477 lines
34 KiB
477 lines
34 KiB
package com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement;
import android.content.Context;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.ImageFormat;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.media.AudioTrack;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.AndroidCharacter;
import android.util.TypedValue;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory;
import com.google.common.base.Ascii;
import com.kofax.mobile.sdk._internal.impl.extraction.kta.KtaJsonExactionHelper;
import com.scb.phone.R;
import com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivityWithFragment;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISO7816;
import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISOFileInfo;
import o.C13073fPt;
import o.InterfaceC11603eiU;
import o.InterfaceC17278vUG;
import o.fPA;
import o.xzZ;
import okhttp3.internal.http2.Http2Connection;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.signers.PSSSigner;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.CipherSuite;
/* loaded from: classes5.dex */
public abstract class Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity extends BaseActivityWithFragment implements fPA {
private static short[] t;
private volatile C13073fPt k;
private static final byte[] $$p = {55, PSSSigner.TRAILER_IMPLICIT, ISOFileInfo.LCS_BYTE, Ascii.SYN};
private static final int $$q = 84;
private static int $10 = 0;
private static int $11 = 1;
private static int x = 0;
private static int v = 1;
private static int l = -377291918;
private static int m = 1406017095;
private static int s = 2061480306;
private static byte[] r = {-43, Ascii.NAK, Ascii.ESC, Ascii.ETB, -31, -24, 55, 55, -82, 17, 84, -33, -18, -17, -24, Ascii.ESC, -29, Ascii.CAN, -43, -22, 19, ISO7816.INS_CREATE_FILE, 6, -21, -17, -24, -23, Ascii.NAK, 58, ISO7816.INS_LOAD_KEY_FILE, 19, 28, -26, Ascii.NAK, -24, 7, -53, ISO7816.INS_PUT_DATA, 56, ISO7816.INS_GET_RESPONSE, 59, -23, 16, Ascii.ETB, -59, Ascii.NAK, -24, -22, 32, -20, Ascii.SYN, 17, Ascii.NAK, ISO7816.INS_LOAD_KEY_FILE, 62, -61, 59, -57, 56, -59, 56, -51, 56, Ascii.DC4, -18, 19, -22, -60, 63, 16, -60, 58, -57, 58, -20, ISO7816.INS_ENVELOPE, Ascii.DC4, -18, Ascii.SYN, 37, -60, 59, -24, 19, -5, 17, -22, 57, -21, Ascii.DC2, -37, 62, -61, 56, -24, ISO7816.INS_GET_RESPONSE, 57, -60, 59, -63, Ascii.ETB, 57, 16, -23, -22, ISO7816.INS_GET_RESPONSE, -22, 57, -63, Ascii.NAK, 63, Ascii.SYN, -63, 57, -21, Ascii.NAK, -22, 29, ISO7816.INS_APPEND_RECORD, Ascii.DC2, ISO7816.INS_PUT_DATA, 38, -17, Ascii.SYN, -22, -58, 62, -58, ISO7816.INS_CHANGE_CHV, Ascii.DC4, -24, -21, 16, -17, Ascii.DC4, 17, -23, 17, -24, -59, 57, 16, -57, 57, -60, 58, -63, -24, -5, -63, 62, Ascii.SYN, -63, -18, 16, ISO7816.INS_CHANGE_CHV, -33, 35, ISO7816.INS_APPEND_RECORD, Ascii.SYN, -21, 19, ISO7816.INS_LOAD_KEY_FILE, Ascii.SYN, -24, 58, -58, -24, 38, -21, 16, -18, 17, Ascii.NAK, -22, -24, Ascii.NAK, -63, -22, 59, -59, 62, Ascii.SYN, -21, -58, -22, 59, ISO7816.INS_GET_RESPONSE, ISO7816.INS_CHANGE_CHV, -18, Ascii.DC2, -22, Ascii.DC4, -33, 17, Ascii.DC4, 60, 29, -23, -57, -24, 39, -17, Ascii.DC2, ISO7816.INS_LOAD_KEY_FILE, Ascii.NAK, 39, -57, 59, Ascii.SYN, -19, ISO7816.INS_ENVELOPE, -90, Ascii.ETB, -29, Ascii.US, ISO7816.INS_CREATE_FILE, -57, 33, -23, Ascii.DC4, -22, -57, -21, 59, -61, 58, ISO7816.INS_PUT_DATA, ISO7816.INS_CHANGE_CHV, 16, -33, -21, Ascii.SYN, Ascii.DC4, 33, -23, Ascii.NAK, -22, -21, Ascii.DC2, -34, -24, 32, -17, 28, -24, -23, -18, ISO7816.INS_GET_RESPONSE, 37, Ascii.ETB, -60, -23};
private static char[] p = {34615, 49330, 2093, 20864, 39290, 2451, 19981, 34484, 57139, 6105, 27726, 42224, 64811, 13595, 36251, 49704, 6887, 21375, 43980, 57448, 14564, 28820, 51514, 436, 17992, 40690, 55167, 12278, 26512, 48139, 62655, 36794, 51255, 132, 22801, 37349, 59965, 8859, 31498, 45865, 2978, 17433, 40068, 54653, 11744, 26193, 48832, 63143, 20225, 34691, 49272, 6375, 20827, 43462, 57780, 14884, 29328, 52038, 1005, 23654, 38093, 60745, 9532, 32134, 46592, 3825, 18290, 40898, 55305, 4147, 26800, 41243, 63897, 12924, 35578, 49999, 7130, 21437, 44095, 58503, 15677, 30179, 52830, 1739, 24312, 38693, 61317, 10243, 24756, 47457, 61911, 19017, 33338, 55999, 4873, 27581, 42101, 64642, 13582, 36147, 50609, 7697, 22155, 44910, 59384};
private static long q = -6927866784238876605L;
/* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */
private final Object f7807o = new Object();
boolean b = false;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x0023 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:7:0x001b */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:10:0x0023 -> B:4:0x002a). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static void aC(int r7, short r8, short r9, java.lang.Object[] r10) {
int r9 = r9 * 3
int r9 = 1 - r9
int r8 = r8 + 98
int r7 = r7 + 4
byte[] r0 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.$$p
byte[] r1 = new byte[r9]
r2 = 0
if (r0 != 0) goto L13
r8 = r7
r3 = r9
r4 = r2
goto L2a
r3 = r2
int r4 = r3 + 1
byte r5 = (byte) r8
r1[r3] = r5
if (r4 != r9) goto L23
java.lang.String r7 = new java.lang.String
r7.<init>(r1, r2)
r10[r2] = r7
int r7 = r7 + 1
r3 = r0[r7]
r6 = r8
r8 = r7
r7 = r6
int r3 = -r3
int r7 = r7 + r3
r3 = r4
r6 = r8
r8 = r7
r7 = r6
goto L14
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.aC(int, short, short, java.lang.Object[]):void");
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: package-private */
public Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity() {
addOnContextAvailableListener(new InterfaceC17278vUG(this) { // from class: com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.3
private Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity a;
this.a = this;
@Override // o.InterfaceC17278vUG
public final void a(Context context) {
Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity = this.a;
if (hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.b) {
hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.b = true;
((InterfaceC11603eiU) hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.y_()).b((PrivacyConsentActivity) hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity);
@Override // o.fPC
public final Object y_() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = v + 109;
x = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
Object y_ = j().y_();
int i4 = v + 23;
x = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
return y_;
private C13073fPt j() {
if (this.k == null) {
synchronized (this.f7807o) {
if (this.k == null) {
this.k = new C13073fPt(this);
return this.k;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:11:0x003f, code lost:
r3 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.x + 27;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.v = r3 % 128;
r3 = r3 % 2;
r3 = getIntent().getExtras();
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:13:0x003d, code lost:
if (getIntent() != null) goto L9;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0026, code lost:
if (getIntent() != null) goto L9;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:5:0x0051, code lost:
r3 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.x + 47;
com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.v = r3 % 128;
r3 = r3 % 2;
r3 = null;
@Override // androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, o.GvH
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public o.VLM.LWm getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory() {
r5 = this;
r0 = 2
int r1 = r0 % r0
int r1 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.v
int r1 = r1 + 5
int r2 = r1 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.x = r2
int r1 = r1 % r0
if (r1 == 0) goto L29
o.VLM$LWm r1 = super.getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory()
java.lang.Class<o.fPo$Sts> r2 = o.C13068fPo.Sts.class
java.lang.Object r2 = o.fOV.c(r5, r2)
o.fPo$Sts r2 = (o.C13068fPo.Sts) r2
o.fPo$LWm r2 = r2.a()
android.content.Intent r3 = r5.getIntent()
r4 = 46
int r4 = r4 / 0
if (r3 == 0) goto L51
goto L3f
o.VLM$LWm r1 = super.getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory()
java.lang.Class<o.fPo$Sts> r2 = o.C13068fPo.Sts.class
java.lang.Object r2 = o.fOV.c(r5, r2)
o.fPo$Sts r2 = (o.C13068fPo.Sts) r2
o.fPo$LWm r2 = r2.a()
android.content.Intent r3 = r5.getIntent()
if (r3 == 0) goto L51
int r3 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.x
int r3 = r3 + 27
int r4 = r3 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.v = r4
int r3 = r3 % r0
android.content.Intent r3 = r5.getIntent()
android.os.Bundle r3 = r3.getExtras()
goto L5b
int r3 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.x
int r3 = r3 + 47
int r4 = r3 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.v = r4
int r3 = r3 % r0
r3 = 0
o.VLM$LWm r1 = r2.aBN_(r5, r3, r1)
int r2 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.x
int r2 = r2 + 79
int r3 = r2 % 128
com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.v = r3
int r2 = r2 % r0
if (r2 != 0) goto L6e
r0 = 98
int r0 = r0 / 0
return r1
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.getDefaultViewModelProviderFactory():o.VLM$LWm");
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:28:0x020c */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:30:0x020d */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static void aB(int r21, int r22, char r23, java.lang.Object[] r24) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 534
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.aB(int, int, char, java.lang.Object[]):void");
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivityWithFragment, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
ay((short) Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(0, 0), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion + 1169365623, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 117, (-689024774) - Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(0, 0), (byte) (TypedValue.complexToFraction(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (TypedValue.complexToFraction(0, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
aB(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 34, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.fill_information_title_breadcrumb_en).substring(0, 19).length() - 14, (char) (2232 - AndroidCharacter.getMirror('0')), objArr2);
int intValue = ((Integer) cls.getDeclaredMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).intValue() % 100000;
if (intValue < 99000 || intValue > 99999) {
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
if (baseContext == null) {
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
aB(5 - KeyEvent.getDeadChar(0, 0), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().length() + 13, (char) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.debit_card_request_promo_code_success_title).substring(4, 8).length() + 34332), objArr3);
Class<?> cls2 = Class.forName((String) objArr3[0]);
Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hml_business_url_delete_string_popup_description).substring(28, 29).codePointAt(0) - 32), (TypedValue.complexToFloat(0) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (TypedValue.complexToFloat(0) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 1169365675, (-83) - (ViewConfiguration.getFadingEdgeLength() >> 16), (-689024772) - Color.argb(0, 0, 0, 0), (byte) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.switch_on_description).substring(4, 5).codePointAt(0) - 32), objArr4);
baseContext = (Context) cls2.getMethod((String) objArr4[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
int i2 = v + 87;
x = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
if (baseContext != null) {
try {
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj == null) {
obj = ((Class) xzZ.c(492 - (ViewConfiguration.getFadingEdgeLength() >> 16), 5 - View.getDefaultSize(0, 0), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout() >> 16))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.easycash_mcmc_feature_information_increase_loan_limit).substring(23, 24).length() - 1), 1169365659 + ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion, KeyEvent.normalizeMetaState(0) - 83, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.addition_document_image_attached).substring(0, 3).codePointAt(1) - 689024922, (byte) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.prepaid_travel_thb_currency).substring(0, 3).codePointAt(1) - 72), objArr5);
String str = (String) objArr5[0];
Object[] objArr6 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.deejung_installment_cc_about).substring(30, 31).length() - 1), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.security_block_screen_casting_description).substring(136, CipherSuite.TLS_DH_anon_WITH_CAMELLIA_256_CBC_SHA).length() + 1169365740, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().length() - 96, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.liveness_permission_camera_title).substring(3, 4).length() - 689024771, (byte) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 34), objArr6);
String str2 = (String) objArr6[0];
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.investment_information_footer).substring(212, 213).codePointAt(0) - 32), (ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() >> 16) + 1169365805, (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) - 84, (-689024775) - ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(0L), (byte) (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarSize() >> 8), objArr7);
String str3 = (String) objArr7[0];
Object[] objArr8 = new Object[1];
aB((AudioTrack.getMinVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMinVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 31, Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(0, 0) + 74, (char) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.juristic_request_form_eligibility_info_description_3).substring(0, 3).codePointAt(1) - 46), objArr8);
String str4 = (String) objArr8[0];
Object[] objArr9 = new Object[1];
ay((short) ((ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) - 1), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.prepaid_conversion_review_remarks).substring(61, 62).codePointAt(0) + 1169365835, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.FaceTec_camera_permission_message_auth).substring(34, 35).length() - 84, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().length() - 689024827, (byte) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 34), objArr9);
String str5 = (String) objArr9[0];
Object[] objArr10 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.auto_app_outcome_counter_teaser_desc).substring(79, 80).length() - 1), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.e_document_description_mhmc).substring(65, 66).codePointAt(0) + 1169365842, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.request_money_web_view_new).substring(0, 329).codePointAt(CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_PSK_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA) - 150, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.manage_email_otp_sent_body).substring(3, 4).length() - 689024771, (byte) (ViewConfiguration.getDoubleTapTimeout() >> 16), objArr10);
Object[] objArr11 = {baseContext, str, str2, str3, str4, true, str5, (String) objArr10[0]};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1656189573);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(487 - (ViewConfiguration.getJumpTapTimeout() >> 16), 5 - ((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6), (char) ((SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) - 1))).getMethod("e", Context.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE, String.class, String.class);
xzZ.y.put(1656189573, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr11);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
int i4 = x + 99;
v = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivityWithFragment, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onResume() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
if (baseContext == null) {
int i2 = x + 97;
v = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
aB(Color.green(0) + 5, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().length() + 13, (char) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.account_summary_my_investment_message).substring(0, 1).length() + 34335), objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.risk_level).substring(0, 1).codePointAt(0) - 40), 1169365675 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 117, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.idp_selected_account_limit).substring(0, 4).codePointAt(0) - 689024819, (byte) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 34), objArr2);
baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
int i4 = x + 21;
v = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
int i6 = x + 85;
v = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
if (baseContext != null) {
int i8 = x + 37;
v = i8 % 128;
int i9 = i8 % 2;
try {
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj == null) {
obj = ((Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 491, (ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() >> 16) + 5, (char) (ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() >> 16))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1378719468);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8) + 487, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8), (char) ((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6))).getMethod(KtaJsonExactionHelper.OBJECT, Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1378719468, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr3);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x0298 */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static void ay(short r21, int r22, int r23, int r24, byte r25, java.lang.Object[] r26) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 773
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.ay(short, int, int, int, byte, java.lang.Object[]):void");
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivityWithFragment, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onPause() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
Object obj = null;
if (baseContext == null) {
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
aB(Color.green(0) + 5, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.terms_and_conditions_link_not_clickable_right).substring(0, 1).length() + 25, (char) (Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(0, 0) + 34336), objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
ay((short) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 34), ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion + 1169365641, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 117, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.debit_value).substring(0, 3).length() - 689024775, (byte) (((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.auto_single_form_select_account_disclaimer).substring(89, 90).length() - 1), objArr2);
baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
if (baseContext != null) {
try {
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(492 - (ViewConfiguration.getWindowTouchSlop() >> 8), ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(0) + 6, (char) (Color.rgb(0, 0, 0) + Http2Connection.OKHTTP_CLIENT_WINDOW_SIZE))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj2);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1633456013);
if (obj3 == null) {
obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(487 - (Process.myTid() >> 22), (PointF.length(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (PointF.length(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 5, (char) ((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6))).getMethod("c", Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1633456013, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(invoke, objArr3);
int i2 = x + 121;
v = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
int i3 = 4 % 2;
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
int i4 = v + 5;
x = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:4:0x0081, code lost:
if (r2 > 99999) goto L6;
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivityWithFragment, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity, android.view.ContextThemeWrapper, android.content.ContextWrapper
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public void attachBaseContext(android.content.Context r25) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 658
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.privacymanagement.Hilt_PrivacyConsentActivity.attachBaseContext(android.content.Context):void");
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivityWithFragment, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onStart() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = x + 3;
v = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (i3 == 0) {
throw null;
int i4 = x + 61;
v = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;