain
private C16974spB c;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
final C16974spB c16974spB2 = this.c;
C16683qMn c16683qMn = (C16683qMn) obj;
C16106lLU.LWm d = C16106lLU.d();
d.g = C16974spB.b(c16683qMn.f, new InterfaceC1244Ytw(c16974spB2) { // from class: o.YNn
private C16974spB a;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1244Ytw
public final Object d(Object obj2) {
return C16974spB.c(this.a, (Sjo) obj2);
this.a = c16974spB2;
d.j = c16683qMn.g;
d.b = c16683qMn.e != null ? c16974spB2.c(c16683qMn.e) : null;
d.d = c16683qMn.d != null ? c16974spB2.c(c16683qMn.d) : null;
d.e = c16683qMn.c != null ? c16974spB2.c(c16683qMn.c) : null;
d.c = c16683qMn.a;
d.a = c16683qMn.b;
return (C16106lLU) d.b();
this.c = c16974spB;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16204mId> e(iwv iwvVar) {
return this.e.a.calculateCreditPower(iwvVar).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.rqN
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
WVj wVj = (WVj) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
String str = wVj.d;
String str2 = wVj.c;
List<Xog> list = wVj.b;
C14957gcv.e(list, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list instanceof Collection ? list.size() : 10);
Iterator<T> it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
arrayList.add(((Xog) it.next()).b());
return new C16204mId(str, str2, arrayList);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<CfB> d(DPM dpm) {
return this.e.a.getNCBInquiry(dpm).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.ZPG
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (zaG) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
}).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.Szv
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
zaG zag = (zaG) obj;
String str = zag.a;
String str2 = zag.e;
String str3 = zag.i;
String str4 = zag.g;
String str5 = zag.d;
String str6 = zag.c;
List<Xog> list = zag.b;
C14957gcv.e(list, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list instanceof Collection ? list.size() : 10);
Iterator<T> it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
arrayList.add(((Xog) it.next()).b());
return new CfB(str, str2, str3, str4, str5, str6, arrayList);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<FXT> b(ILv iLv) {
return this.e.a.requestCreditPowerLoan(iLv).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.Grl
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
ArrayList arrayList;
Iterator it;
String str;
Boolean bool;
List list;
C8432dKx c8432dKx = (C8432dKx) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
String str2 = c8432dKx.b;
String str3 = c8432dKx.a;
String str4 = c8432dKx.c;
List<QJd> list2 = c8432dKx.e;
if (list2 != null) {
List<QJd> list3 = list2;
String str5 = "";
C14957gcv.e(list3, "");
ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list3 instanceof Collection ? list3.size() : 10);
Iterator it2 = list3.iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()) {
QJd qJd = (QJd) it2.next();
Number number = qJd.m;
Integer valueOf = number != null ? Integer.valueOf(number.intValue()) : null;
String str6 = qJd.g;
String str7 = qJd.f;
String str8 = qJd.c;
String str9 = qJd.i;
String str10 = qJd.h;
Boolean bool2 = qJd.d;
String str11 = qJd.e;
List<Ylx> list4 = qJd.b;
if (list4 != null) {
List<Ylx> list5 = list4;
it = it2;
C14957gcv.e(list5, str5);
str = str5;
ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(list5 instanceof Collection ? list5.size() : 10);
Iterator it3 = list5.iterator();
while (it3.hasNext()) {
Ylx ylx = (Ylx) it3.next();
Iterator it4 = it3;
C17180ucA.HBt hBt = new C17180ucA.HBt((byte) 0);
hBt.b = ylx.a;
hBt.d = ylx.e;
hBt.h = ylx.f;
arrayList3.add(new C17180ucA(hBt, (byte) 0));
it3 = it4;
bool2 = bool2;
bool = bool2;
list = C14881gav.a((Iterable) arrayList3, (Comparator) new QJd.IeS());
} else {
it = it2;
str = str5;
bool = bool2;
list = null;
arrayList2.add(new XBv(valueOf, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, bool, str11, list, qJd.a, qJd.j));
it2 = it;
str5 = str;
arrayList = arrayList2;
} else {
arrayList = null;
return new FXT(str2, str3, str4, arrayList);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<CED> d(String str) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
return rxa.a.getRequestInfoIncome(str, null, this.x).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.sDU
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
BVq bVq = (BVq) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
return new CED(bVq.e, bVq.a, bVq.b, bVq.c, bVq.d);
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> a(C1028Uam c1028Uam) {
return this.e.a.postValidateDopa(c1028Uam).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.mUh
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13175fSw<C2414aeE> b(C3358avz c3358avz) {
AbstractC13175fSw<QJx> securedMobileNumber = this.e.a.getSecuredMobileNumber(c3358avz);
Wky wky = this.v;
return new C13372fYk(securedMobileNumber, new VdX(wky));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13175fSw<C12183etR> e(String str, String str2) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
C13372fYk c13372fYk = new C13372fYk(rxa.a.getEligibleCreditCard(str, this.x, str2), new fSS() { // from class: o.sEI
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (kQK) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final vcM vcm = this.d;
return new C13372fYk(c13372fYk, new fSS(vcm) { // from class: o.bdv
private vcM b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
String str3;
boolean z;
C14851gaI c14851gaI;
kQK kqk = (kQK) obj;
C14957gcv.e(kqk, "");
String str4 = kqk.c;
if (str4 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
Boolean bool = kqk.d;
if (bool != null) {
boolean booleanValue = bool.booleanValue();
List<wXP> list = kqk.b;
if (list != null) {
List<wXP> list2 = list;
C14957gcv.e(list2, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list2 instanceof Collection ? list2.size() : 10);
Iterator it = list2.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
wXP wxp = (wXP) it.next();
Integer num = wxp.l;
if (num != null) {
int intValue = num.intValue();
String str5 = wxp.h;
if (str5 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str6 = wxp.i;
if (str6 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str7 = wxp.f9301o;
if (str7 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str8 = wxp.k;
if (str8 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str9 = wxp.f;
if (str9 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str10 = wxp.g;
if (str10 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str11 = wxp.a;
if (str11 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
String str12 = wxp.c;
if (str12 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
Iterator it2 = it;
String str13 = wxp.j;
if (str13 != null) {
arrayList.add(new C1219YfU(intValue, str5, str6, str7, str8, str9, str10, str11, str12, str13, wxp.d, wxp.b, wxp.e));
it = it2;
str4 = str4;
booleanValue = booleanValue;
kqk = kqk;
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
str3 = str4;
z = booleanValue;
c14851gaI = arrayList;
} else {
str3 = str4;
z = booleanValue;
c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c;
kqk = kqk;
C14851gaI c14851gaI2 = kqk.e;
if (c14851gaI2 == null) {
c14851gaI2 = C14851gaI.c;
return new C12183etR(str3, z, c14851gaI, c14851gaI2);
throw new EntityMappingException("data must not be null or empty");
this.b = vcm;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13175fSw<kSY> j(String str, String str2) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
C13372fYk c13372fYk = new C13372fYk(rxa.a.getProductDetails(str, str2, this.x), new fSS() { // from class: o.CUS
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (C17510xPI) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final vcM vcm = this.d;
return new C13372fYk(c13372fYk, new fSS(vcm) { // from class: o.aqS
private vcM b;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:59:0x011c, code lost:
if (r2 == null) goto L56;
@Override // o.fSS
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final java.lang.Object a(java.lang.Object r43) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 522
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C3062aqS.a(java.lang.Object):java.lang.Object");
this.b = vcm;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13175fSw<Integer> j(final String str) {
return AbstractC13175fSw.d(new fSB(str) { // from class: o.ZKh
private String a;
@Override // o.fSB
public final void d(InterfaceC13178fSz interfaceC13178fSz) {
try {
interfaceC13178fSz.c(Integer.valueOf(((HttpsURLConnection) C12994fNg.b(this.a).e().openConnection()).getResponseCode()));
} catch (Throwable th) {
this.a = str;
@Override // o.yQF
public final void a(HashMap<String, String> hashMap) {
Sew sew = this.f;
C14957gcv.e(hashMap, "");
String json = sew.a.toJson(hashMap);
C14957gcv.c((Object) json, "");
sew.c.edit().putString("com.scb.phone.easycash_introduction_lending_config", json).apply();
@Override // o.yQF
public final HashMap<String, String> e() {
Sew sew = this.f;
String string = sew.c.getString("com.scb.phone.easycash_introduction_lending_config", null);
Type type = new Sew.Sts().getType();
if (string != null) {
return (HashMap) sew.a.fromJson(string, type);
return null;
@Override // o.yQF
public final void b() {
NwG nwG = this.i;
nwG.c = null;
nwG.a = null;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<xtZ> d(LHd lHd) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
AbstractC13163fSk<C16562pOe> confirmReferral = rxa.a.confirmReferral(lHd);
VWB vwb = this.p;
return confirmReferral.map(new fHF(vwb));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<AWw> e(String str) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
String str2 = this.x;
AbstractC13163fSk<SingleDataEntity<EGc>> doFinally = rxa.a.getEasycashDeeplink(str, str2).doFinally(new Cbf());
final C5774bzR c5774bzR = this.j;
return doFinally.map(new fSS(c5774bzR) { // from class: o.jhS
private C5774bzR b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
VFg vFg;
C5774bzR c5774bzR2 = this.b;
SingleDataEntity singleDataEntity = (SingleDataEntity) obj;
if (singleDataEntity == null) {
return null;
EGc eGc = (EGc) singleDataEntity.getData();
AWw.HBt hBt = new AWw.HBt();
if (eGc.d != null) {
C0712Mvv c0712Mvv = c5774bzR2.e;
vFg = C0712Mvv.b(eGc.d);
} else {
vFg = null;
hBt.c = vFg;
C14803gAl c14803gAl = c5774bzR2.b;
C14957gcv.e(singleDataEntity, "");
yzb status = singleDataEntity.getStatus();
String str3 = ((EGc) singleDataEntity.getData()).e;
hBt.e = Pzh.d(str3) ? null : new kaM(str3, status.h, status.c);
hBt.a = eGc.a;
hBt.d = eGc.b;
hBt.b = c5774bzR2.b(eGc.c);
hBt.g = eGc.f;
hBt.j = eGc.h;
hBt.f = eGc.g;
hBt.h = c5774bzR2.d(eGc.i);
return (AWw) hBt.d();
this.b = c5774bzR;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<hZZ> c() {
RbN rbN = this.i.c;
if (rbN != null && !rbN.c.isEmpty()) {
return AbstractC13163fSk.just(this.f8419o.c(rbN));
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.getEasycashLoanTypesList().map(new fSS() { // from class: o.Jgw
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (RbN) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final NwG nwG = this.i;
AbstractC13163fSk doOnNext = map.doOnNext(new fSQ(nwG) { // from class: o.ASJ
private NwG b;
@Override // o.fSQ
public final void c(Object obj) {
this.b.c = (RbN) obj;
this.b = nwG;
final C17579xva c17579xva = this.f8419o;
return doOnNext.map(new fSS(c17579xva) { // from class: o.Onz
private C17579xva a;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return this.a.c((RbN) obj);
this.a = c17579xva;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C0392FnR> c(boolean z) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
String str = this.x;
AbstractC13163fSk<SingleDataEntity<C6281cOP>> easycashLoansList = z ? rxa.a.getEasycashLoansList(str) : rxa.a.getEasycashNtbLoansList(str);
final C0712Mvv c0712Mvv = this.l;
return easycashLoansList.map(new fSS(c0712Mvv) { // from class: o.pvI
private C0712Mvv b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
C0712Mvv c0712Mvv2 = this.b;
SingleDataEntity singleDataEntity = (SingleDataEntity) obj;
if ("3000".equals(singleDataEntity.getStatus().e)) {
C0392FnR.HBt hBt = new C0392FnR.HBt();
hBt.d = true;
yzb status = singleDataEntity.getStatus();
C1186Xld.IeS ieS = new C1186Xld.IeS();
ieS.e = status.h;
ieS.d = status.c;
hBt.c = new C1186Xld(ieS, (byte) 0);
hBt.i = ((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).d != null ? c0712Mvv2.c(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).d) : null;
hBt.b = ((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).c != null ? c0712Mvv2.c(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).c) : null;
hBt.e = ((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).a != null ? c0712Mvv2.a(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).a) : null;
return new C0392FnR(hBt, (byte) 0);
C0392FnR.HBt hBt2 = new C0392FnR.HBt();
hBt2.d = false;
hBt2.i = ((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).d != null ? c0712Mvv2.c(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).d) : null;
hBt2.b = ((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).c != null ? c0712Mvv2.c(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).c) : null;
hBt2.a = c0712Mvv2.c(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).b);
hBt2.e = ((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).a != null ? c0712Mvv2.a(((C6281cOP) singleDataEntity.getData()).a) : null;
return new C0392FnR(hBt2, (byte) 0);
this.b = c0712Mvv;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Wqe> a() {
RXA rxa = this.e;
String str = this.x;
AbstractC13163fSk<SingleDataEntity<UIZ>> easycashSalesheetsV2 = rxa.a.getEasycashSalesheetsV2(str);
final sCg scg = this.r;
return easycashSalesheetsV2.map(new fSS(scg) { // from class: o.oWV
private sCg d;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
SingleDataEntity singleDataEntity = (SingleDataEntity) obj;
C14957gcv.e(singleDataEntity, "");
if (C14957gcv.b((Object) "3000", (Object) singleDataEntity.getStatus().e)) {
yzb status = singleDataEntity.getStatus();
C14957gcv.c(status, "");
C1186Xld.IeS ieS = new C1186Xld.IeS();
ieS.e = status.h;
ieS.d = status.c;
return new Wqe(true, new C1186Xld(ieS, (byte) 0), null);
Object data = singleDataEntity.getData();
C14957gcv.c(data, "");
C14851gaI c14851gaI = ((UIZ) data).b;
if (c14851gaI == null) {
c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c;
List<QRc> list = c14851gaI;
C14957gcv.e(list, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list instanceof Collection ? list.size() : 10);
for (QRc qRc : list) {
Integer num = qRc.c;
if (num != null) {
int intValue = num.intValue();
String str2 = qRc.d;
if (str2 == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("headerName is null");
C14851gaI c14851gaI2 = qRc.a;
if (c14851gaI2 == null) {
c14851gaI2 = C14851gaI.c;
List<XXE> list2 = c14851gaI2;
C14957gcv.e(list2, "");
ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList(list2 instanceof Collection ? list2.size() : 10);
for (XXE xxe : list2) {
jAf.RVV rvv = new jAf.RVV();
rvv.a = xxe.e;
rvv.b = xxe.c;
rvv.c = xxe.a;
jAf jaf = new jAf(rvv, (byte) 0);
C14957gcv.c(jaf, "");
arrayList.add(new pXT(Integer.valueOf(intValue), str2, C14881gav.a((Iterable) arrayList2, (Comparator) new sCg.HBt())));
} else {
throw new EntityMappingException("headerSequence is null");
return new Wqe(false, null, C14881gav.a((Iterable) arrayList, (Comparator) new sCg.LWm()));
this.d = scg;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<FKO> h() {
VsT vsT = this.i.a;
if (vsT != null && !vsT.c.isEmpty()) {
return AbstractC13163fSk.just(new FKO(vlU.d(vsT.c, new SME(this.h), new ABo())));
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.getEasycashInstitutionsList().map(new fSS() { // from class: o.hXT
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return (VsT) ((SingleDataEntity) obj).getData();
final NwG nwG = this.i;
AbstractC13163fSk doOnNext = map.doOnNext(new fSQ(nwG) { // from class: o.LUa
private NwG a;
@Override // o.fSQ
public final void c(Object obj) {
this.a.a = (VsT) obj;
this.a = nwG;
final vlU vlu = this.h;
return doOnNext.map(new fSS(vlu) { // from class: o.drg
private vlU b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return new FKO(vlU.d(((VsT) obj).c, new SME(this.b), new ABo()));
this.b = vlu;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<C16387nrD> e(BQD bqd) {
RXA rxa = this.e;
bqd.h = this.x;
return rxa.a.getTermsConditionsRequiredDocument(bqd.b, bqd.e, bqd.c, bqd.g, bqd.h, bqd.d).map(new UZJ()).map(new C3789bGr());
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> e(zIK zik) {
zik.s = this.x;
return this.e.a.postCustomerContactInformation(zik).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.nTx
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<Boolean> a(zIK zik) {
zik.s = this.x;
return this.e.a.saveCustomerContactInformation(zik).map(new fSS() { // from class: o.XSD
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<AnN> c(gAX gax) {
String str = this.x;
C14957gcv.e(str, "");
gax.n = str;
KZS kzs = this.k;
C14957gcv.e(gax, "");
return kzs.e.sendMortgageRequestInfo(gax).map(new Jsb()).map(new Tdn());
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<GUJ> c(lga lgaVar) {
lgaVar.e = this.x;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.verifyCommercialReferral(lgaVar).map(new zlP());
C17221utM c17221utM = this.t;
return map.map(new orw(c17221utM));
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<GUJ> c(C13367fYf c13367fYf) {
c13367fYf.b = this.x;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.verifyNTBReferral(c13367fYf).map(new zlP());
final C17221utM c17221utM = this.t;
return map.map(new fSS(c17221utM) { // from class: o.TVg
private C17221utM b;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
C17221utM c17221utM2 = this.b;
oPD opd = (oPD) obj;
if (opd.b == null || opd.b.e == null || opd.b.b == null || opd.b.c == null) {
throw new EntityMappingException("EasycashReferralVerificationEntity: some field is null", null);
if (opd.e != null) {
GUJ.HBt hBt = new GUJ.HBt();
hBt.a = c17221utM2.d(opd.e);
hBt.d = C17221utM.b(opd.b);
return new GUJ(hBt, (byte) 0);
throw new EntityMappingException("EasycashConsentDocumentEntity: is null", null);
this.b = c17221utM;
@Override // o.yQF
public final AbstractC13163fSk<GUJ> b(lga lgaVar) {
lgaVar.e = this.x;
AbstractC13163fSk<R> map = this.e.a.verifyReferral(lgaVar).map(new zlP());
C17221utM c17221utM = this.t;
return map.map(new orw(c17221utM));