
334 lines
16 KiB
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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package o;
import com.scb.phone.data.entity.transfer.SingleDataEntity;
import com.scb.phone.data.network.api.financialmall.LoanCreditCardProductTilesApi;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class Ooe implements InterfaceC16040kff {
private final String c;
final ALD d;
private final LoanCreditCardProductTilesApi e;
public Ooe(String str, LoanCreditCardProductTilesApi loanCreditCardProductTilesApi, ALD ald) {
C14957gcv.e(str, "");
C14957gcv.e(loanCreditCardProductTilesApi, "");
C14957gcv.e(ald, "");
this.c = str;
this.e = loanCreditCardProductTilesApi;
this.d = ald;
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
static final class LWm extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14894gbR<SingleDataEntity<wNP>, yjM> {
private Ooe b;
@Override // o.InterfaceC14894gbR
public final /* synthetic */ yjM invoke(SingleDataEntity<wNP> singleDataEntity) {
C14851gaI c14851gaI;
Iterator it;
Ztz ztz;
String str;
ArrayList arrayList;
int i;
String str2;
String str3;
String str4;
C15683hjH c15683hjH;
C14851gaI c14851gaI2;
boolean z;
String str5;
String str6;
String str7;
String str8;
String str9;
String str10;
String str11;
String str12;
NCW ncw;
int i2;
String str13;
String str14;
String str15;
ArrayList arrayList2;
CgE cgE;
C14851gaI c14851gaI3;
String str16;
boolean z2;
String str17;
Sgj sgj;
ALD ald = this.b.d;
wNP data = singleDataEntity.getData();
String str18 = "";
C14957gcv.c(data, "");
wNP wnp = data;
C14957gcv.e(wnp, "");
List<C17652yeD> list = wnp.e;
if (list != null) {
List<C17652yeD> list2 = list;
Ztz ztz2 = ald.a;
C14957gcv.e(list2, "");
ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(list2 instanceof Collection ? list2.size() : 10);
Iterator it2 = list2.iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()) {
C17652yeD c17652yeD = (C17652yeD) it2.next();
C14957gcv.e(c17652yeD, str18);
Integer num = c17652yeD.e;
int intValue = num != null ? num.intValue() : -1;
String str19 = c17652yeD.d;
String str20 = str19 == null ? str18 : str19;
String str21 = c17652yeD.a;
String str22 = str21 == null ? str18 : str21;
String str23 = c17652yeD.c;
String str24 = str23 == null ? str18 : str23;
GzW gzW = c17652yeD.b;
if (gzW != null) {
FhM fhM = ztz2.e;
C14957gcv.e(gzW, str18);
List<nWU> list3 = gzW.c;
if (list3 != null) {
List<nWU> list4 = list3;
NCW ncw2 = fhM.d;
C14957gcv.e(list4, str18);
ArrayList arrayList4 = new ArrayList(list4 instanceof Collection ? list4.size() : 10);
Iterator it3 = list4.iterator();
while (it3.hasNext()) {
nWU nwu = (nWU) it3.next();
C14957gcv.e(nwu, str18);
String str25 = nwu.i;
Integer num2 = nwu.h;
int intValue2 = num2 != null ? num2.intValue() : -1;
String str26 = nwu.k;
String str27 = str26 == null ? str18 : str26;
String str28 = nwu.f9223o;
String str29 = str28 == null ? str18 : str28;
String str30 = nwu.l;
String str31 = str30 == null ? str18 : str30;
String str32 = nwu.d;
String str33 = nwu.f;
Iterator it4 = it2;
Boolean bool = nwu.c;
boolean booleanValue = bool != null ? bool.booleanValue() : false;
String str34 = nwu.j;
Ztz ztz3 = ztz2;
String str35 = nwu.g;
Iterator it5 = it3;
String str36 = nwu.e;
ArrayList arrayList5 = arrayList3;
String str37 = nwu.b;
String str38 = str24;
String str39 = nwu.n;
KHE khe = nwu.a;
if (khe != null) {
str14 = str22;
FNR fnr = ncw2.c;
C14957gcv.e(khe, str18);
ncw = ncw2;
String str40 = khe.a;
str13 = str20;
String str41 = khe.d;
List<C0514Ijg> list5 = khe.c;
if (list5 != null) {
List<C0514Ijg> list6 = list5;
Oti oti = fnr.e;
i2 = intValue;
C14957gcv.e(list6, str18);
arrayList2 = arrayList4;
ArrayList arrayList6 = new ArrayList(list6 instanceof Collection ? list6.size() : 10);
Iterator it6 = list6.iterator();
while (it6.hasNext()) {
C0514Ijg c0514Ijg = (C0514Ijg) it6.next();
C14957gcv.e(c0514Ijg, str18);
Iterator it7 = it6;
String str42 = c0514Ijg.j;
String str43 = str39;
Integer num3 = c0514Ijg.g;
int intValue3 = num3 != null ? num3.intValue() : -1;
String str44 = c0514Ijg.n;
String str45 = str44 == null ? str18 : str44;
String str46 = c0514Ijg.l;
String str47 = str46 == null ? str18 : str46;
String str48 = c0514Ijg.k;
String str49 = str48 == null ? str18 : str48;
String str50 = c0514Ijg.a;
String str51 = str37;
String str52 = c0514Ijg.i;
String str53 = str36;
Boolean bool2 = c0514Ijg.d;
if (bool2 != null) {
z2 = bool2.booleanValue();
str16 = str35;
} else {
str16 = str35;
z2 = false;
String str54 = c0514Ijg.f;
String str55 = str34;
String str56 = c0514Ijg.h;
String str57 = str33;
String str58 = c0514Ijg.e;
String str59 = str32;
String str60 = c0514Ijg.c;
String str61 = str25;
String str62 = c0514Ijg.f8213o;
AoN aoN = c0514Ijg.b;
boolean z3 = booleanValue;
if (aoN != null) {
eME eme = oti.c;
C14957gcv.e(aoN, str18);
str17 = str18;
sgj = new Sgj(aoN.c, aoN.d);
} else {
str17 = str18;
sgj = null;
arrayList6.add(new QSB(str42, intValue3, str45, str47, str49, str50, str52, Boolean.valueOf(z2), str54, str56, str58, str60, str62, sgj));
it6 = it7;
str32 = str59;
str33 = str57;
str25 = str61;
str34 = str55;
str35 = str16;
str36 = str53;
str37 = str51;
str39 = str43;
booleanValue = z3;
str18 = str17;
z = booleanValue;
str5 = str34;
str6 = str35;
str7 = str18;
str8 = str37;
str9 = str36;
str10 = str25;
str11 = str32;
str12 = str33;
str15 = str39;
c14851gaI3 = arrayList6;
} else {
z = booleanValue;
str5 = str34;
str6 = str35;
str7 = str18;
str8 = str37;
str9 = str36;
str10 = str25;
str11 = str32;
str12 = str33;
i2 = intValue;
str15 = str39;
arrayList2 = arrayList4;
c14851gaI3 = C14851gaI.c;
cgE = new CgE(str40, str41, c14851gaI3);
} else {
z = booleanValue;
str5 = str34;
str6 = str35;
str7 = str18;
str8 = str37;
str9 = str36;
str10 = str25;
str11 = str32;
str12 = str33;
ncw = ncw2;
i2 = intValue;
str13 = str20;
str14 = str22;
str15 = str39;
arrayList2 = arrayList4;
cgE = null;
arrayList4 = arrayList2;
arrayList4.add(new jph(str10, intValue2, str27, str29, str31, str11, str12, Boolean.valueOf(z), str5, str6, str9, str8, str15, cgE));
it2 = it4;
ztz2 = ztz3;
it3 = it5;
arrayList3 = arrayList5;
str24 = str38;
str22 = str14;
ncw2 = ncw;
str20 = str13;
intValue = i2;
str18 = str7;
it = it2;
ztz = ztz2;
str = str18;
arrayList = arrayList3;
i = intValue;
str2 = str20;
str3 = str22;
str4 = str24;
c14851gaI2 = arrayList4;
} else {
it = it2;
ztz = ztz2;
str = str18;
arrayList = arrayList3;
i = intValue;
str2 = str20;
str3 = str22;
str4 = str24;
c14851gaI2 = C14851gaI.c;
c15683hjH = new C15683hjH(c14851gaI2);
} else {
it = it2;
ztz = ztz2;
str = str18;
arrayList = arrayList3;
i = intValue;
str2 = str20;
str3 = str22;
str4 = str24;
c15683hjH = null;
arrayList3 = arrayList;
arrayList3.add(new C17502xMb(i, str2, str3, str4, c15683hjH));
it2 = it;
ztz2 = ztz;
str18 = str;
c14851gaI = arrayList3;
} else {
c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c;
return new yjM(c14851gaI);
/* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
LWm(Ooe ooe) {
this.b = ooe;
@Override // o.InterfaceC16040kff
public final AbstractC13175fSw<yjM> d() {
AbstractC13175fSw<SingleDataEntity<wNP>> loanCreditCardProductTiles = this.e.getLoanCreditCardProductTiles(this.c);
final LWm lWm = new LWm(this);
C13372fYk c13372fYk = new C13372fYk(loanCreditCardProductTiles, new fSS(lWm) { // from class: o.eJj
private InterfaceC14894gbR a;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
InterfaceC14894gbR interfaceC14894gbR = this.a;
C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14894gbR, "");
return (yjM) interfaceC14894gbR.invoke(obj);
this.a = lWm;
C14957gcv.c(c13372fYk, "");
return c13372fYk;