629 lines
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629 lines
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package com.scb.phone.view.activity.easycash;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.graphics.ImageFormat;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable;
import android.media.AudioTrack;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Process;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.KeyEvent;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import butterknife.ButterKnife;
import com.google.android.gms.maps.model.BitmapDescriptorFactory;
import com.kofax.mobile.sdk._internal.impl.extraction.kta.KtaJsonExactionHelper;
import com.scb.phone.R;
import com.scb.phone.view.fragment.easycash.EasycashSuccessFragment;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.sf.scuba.smartcards.ISOFileInfo;
import o.AbstractActivityC8372dJV;
import o.AbstractC13482fbE;
import o.C0613Kq;
import o.C0616Ks;
import o.C4593bdB;
import o.xzZ;
import o.zUI;
import org.bouncycastle.crypto.tls.CipherSuite;
import org.jnbis.internal.NistHelper;
/* loaded from: classes4.dex */
public class EasycashSuccessActivity extends AbstractActivityC8372dJV {
private static final byte[] $$g = {33, ISOFileInfo.ENV_TEMP_EF, -97, 85};
private static final int $$h = 32;
private static int $10 = 0;
private static int $11 = 1;
/* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */
private static int f7072o = 0;
private static int l = 1;
private static long m = -850882642806374347L;
private static int k = 2015661647;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:10:0x0025 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:7:0x001d */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:10:0x0025 -> B:4:0x002b). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
private static void az(short r6, short r7, int r8, java.lang.Object[] r9) {
byte[] r0 = com.scb.phone.view.activity.easycash.EasycashSuccessActivity.$$g
int r8 = r8 * 2
int r8 = 4 - r8
int r7 = r7 + 69
int r6 = r6 * 2
int r6 = 1 - r6
byte[] r1 = new byte[r6]
r2 = 0
if (r0 != 0) goto L15
r7 = r6
r3 = r8
r4 = r2
goto L2b
r3 = r2
byte r4 = (byte) r7
r1[r3] = r4
int r3 = r3 + 1
if (r3 != r6) goto L25
java.lang.String r6 = new java.lang.String
r6.<init>(r1, r2)
r9[r2] = r6
r4 = r0[r8]
r5 = r3
r3 = r8
r8 = r4
r4 = r5
int r7 = r7 + r8
int r8 = r3 + 1
r3 = r4
goto L16
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: com.scb.phone.view.activity.easycash.EasycashSuccessActivity.az(short, short, int, java.lang.Object[]):void");
public static void c(Context context, List<C0613Kq> list, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, String str7) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class<?>) EasycashSuccessActivity.class);
intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_EXTRA_DISPLAY", (ArrayList) list);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_PRODUCT_GROUP", str);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_PRODUCT_TYPE", str2);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_TRANSACTION_ID", str3);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_NCB_TRANSACTION_ID", str4);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_TRANSACTION_TIME", str5);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_REMAINING_BALANCE", str6);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_AMOUNT", str7);
int i2 = l + 91;
f7072o = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
public static void e(Context context, List<C0613Kq> list, String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, String str5, String str6, C0616Ks c0616Ks) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Intent intent = new Intent(context, (Class<?>) EasycashSuccessActivity.class);
intent.putParcelableArrayListExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_EXTRA_DISPLAY", (ArrayList) list);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_PRODUCT_GROUP", str);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_PRODUCT_TYPE", str2);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_TRANSACTION_ID", str3);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_NCB_TRANSACTION_ID", str4);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_TRANSACTION_TIME", str5);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_REMAINING_BALANCE", str6);
intent.putExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_DETAIL_DISPLAY", c0616Ks);
int i2 = l + 7;
f7072o = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 != 0) {
int i3 = 39 / 0;
private static void ax(char[] cArr, int i, Object[] objArr) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
C4593bdB c4593bdB = new C4593bdB();
c4593bdB.a = i;
int length = cArr.length;
long[] jArr = new long[length];
c4593bdB.e = 0;
while (c4593bdB.e < cArr.length) {
int i3 = $11 + 107;
$10 = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 != 0) {
int i4 = c4593bdB.e;
try {
Object[] objArr2 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr[c4593bdB.e]), c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(-1229953068);
if (obj == null) {
Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c(TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0, 0) + 403, (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getScrollFriction() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 4, (char) (21608 - (KeyEvent.getMaxKeyCode() >> 16)));
byte b = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
az(b, (byte) (b | 8), b, objArr3);
obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE, Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1229953068, obj);
jArr[i4] = ((Long) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).longValue() | (m / (-6958928035870403642L));
Object[] objArr4 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj2 == null) {
Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c((AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)) + 237, View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 5, (char) ((-1) - Process.getGidForName("")));
byte b2 = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
az(b2, (byte) (b2 | 9), b2, objArr5);
obj2 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr5[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
} else {
int i5 = c4593bdB.e;
Object[] objArr6 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr[c4593bdB.e]), c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(-1229953068);
if (obj3 == null) {
Class cls3 = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8) + 402, (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay() >> 16) + 5, (char) (Process.getGidForName("") + 21609));
byte b3 = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
az(b3, (byte) (b3 | 8), b3, objArr7);
obj3 = cls3.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Integer.TYPE, Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1229953068, obj3);
jArr[i5] = ((Long) ((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr6)).longValue() ^ (m ^ (-6958928035870403642L));
Object[] objArr8 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj4 == null) {
Class cls4 = (Class) xzZ.c(238 - TextUtils.indexOf("", "", 0, 0), 5 - Color.alpha(0), (char) (TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0') + 1));
byte b4 = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr9 = new Object[1];
az(b4, (byte) (b4 | 9), b4, objArr9);
obj4 = cls4.getMethod((String) objArr9[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj4);
((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr8);
char[] cArr2 = new char[length];
c4593bdB.e = 0;
while (c4593bdB.e < cArr.length) {
cArr2[c4593bdB.e] = (char) jArr[c4593bdB.e];
try {
Object[] objArr10 = {c4593bdB, c4593bdB};
Object obj5 = xzZ.y.get(-1143917229);
if (obj5 == null) {
Class cls5 = (Class) xzZ.c(238 - (Process.myPid() >> 22), 5 - Color.blue(0), (char) TextUtils.getOffsetBefore("", 0));
byte b5 = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr11 = new Object[1];
az(b5, (byte) (b5 | 9), b5, objArr11);
obj5 = cls5.getMethod((String) objArr11[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(-1143917229, obj5);
((Method) obj5).invoke(null, objArr10);
} catch (Throwable th2) {
Throwable cause2 = th2.getCause();
if (cause2 == null) {
throw th2;
throw cause2;
String str = new String(cArr2);
int i6 = $10 + 55;
$11 = i6 % 128;
if (i6 % 2 != 0) {
objArr[0] = str;
} else {
int i7 = 24 / 0;
objArr[0] = str;
private static void ay(int i, char[] cArr, int i2, boolean z, int i3, Object[] objArr) {
int i4 = 2 % 2;
zUI zui = new zUI();
char[] cArr2 = new char[i];
zui.d = 0;
while (zui.d < i) {
int i5 = $11 + 75;
$10 = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
zui.c = cArr[zui.d];
cArr2[zui.d] = (char) (i2 + zui.c);
int i7 = zui.d;
try {
Object[] objArr2 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr2[i7]), Integer.valueOf(k)};
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(880493502);
if (obj == null) {
Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c(143 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollDefaultDelay() >> 16), 8 - (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMaxVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (char) ((-1) - ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(0)));
byte b = (byte) 0;
byte b2 = b;
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
az(b, b2, b2, objArr3);
obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(880493502, obj);
cArr2[i7] = ((Character) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).charValue();
Object[] objArr4 = {zui, zui};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1294990079);
if (obj2 == null) {
Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(View.resolveSizeAndState(0, 0, 0) + 342, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getMaximumFlingVelocity() >> 16), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8));
byte b3 = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
az(b3, (byte) (b3 | 7), b3, objArr5);
obj2 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr5[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1294990079, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
if (i3 > 0) {
zui.a = i3;
char[] cArr3 = new char[i];
System.arraycopy(cArr2, 0, cArr3, 0, i);
System.arraycopy(cArr3, 0, cArr2, i - zui.a, zui.a);
System.arraycopy(cArr3, zui.a, cArr2, 0, i - zui.a);
if (!(!z)) {
char[] cArr4 = new char[i];
zui.d = 0;
while (zui.d < i) {
cArr4[zui.d] = cArr2[(i - zui.d) - 1];
try {
Object[] objArr6 = {zui, zui};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1294990079);
if (obj3 == null) {
Class cls3 = (Class) xzZ.c(Process.getGidForName("") + 343, 6 - (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getZoomControlsTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getTouchSlop() >> 8));
byte b4 = (byte) 0;
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
az(b4, (byte) (b4 | 7), b4, objArr7);
obj3 = cls3.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1294990079, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr6);
} catch (Throwable th2) {
Throwable cause2 = th2.getCause();
if (cause2 == null) {
throw th2;
throw cause2;
int i8 = $10 + 81;
$11 = i8 % 128;
int i9 = i8 % 2;
cArr2 = cArr4;
objArr[0] = new String(cArr2);
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC8372dJV, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onCreate(Bundle bundle) {
int i = 2 % 2;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5010, 62444, 54133, 45778, 37464, 29103, 20785, 12490, 4116, 61561, 55223, 46968, 38605, 30241, 21950, 13577, 5264, 62465}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().length() + 57444, objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5022, 24177, 34896, 64107, 9339}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.deposit_detail_interest_accrued).substring(16, 17).length() + 19962, objArr2);
int intValue = ((Integer) cls.getDeclaredMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).intValue() % 100000;
if (intValue < 99000 || intValue > 99999) {
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
if (baseContext == null) {
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
ay(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().codePointAt(11) - 84, new char[]{'\f', 15, 1, 11, 65534, 1, 65534, 2, 15, 5, 65521, 22, 17, 6, 19, 6, 17, 0, 65502, 65483, '\r', '\r', 65534, 65483, 1, 6}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion + CipherSuite.TLS_PSK_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384, true, 5 - KeyEvent.getDeadChar(0, 0), objArr3);
Class<?> cls2 = Class.forName((String) objArr3[0]);
Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5008, 41301, 30247, 3064, 55514, 28034, 9077, 61559, 34075, 23272, 61345, 48267, 29300, 1829, 54285, 27079, 16044, 62366}, Drawable.resolveOpacity(0, 0) + 45779, objArr4);
baseContext = (Context) cls2.getMethod((String) objArr4[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
int i2 = l + 21;
f7072o = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (baseContext != null) {
int i4 = f7072o + 33;
l = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
if (baseContext != null) {
try {
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj == null) {
obj = ((Class) xzZ.c(Drawable.resolveOpacity(0, 0) + 492, 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarFadeDuration() >> 16), (char) (PointF.length(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (PointF.length(BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED, BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED) == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
ay(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion + 14, new char[]{27, 65516, 65521, 27, 65516, 65515, 65521, 65516, 65517, 26, 65522, 31, 65519, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 65518, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 65522, 29, 65514, 65514, 65518, 65521, 65514, 31, 30, 27, 27, 65515, 65517, 65522, 65518, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 65521, 30, 65517, 65514, 65520, 65517, 27, 65516, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 31, 26, 27, 65522, 65515, 26, 65516}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hml_business_owner_review_loan_amount).substring(0, 5).length() + CipherSuite.TLS_DHE_PSK_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, false, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.fastpay_manage_qr_option_fastpay_description).substring(CipherSuite.TLS_DH_anon_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256).codePointAt(0) + 3, objArr5);
String str = (String) objArr5[0];
Object[] objArr6 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5014, 48410, 20179, 6199, 43497, 31526, 1157, 54791, 26574, 12581, 49839, 27708, 15685, 52938, 39006, 10727, 64373, 34044, 22020, 59280, 45388, 17058, 60512, 48570, 20168, 6230, 43485, 31545, 1269, 54901, 26505, 12574, 49828, 27695, 15792, 52883, 38986, 10716, 64307, 33980, 22141, 59346, 45404, 17052, 60450, 48557, 20287, 6164, 43399, 31568, 1203, 54901, 26540, 12556, 49812, 27724, 15779, 53091, 39100, 10690, 64337, 33934, 22072, 59299}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hml_offline_success_continue_to_register_ntb).substring(19, 20).length() + 44682, objArr6);
String str2 = (String) objArr6[0];
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5010, 33590, 12857, 41271, 20582, 50993, 30328, 58749, 37929, 2863, 47650, 10569, 55373, 20254, 65045, 27928, 7234, 45916, 8799, 53508, 16390, 63234, 26234, 5498, 33832, 15230, 43559, 22841, 51303, 32620, 61036, 40244, 3175, 41740, 21000, 49489, 28754, 59216, 38476, 1353, 46158, 11078, 55876, 18879, 63721, 28649, 7859, 36325, 15585, 54267, 17067, 61868, 24737, 6059, 34461, 13774, 42139, 23495, 51911, 31197, 59530, 40834, 3798, 48519}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.billpayment_bnpl_coin_more_detail_description_3_2).substring(0, 312).codePointAt(198) + 33488, objArr7);
String str3 = (String) objArr7[0];
Object[] objArr8 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5019, 22460, 39921, 57138, 876, 18158, 35518, 52801, 12888, 30089, 47580, 64791, 8532, 25955, 43172, 60651, 20518, 37994, 57270, 1019, 18190, 35656, 52867, 13023, 30229, 47707, 65059, 8638, 26095, 43310, 60796, 20663, 38119, 55307, 7236, 18321, 35787, 53082, 13142, 30587, 47786, 65266, 8761, 26217, 43430, 60889, 20744, 38228, 55430, 7318, 16406, 33885, 51298, 13291, 30688, 47918, 65394, 8959, 26308, 43524, 60992, 20889, 38346, 55554, 7452, 16766, 34039, 51373, 3130, 28770, 48052, 65472, 8991, 26451}, Color.rgb(0, 0, 0) + 16794683, objArr8);
String str4 = (String) objArr8[0];
Object[] objArr9 = new Object[1];
ay(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.crop_document_warning_missing_borders).substring(30, 31).codePointAt(0) - 27, new char[]{65532, 7, 65534, 65532, 6}, 154 - View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, 0), true, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.fragment_gift_tag).substring(0, 17).codePointAt(11) - 100, objArr9);
String str5 = (String) objArr9[0];
Object[] objArr10 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5014, 48199, 19563, 7352, 44227, 31971, 3385, 56592, 28022, 15800, 52625, 40369, 11885, 65039, 36449, 24250, 61074, 48871, 20260, 8029, 44853, 32751, 4062, 57341, 26681, 14429, 51299, 39141, 10376, 63671, 35174, 22797, 59751, 47539, 18824, 6537}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion + 44979, objArr10);
Object[] objArr11 = {baseContext, str, str2, str3, str4, true, str5, (String) objArr10[0]};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1656189573);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(Process.getGidForName("") + 488, ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(0L) + 6, (char) ((Process.getThreadPriority(0) + 20) >> 6))).getMethod("e", Context.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE, String.class, String.class);
xzZ.y.put(1656189573, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr11);
int i5 = l + 121;
f7072o = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
if (getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_EXTRA_DISPLAY") != null) {
AbstractC13482fbE a = getSupportFragmentManager().a();
a.b(R.id.fragment_container, EasycashSuccessFragment.b(getIntent().getParcelableArrayListExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_EXTRA_DISPLAY"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_PRODUCT_GROUP"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_PRODUCT_TYPE"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_TRANSACTION_ID"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_NCB_TRANSACTION_ID"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_TRANSACTION_TIME"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_REMAINING_BALANCE"), getIntent().getStringExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_AMOUNT"), (C0616Ks) getIntent().getParcelableExtra("com.scb.phone.SUCCESS_DETAIL_DISPLAY")), null, 1);
@Override // com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onDestroy() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = l + 103;
f7072o = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
if (i3 != 0) {
Object obj = null;
throw null;
int i4 = f7072o + 87;
l = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
int i5 = 22 / 0;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC8372dJV, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onResume() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
if (baseContext == null) {
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
ay(((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.ndid_service_status_terms_and_conditions_not_clickable_end).substring(0, 1).length() + 25, new char[]{'\f', 15, 1, 11, 65534, 1, 65534, 2, 15, 5, 65521, 22, 17, 6, 19, 6, 17, 0, 65502, 65483, '\r', '\r', 65534, 65483, 1, 6}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getPackageName().length() + CipherSuite.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_CAMELLIA_128_CBC_SHA256, true, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion - 29, objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5008, 41301, 30247, 3064, 55514, 28034, 9077, 61559, 34075, 23272, 61345, 48267, 29300, 1829, 54285, 27079, 16044, 62366}, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.auto_csent_sensitive_deny_message).substring(CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256, CipherSuite.TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384).length() + 45778, objArr2);
baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
int i2 = l + 79;
f7072o = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
int i4 = l + 117;
f7072o = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
if (baseContext != null) {
int i6 = l + 105;
f7072o = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
try {
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj == null) {
obj = ((Class) xzZ.c(((byte) KeyEvent.getModifierMetaStateMask()) + 493, 5 - (AudioTrack.getMinVolume() > BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 1 : (AudioTrack.getMinVolume() == BitmapDescriptorFactory.HUE_RED ? 0 : -1)), (char) (Process.myTid() >> 22))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1378719468);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(Color.argb(0, 0, 0, 0) + 487, 5 - View.getDefaultSize(0, 0), (char) KeyEvent.getDeadChar(0, 0))).getMethod(KtaJsonExactionHelper.OBJECT, Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1378719468, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr3);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC8372dJV, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onPause() {
int i = 2 % 2;
Context baseContext = getBaseContext();
Object obj = null;
if (baseContext == null) {
int i2 = f7072o + 79;
l = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
ay(TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0', 0, 0) + 27, new char[]{'\f', 15, 1, 11, 65534, 1, 65534, 2, 15, 5, 65521, 22, 17, 6, 19, 6, 17, 0, 65502, 65483, '\r', '\r', 65534, 65483, 1, 6}, 203 - (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatDelay() >> 16), true, ((Context) Class.forName("android.app.ActivityThread").getMethod("currentApplication", new Class[0]).invoke(null, null)).getApplicationContext().getResources().getString(R.string.hml_business_owner_monthly_income_about_subtitle).substring(108, 109).codePointAt(0) - 27, objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5008, 41301, 30247, 3064, 55514, 28034, 9077, 61559, 34075, 23272, 61345, 48267, 29300, 1829, 54285, 27079, 16044, 62366}, 45779 - TextUtils.getCapsMode("", 0, 0), objArr2);
baseContext = (Context) cls.getMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, null);
if (baseContext != null) {
int i4 = l + 23;
f7072o = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 != 0) {
throw null;
baseContext = baseContext.getApplicationContext();
if (baseContext != null) {
int i5 = l + 41;
f7072o = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
try {
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(TextUtils.indexOf((CharSequence) "", '0') + 493, (ViewConfiguration.getFadingEdgeLength() >> 16) + 5, (char) (((byte) KeyEvent.getModifierMetaStateMask()) + 1))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj2);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = {baseContext};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1633456013);
if (obj3 == null) {
obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(487 - View.resolveSize(0, 0), 5 - (Process.myPid() >> 22), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getEdgeSlop() >> 16))).getMethod("c", Context.class);
xzZ.y.put(1633456013, obj3);
((Method) obj3).invoke(invoke, objArr3);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC8372dJV, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity, android.view.ContextThemeWrapper, android.content.ContextWrapper
public void attachBaseContext(Context context) {
Context context2;
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = f7072o + 117;
l = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5010, 62444, 54133, 45778, 37464, 29103, 20785, 12490, 4116, 61561, 55223, 46968, 38605, 30241, 21950, 13577, 5264, 62465}, View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 57457, objArr);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName((String) objArr[0]);
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5022, 24177, 34896, 64107, 9339}, 19963 - KeyEvent.normalizeMetaState(0), objArr2);
int intValue = ((Integer) cls.getDeclaredMethod((String) objArr2[0], new Class[0]).invoke(null, new Object[0])).intValue() % 100000;
if (intValue >= 99000) {
int i4 = l + 125;
f7072o = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
if (intValue <= 99999) {
if (context != null) {
int i6 = l + 63;
f7072o = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
context2 = context.getApplicationContext();
} else {
context2 = context;
if (context2 != null) {
try {
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(125943855);
if (obj == null) {
obj = ((Class) xzZ.c(491 - ImageFormat.getBitsPerPixel(0), 5 - View.resolveSize(0, 0), (char) (ViewConfiguration.getTapTimeout() >> 16))).getMethod("a", null);
xzZ.y.put(125943855, obj);
Object invoke = ((Method) obj).invoke(null, null);
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
ay(49 - (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtimeNanos() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), new char[]{27, 65516, 65521, 27, 65516, 65515, 65521, 65516, 65517, 26, 65522, 31, 65519, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 65518, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 65522, 29, 65514, 65514, 65518, 65521, 65514, 31, 30, 27, 27, 65515, 65517, 65522, 65518, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 65521, 30, 65517, 65514, 65520, 65517, 27, 65516, NistHelper.SEP_FS, 31, 26, 27, 65522, 65515, 26, 65516}, 176 - (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.uptimeMillis() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), false, (ViewConfiguration.getGlobalActionKeyTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getGlobalActionKeyTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 34, objArr3);
String str = (String) objArr3[0];
Object[] objArr4 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5014, 48410, 20179, 6199, 43497, 31526, 1157, 54791, 26574, 12581, 49839, 27708, 15685, 52938, 39006, 10727, 64373, 34044, 22020, 59280, 45388, 17058, 60512, 48570, 20168, 6230, 43485, 31545, 1269, 54901, 26505, 12574, 49828, 27695, 15792, 52883, 38986, 10716, 64307, 33980, 22141, 59346, 45404, 17052, 60450, 48557, 20287, 6164, 43399, 31568, 1203, 54901, 26540, 12556, 49812, 27724, 15779, 53091, 39100, 10690, 64337, 33934, 22072, 59299}, 44683 - TextUtils.indexOf("", ""), objArr4);
String str2 = (String) objArr4[0];
Object[] objArr5 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5010, 33590, 12857, 41271, 20582, 50993, 30328, 58749, 37929, 2863, 47650, 10569, 55373, 20254, 65045, 27928, 7234, 45916, 8799, 53508, 16390, 63234, 26234, 5498, 33832, 15230, 43559, 22841, 51303, 32620, 61036, 40244, 3175, 41740, 21000, 49489, 28754, 59216, 38476, 1353, 46158, 11078, 55876, 18879, 63721, 28649, 7859, 36325, 15585, 54267, 17067, 61868, 24737, 6059, 34461, 13774, 42139, 23495, 51911, 31197, 59530, 40834, 3798, 48519}, TextUtils.indexOf("", "") + 37117, objArr5);
String str3 = (String) objArr5[0];
Object[] objArr6 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5019, 22460, 39921, 57138, 876, 18158, 35518, 52801, 12888, 30089, 47580, 64791, 8532, 25955, 43172, 60651, 20518, 37994, 57270, 1019, 18190, 35656, 52867, 13023, 30229, 47707, 65059, 8638, 26095, 43310, 60796, 20663, 38119, 55307, 7236, 18321, 35787, 53082, 13142, 30587, 47786, 65266, 8761, 26217, 43430, 60889, 20744, 38228, 55430, 7318, 16406, 33885, 51298, 13291, 30688, 47918, 65394, 8959, 26308, 43524, 60992, 20889, 38346, 55554, 7452, 16766, 34039, 51373, 3130, 28770, 48052, 65472, 8991, 26451}, 17466 - (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForChild(0, 0) > 0L ? 1 : (ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionForChild(0, 0) == 0L ? 0 : -1)), objArr6);
String str4 = (String) objArr6[0];
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
ay(4 - TextUtils.lastIndexOf("", '0', 0, 0), new char[]{65532, 7, 65534, 65532, 6}, (ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarSize() >> 8) + CipherSuite.TLS_DHE_RSA_WITH_SEED_CBC_SHA, true, View.combineMeasuredStates(0, 0) + 2, objArr7);
String str5 = (String) objArr7[0];
Object[] objArr8 = new Object[1];
ax(new char[]{5014, 48199, 19563, 7352, 44227, 31971, 3385, 56592, 28022, 15800, 52625, 40369, 11885, 65039, 36449, 24250, 61074, 48871, 20260, 8029, 44853, 32751, 4062, 57341, 26681, 14429, 51299, 39141, 10376, 63671, 35174, 22797, 59751, 47539, 18824, 6537}, 45012 - MotionEvent.axisFromString(""), objArr8);
Object[] objArr9 = {context2, str, str2, str3, str4, true, str5, (String) objArr8[0]};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(1656189573);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(487 - View.MeasureSpec.getMode(0), 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getKeyRepeatTimeout() >> 16), (char) (KeyEvent.getMaxKeyCode() >> 16))).getMethod("e", Context.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, String.class, Boolean.TYPE, String.class, String.class);
xzZ.y.put(1656189573, obj2);
((Method) obj2).invoke(invoke, objArr9);
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
@Override // o.AbstractActivityC8372dJV, com.scb.phone.view.activity.BaseActivity, com.scb.phone.view.activity.PreLoadCheckActivity, com.akexorcist.localizationactivity.LocalizationActivity, androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity, androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity, androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, androidx.core.app.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onStart() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = f7072o + 13;
l = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
int i4 = f7072o + 79;
l = i4 % 128;
if (i4 % 2 == 0) {
throw null;
@Override // androidx.activity.ComponentActivity, android.app.Activity
public void onBackPressed() {
int i = 2 % 2;
int i2 = f7072o + 49;
l = i2 % 128;
if (i2 % 2 == 0) {
int i3 = 11 / 0;