182 lines
6.6 KiB
182 lines
6.6 KiB
package o;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.threeten.bp.DateTimeException;
import org.threeten.bp.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
/* renamed from: o.gsU, reason: case insensitive filesystem */
/* loaded from: classes6.dex */
public final class C15503gsU extends gsT implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 275618735781L;
private final gsR chronology;
private final int days;
private final int months;
private final int years;
public C15503gsU(gsR gsr, int i, int i2, int i3) {
this.chronology = gsr;
this.years = i;
this.months = i2;
this.days = i3;
@Override // o.gsT, o.gtN
public final long get(InterfaceC15539gtV interfaceC15539gtV) {
int i;
if (interfaceC15539gtV == gtH.YEARS) {
i = this.years;
} else if (interfaceC15539gtV == gtH.MONTHS) {
i = this.months;
} else {
if (interfaceC15539gtV != gtH.DAYS) {
throw new UnsupportedTemporalTypeException("Unsupported unit: ".concat(String.valueOf(interfaceC15539gtV)));
i = this.days;
return i;
@Override // o.gsT, o.gtN
public final List<InterfaceC15539gtV> getUnits() {
return Collections.unmodifiableList(Arrays.asList(gtH.YEARS, gtH.MONTHS, gtH.DAYS));
@Override // o.gsT
public final gsT plus(gtN gtn) {
if (gtn instanceof C15503gsU) {
C15503gsU c15503gsU = (C15503gsU) gtn;
if (c15503gsU.getChronology().equals(getChronology())) {
return new C15503gsU(this.chronology, gtG.safeAdd(this.years, c15503gsU.years), gtG.safeAdd(this.months, c15503gsU.months), gtG.safeAdd(this.days, c15503gsU.days));
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to add amount: ".concat(String.valueOf(gtn)));
@Override // o.gsT
public final gsT minus(gtN gtn) {
if (gtn instanceof C15503gsU) {
C15503gsU c15503gsU = (C15503gsU) gtn;
if (c15503gsU.getChronology().equals(getChronology())) {
return new C15503gsU(this.chronology, gtG.safeSubtract(this.years, c15503gsU.years), gtG.safeSubtract(this.months, c15503gsU.months), gtG.safeSubtract(this.days, c15503gsU.days));
throw new DateTimeException("Unable to subtract amount: ".concat(String.valueOf(gtn)));
@Override // o.gsT
public final gsT multipliedBy(int i) {
return new C15503gsU(this.chronology, gtG.safeMultiply(this.years, i), gtG.safeMultiply(this.months, i), gtG.safeMultiply(this.days, i));
@Override // o.gsT
public final gsT normalized() {
if (!this.chronology.range(EnumC15534gtD.MONTH_OF_YEAR).isFixed()) {
return this;
long maximum = (this.chronology.range(EnumC15534gtD.MONTH_OF_YEAR).getMaximum() - this.chronology.range(EnumC15534gtD.MONTH_OF_YEAR).getMinimum()) + 1;
long j = (this.years * maximum) + this.months;
return new C15503gsU(this.chronology, gtG.safeToInt(j / maximum), gtG.safeToInt(j % maximum), this.days);
@Override // o.gsT, o.gtN
public final InterfaceC15536gtL addTo(InterfaceC15536gtL interfaceC15536gtL) {
gtG.requireNonNull(interfaceC15536gtL, "temporal");
gsR gsr = (gsR) interfaceC15536gtL.query(gtM.chronology());
if (gsr != null && !this.chronology.equals(gsr)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Invalid chronology, required: ");
sb.append(", but was: ");
throw new DateTimeException(sb.toString());
int i = this.years;
if (i != 0) {
interfaceC15536gtL = interfaceC15536gtL.plus(i, gtH.YEARS);
int i2 = this.months;
if (i2 != 0) {
interfaceC15536gtL = interfaceC15536gtL.plus(i2, gtH.MONTHS);
int i3 = this.days;
return i3 != 0 ? interfaceC15536gtL.plus(i3, gtH.DAYS) : interfaceC15536gtL;
@Override // o.gsT, o.gtN
public final InterfaceC15536gtL subtractFrom(InterfaceC15536gtL interfaceC15536gtL) {
gtG.requireNonNull(interfaceC15536gtL, "temporal");
gsR gsr = (gsR) interfaceC15536gtL.query(gtM.chronology());
if (gsr != null && !this.chronology.equals(gsr)) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Invalid chronology, required: ");
sb.append(", but was: ");
throw new DateTimeException(sb.toString());
int i = this.years;
if (i != 0) {
interfaceC15536gtL = interfaceC15536gtL.minus(i, gtH.YEARS);
int i2 = this.months;
if (i2 != 0) {
interfaceC15536gtL = interfaceC15536gtL.minus(i2, gtH.MONTHS);
int i3 = this.days;
return i3 != 0 ? interfaceC15536gtL.minus(i3, gtH.DAYS) : interfaceC15536gtL;
@Override // o.gsT
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof C15503gsU)) {
return false;
C15503gsU c15503gsU = (C15503gsU) obj;
return this.years == c15503gsU.years && this.months == c15503gsU.months && this.days == c15503gsU.days && this.chronology.equals(c15503gsU.chronology);
@Override // o.gsT
public final int hashCode() {
return this.chronology.hashCode() + Integer.rotateLeft(this.years, 16) + Integer.rotateLeft(this.months, 8) + this.days;
@Override // o.gsT
public final String toString() {
if (isZero()) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" P0D");
return sb.toString();
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder();
sb2.append(" P");
int i = this.years;
if (i != 0) {
int i2 = this.months;
if (i2 != 0) {
int i3 = this.days;
if (i3 != 0) {
return sb2.toString();
@Override // o.gsT
public final gsR getChronology() {
return this.chronology;