703 lines
33 KiB
703 lines
33 KiB
package o;
import com.drew.imaging.jpeg.JpegProcessingException;
import com.drew.imaging.tiff.TiffProcessingException;
import com.drew.lang.BufferBoundsException;
import com.google.android.gms.measurement.api.AppMeasurementSdk;
import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import o.C16051kji;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public class zRE extends QzG {
public zRE(C16613piz c16613piz, BrP brP) {
super(c16613piz, brP);
@Override // o.InterfaceC1355aBp
public final void e(int i) throws TiffProcessingException {
if (i != 42) {
if (i == 85) {
} else if (i != 20306 && i != 21330) {
throw new TiffProcessingException(String.format("Unexpected TIFF marker: 0x%X", Integer.valueOf(i)));
@Override // o.InterfaceC1355aBp
public final boolean a(int i) {
if (i == 330) {
return true;
if ((this.d instanceof C10874eRg) || (this.d instanceof HSa)) {
if (i == 34665) {
return true;
if (i == 34853) {
return true;
if ((this.d instanceof QXf) && i == 40965) {
return true;
if (!(this.d instanceof C16037kes)) {
return false;
if (i == 8208) {
return true;
if (i == 8224) {
return true;
if (i == 8256) {
return true;
if (i == 8272) {
return true;
if (i == 12288) {
return true;
if (i == 16384) {
return true;
if (i == 8240) {
return true;
if (i != 8241) {
return false;
return true;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1355aBp
public final boolean a() {
if (!(this.d instanceof C10874eRg) && !(this.d instanceof vis)) {
return this.d instanceof CiF;
if (this.d.d(297)) {
} else {
return true;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1355aBp
public final Long c(int i, long j) {
if (i == 13) {
return Long.valueOf(j << 2);
return i == 0 ? 0L : null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC1355aBp
public boolean a(int i, Set<Integer> set, int i2, Pmg pmg, int i3, int i4) throws IOException {
if (i3 == 0) {
if (this.d.d(i3)) {
return false;
if (i4 == 0) {
return true;
if (i3 == 37500 && (this.d instanceof QXf)) {
return e(i, set, i2, pmg);
if (i3 == 33723 && (this.d instanceof C10874eRg)) {
if (pmg.j(i) != 28) {
return false;
byte[] c = pmg.c(i, i4);
new KCy();
C0629LEh c0629LEh = new C0629LEh(c);
C16613piz c16613piz = this.e;
long length = c.length;
BrP brP = this.d;
KCy.d(c0629LEh, c16613piz, length);
return true;
if (i3 == 34675) {
byte[] c2 = pmg.c(i, i4);
new GXv();
C0925RrQ c0925RrQ = new C0925RrQ(c2);
C16613piz c16613piz2 = this.e;
BrP brP2 = this.d;
GXv.a(c0925RrQ, c16613piz2);
return true;
if (i3 == 34377 && (this.d instanceof C10874eRg)) {
byte[] c3 = pmg.c(i, i4);
new EKY();
C0629LEh c0629LEh2 = new C0629LEh(c3);
C16613piz c16613piz3 = this.e;
BrP brP3 = this.d;
EKY.b(c0629LEh2, i4, c16613piz3);
return true;
if (i3 == 700 && ((this.d instanceof C10874eRg) || (this.d instanceof QXf))) {
new RKF();
byte[] d = pmg.d(i, i4);
C16613piz c16613piz4 = this.e;
BrP brP4 = this.d;
RKF.a(d, 0, d.length, c16613piz4);
return true;
Boolean bool = null;
if (i3 == 3 && (this.d instanceof ofN)) {
byte[] c4 = pmg.c(i, i4);
new C0824Pgd();
C16613piz c16613piz5 = this.e;
BrP brP5 = this.d;
brP5.c(3, c4);
if (!C16051kji.e(c4)) {
BrP.b(new Object[]{brP5, "Input array is not a bplist"}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(brP5));
} else {
KZl kZl = new KZl();
try {
C16051kji.Sts b = C16051kji.b(c4);
Object obj = b.a.get((int) b.d.b);
Set<Map.Entry> entrySet = obj instanceof Map ? ((Map) obj).entrySet() : null;
if (entrySet != null) {
HashMap hashMap = new HashMap(entrySet.size());
for (Map.Entry entry : entrySet) {
hashMap.put((String) b.a.get(((Byte) entry.getKey()).byteValue()), b.a.get(((Byte) entry.getValue()).byteValue()));
byte byteValue = ((Byte) hashMap.get("flags")).byteValue();
if ((byteValue & 1) == 1) {
kZl.d(1, byteValue);
kZl.d(2, ((Byte) hashMap.get("epoch")).byteValue());
kZl.e(3, ((Long) hashMap.get("timescale")).longValue());
kZl.e(4, ((Long) hashMap.get(AppMeasurementSdk.ConditionalUserProperty.VALUE)).longValue());
if (kZl.d() > 0) {
} catch (IOException e) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Error processing TAG_RUN_TIME: ");
BrP.b(new Object[]{brP5, sb.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(brP5));
return true;
BrP brP6 = this.d;
if (i3 == 50341 || (i3 == 3584 && ((brP6 instanceof Xde) || (brP6 instanceof UNu) || (brP6 instanceof C0457HOd) || (brP6 instanceof C16037kes) || (brP6 instanceof wIU) || (brP6 instanceof pJr) || (brP6 instanceof Uyx) || (brP6 instanceof Zlw) || (brP6 instanceof CXr)))) {
BNK bnk = new BNK();
BrP brP7 = this.d;
if (i4 == 0) {
BrP.b(new Object[]{bnk, "Empty PrintIM data"}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(bnk));
} else if (i4 <= 15) {
BrP.b(new Object[]{bnk, "Bad PrintIM data"}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(bnk));
} else {
String str = new String(pmg.c(i, 12), UeM.d.name());
if (!str.startsWith("PrintIM")) {
BrP.b(new Object[]{bnk, "Invalid PrintIM header"}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(bnk));
} else {
int i5 = i + 14;
int l = pmg.l(i5);
if (i4 < (l * 6) + 16) {
bool = Boolean.valueOf(pmg.b);
pmg.b = !pmg.b;
l = pmg.l(i5);
if (i4 < (l * 6) + 16) {
BrP.b(new Object[]{bnk, "Bad PrintIM size"}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(bnk));
if (str.length() >= 12) {
bnk.b(0, str.substring(8, 12));
for (int i6 = 0; i6 < l; i6++) {
int i7 = i + 16 + (i6 * 6);
bnk.b(pmg.l(i7), Long.valueOf(pmg.o(i7 + 2)));
if (bool != null) {
pmg.b = bool.booleanValue();
return true;
if (this.d instanceof C16037kes) {
if (i3 == 8208) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 8224) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 8256) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 8272) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 12288) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 16384) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 8240) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (i3 == 8241) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
return true;
if (this.d instanceof HSa) {
if (i3 == 19) {
C16872rwI c16872rwI = new C16872rwI();
BrP brP8 = this.d;
c(c16872rwI, i, pmg, i4, Boolean.FALSE, 2);
return true;
if (i3 == 39) {
HVT hvt = new HVT();
BrP brP9 = this.d;
c(hvt, i, pmg, i4, Boolean.FALSE, 3);
return true;
if (i3 == 281) {
trB trb = new trB();
BrP brP10 = this.d;
c(trb, i, pmg, i4, Boolean.TRUE, 1);
return true;
if (i3 == 46 && (this.d instanceof HSa)) {
try {
for (BrP brP11 : SoZ.b(new ByteArrayInputStream(pmg.c(i, i4))).c) {
BrP brP12 = this.d;
C16613piz c16613piz6 = this.e;
if (brP11 == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Directory may not be null.");
return true;
} catch (JpegProcessingException e2) {
BrP brP13 = this.d;
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Error processing JpgFromRaw: ");
BrP.b(new Object[]{brP13, sb2.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(brP13));
} catch (IOException e3) {
BrP brP14 = this.d;
StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("Error reading JpgFromRaw: ");
BrP.b(new Object[]{brP14, sb3.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(brP14));
return false;
private static void c(BrP brP, int i, Pmg pmg, int i2, Boolean bool, int i3) throws IOException {
int i4 = 0;
while (i4 < i2) {
if (brP.p(i4)) {
if (i4 < i2 - 1 && brP.p(i4 + 1)) {
if (bool.booleanValue()) {
brP.b(i4, Short.valueOf(pmg.a((i4 << 1) + i)));
} else {
brP.b(i4, Integer.valueOf(pmg.l((i4 << 1) + i)));
} else {
if (bool.booleanValue()) {
short[] sArr = new short[i3];
for (int i5 = 0; i5 < i3; i5++) {
sArr[i5] = pmg.a(((i4 + i5) << 1) + i);
brP.a(i4, sArr);
} else {
int[] iArr = new int[i3];
for (int i6 = 0; i6 < i3; i6++) {
iArr[i6] = pmg.l(((i4 + i6) << 1) + i);
brP.a(i4, iArr);
i4 += i3 - 1;
private static String d(Pmg pmg, int i, int i2) throws IOException {
try {
return new String(pmg.c(i, i2), UeM.d.name());
} catch (BufferBoundsException unused) {
return "";
private boolean e(int i, Set<Integer> set, int i2, Pmg pmg) throws IOException {
String str;
Integer num;
Integer num2;
BrP c = this.e.c(C10874eRg.class);
String o2 = c == null ? null : c.o(271);
String d = d(pmg, i, 2);
String d2 = d(pmg, i, 3);
String d3 = d(pmg, i, 4);
String d4 = d(pmg, i, 5);
String d5 = d(pmg, i, 6);
String d6 = d(pmg, i, 7);
String d7 = d(pmg, i, 8);
String d8 = d(pmg, i, 9);
String d9 = d(pmg, i, 10);
String d10 = d(pmg, i, 12);
boolean z = pmg.b;
if ("OLYMP\u0000".equals(d5) || "EPSON".equals(d4) || "AGFA".equals(d3)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i2);
} else if ("OLYMPUS\u0000II".equals(d9)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 12, i);
} else if (o2 != null && o2.toUpperCase().startsWith("MINOLTA")) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
} else if (o2 != null && o2.trim().toUpperCase().startsWith("NIKON")) {
if ("Nikon".equals(d4)) {
short m = pmg.m(i + 6);
if (m == 1) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i2);
} else if (m == 2) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 18, i + 10);
} else {
BrP brP = this.d;
BrP.b(new Object[]{brP, "Unsupported Nikon makernote data ignored."}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(brP));
} else {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
} else if ("SONY CAM".equals(d7) || "SONY DSC".equals(d7)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 12, i2);
} else {
if (o2 == null || !o2.startsWith("SONY")) {
str = d9;
} else {
str = d9;
if (!Arrays.equals(pmg.c(i, 2), new byte[]{1, 0})) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
if (!"SEMC MS\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(d10)) {
if ("SIGMA\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(d7) || "FOVEON\u0000\u0000".equals(d7)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 10, i2);
} else if (!"KDK".equals(d2)) {
if ("Canon".equalsIgnoreCase(o2)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
} else if (o2 != null && o2.toUpperCase().startsWith("CASIO")) {
if ("QVC\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(d5)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 6, i2);
} else {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
} else if (!"FUJIFILM".equals(d7) && !"Fujifilm".equalsIgnoreCase(o2)) {
if ("KYOCERA".equals(d6)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 22, i2);
} else if (!"LEICA".equals(d4)) {
if ("Panasonic\u0000\u0000\u0000".equals(d10)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 12, i2);
} else if ("AOC\u0000".equals(d3)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 6, i);
} else if (o2 != null && (o2.toUpperCase().startsWith("PENTAX") || o2.toUpperCase().startsWith("ASAHI"))) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i);
} else if ("SANYO\u0000\u0001\u0000".equals(d7)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i);
} else if (o2 != null && o2.toLowerCase().startsWith("ricoh")) {
if (d.equals("Rv") || d2.equals("Rev")) {
return false;
if (d4.equalsIgnoreCase("Ricoh")) {
pmg.b = true;
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i);
} else if (!str.equals("Apple iOS\u0000")) {
if (pmg.l(i) == 61697) {
C16774rCj c16774rCj = new C16774rCj();
c16774rCj.b(0, Integer.valueOf(pmg.l(i)));
int l = pmg.l(i + 2);
int l2 = pmg.l(i + 4);
int l3 = pmg.l(i + 6);
String format = String.format("%04X", Integer.valueOf(pmg.l(i + 8)));
String format2 = String.format("%04X", Integer.valueOf(pmg.l(i + 10)));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String obj = sb.toString();
try {
num2 = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(obj));
} catch (NumberFormatException unused) {
num2 = null;
if (num2 != null) {
c16774rCj.e(2, String.format("%d.%d.%d.%s", Integer.valueOf(l), Integer.valueOf(l2), Integer.valueOf(l3), num2));
} else {
c16774rCj.e(2, String.format("%d.%d.%d", Integer.valueOf(l), Integer.valueOf(l2), Integer.valueOf(l3)));
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("Error processing Reconyx HyperFire makernote data: build '");
sb2.append("' is not in the expected format and will be omitted from Firmware Version.");
BrP.b(new Object[]{c16774rCj, sb2.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(c16774rCj));
c16774rCj.e(12, String.valueOf((char) pmg.l(i + 12)));
c16774rCj.b(14, new int[]{pmg.l(i + 14), pmg.l(i + 16)});
c16774rCj.d(18, (pmg.l(i + 18) << 16) + pmg.l(i + 20));
int l4 = pmg.l(i + 22);
int l5 = pmg.l(i + 24);
int l6 = pmg.l(i + 26);
int l7 = pmg.l(i + 28);
int l8 = pmg.l(i + 30);
int l9 = pmg.l(i + 32);
if (l4 >= 0 && l4 < 60 && l5 >= 0 && l5 < 60 && l6 >= 0 && l6 < 24 && l7 > 0 && l7 < 13 && l8 > 0 && l8 < 32 && l9 > 0 && l9 <= 9999) {
c16774rCj.e(22, String.format("%4d:%2d:%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", Integer.valueOf(l9), Integer.valueOf(l7), Integer.valueOf(l8), Integer.valueOf(l6), Integer.valueOf(l5), Integer.valueOf(l4)));
} else {
StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder("Error processing Reconyx HyperFire makernote data: Date/Time Original ");
sb3.append(" ");
sb3.append(" is not a valid date/time.");
BrP.b(new Object[]{c16774rCj, sb3.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(c16774rCj));
c16774rCj.d(36, pmg.l(i + 36));
c16774rCj.d(38, pmg.a(i + 38));
c16774rCj.d(40, pmg.a(i + 40));
BrP.b(new Object[]{c16774rCj, 42, new Gux(pmg.c(i + 42, 28), UeM.e)}, 688836184, -688836178, 42);
c16774rCj.d(72, pmg.l(i + 72));
c16774rCj.d(74, pmg.l(i + 74));
c16774rCj.d(76, pmg.l(i + 76));
c16774rCj.d(78, pmg.l(i + 78));
c16774rCj.d(80, pmg.l(i + 80));
c16774rCj.d(82, pmg.l(i + 82));
c16774rCj.c(84, pmg.l(i + 84) / 1000.0d);
c16774rCj.e(86, new String(pmg.d(i + 86, 44), UeM.d.name()));
} else if (d8.equalsIgnoreCase("RECONYXUF")) {
C17650ydt c17650ydt = new C17650ydt();
c17650ydt.e(0, new String(pmg.c(i, 9), UeM.d.name()));
c17650ydt.e(52, new String(pmg.c(i + 52, 1), UeM.d.name()));
c17650ydt.b(53, new int[]{pmg.d(i + 53), pmg.d(i + 54)});
pmg.d(i + 59);
pmg.d(i + 60);
pmg.d(i + 61);
pmg.d(i + 62);
pmg.d(i + 63);
c17650ydt.d(67, pmg.d(i + 67));
c17650ydt.d(72, pmg.d(i + 72));
BrP.b(new Object[]{c17650ydt, 75, new Gux(pmg.c(i + 75, 14), UeM.d)}, 688836184, -688836178, 75);
c17650ydt.e(80, new String(pmg.d(i + 80, 20), UeM.d.name()));
} else if (d8.equalsIgnoreCase("RECONYXH2")) {
pPy ppy = new pPy();
int l10 = pmg.l(i + 42);
int l11 = pmg.l(i + 44);
int l12 = pmg.l(i + 6);
String format3 = String.format("%04X", Integer.valueOf(pmg.l(i + 48)));
String format4 = String.format("%04X", Integer.valueOf(pmg.l(i + 50)));
StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder();
String obj2 = sb4.toString();
try {
num = Integer.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(obj2));
} catch (NumberFormatException unused2) {
num = null;
if (num != null) {
ppy.e(42, String.format("%d.%d.%d.%s", Integer.valueOf(l10), Integer.valueOf(l11), Integer.valueOf(l12), num));
} else {
ppy.e(42, String.format("%d.%d.%d", Integer.valueOf(l10), Integer.valueOf(l11), Integer.valueOf(l12)));
StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder("Error processing Reconyx HyperFire 2 makernote data: build '");
sb5.append("' is not in the expected format and will be omitted from Firmware Version.");
BrP.b(new Object[]{ppy, sb5.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(ppy));
ppy.b(54, new int[]{pmg.l(i + 54), pmg.l(i + 56)});
ppy.d(58, (pmg.l(i + 58) << 16) + pmg.l(i + 60));
int l13 = pmg.l(i + 62);
int l14 = pmg.l(i + 64);
int l15 = pmg.l(i + 66);
int l16 = pmg.l(i + 68);
int l17 = pmg.l(i + 70);
int l18 = pmg.l(i + 72);
if (l13 >= 0 && l13 < 60 && l14 >= 0 && l14 < 60 && l15 >= 0 && l15 < 24 && l16 > 0 && l16 < 13 && l17 > 0 && l17 < 32 && l18 > 0 && l18 <= 9999) {
ppy.e(62, String.format("%4d:%2d:%2d %2d:%2d:%2d", Integer.valueOf(l18), Integer.valueOf(l16), Integer.valueOf(l17), Integer.valueOf(l15), Integer.valueOf(l14), Integer.valueOf(l13)));
} else {
StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder("Error processing Reconyx HyperFire 2 makernote data: Date/Time Original ");
sb6.append(" ");
sb6.append(" is not a valid date/time.");
BrP.b(new Object[]{ppy, sb6.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(ppy));
ppy.d(76, pmg.l(i + 76));
ppy.d(78, pmg.a(i + 78));
ppy.d(80, pmg.a(i + 80));
ppy.d(82, pmg.l(i + 82));
ppy.d(84, pmg.l(i + 84));
int i3 = i + 86;
ppy.d(86, pmg.l(i3));
ppy.d(88, pmg.l(i + 88));
ppy.d(90, pmg.d(i + 90));
ppy.d(92, pmg.l(i + 92));
ppy.d(94, pmg.l(i + 94));
ppy.d(96, pmg.l(i + 96));
ppy.c(98, pmg.l(i + 98) / 1000.0d);
ppy.c(100, pmg.l(i + 100) / 1000.0d);
ppy.e(86, new String(pmg.d(i3, 44), UeM.d.name()));
BrP.b(new Object[]{ppy, 126, new Gux(pmg.c(i + 126, 28), UeM.e)}, 688836184, -688836178, 126);
} else {
if (!"SAMSUNG".equalsIgnoreCase(o2)) {
return false;
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i, i2);
} else {
boolean z2 = pmg.b;
pmg.b = true;
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 14, i);
pmg.b = z2;
} else {
pmg.b = false;
if ("LEICA\u0000\u0001\u0000".equals(d7) || "LEICA\u0000\u0004\u0000".equals(d7) || "LEICA\u0000\u0005\u0000".equals(d7) || "LEICA\u0000\u0006\u0000".equals(d7) || "LEICA\u0000\u0007\u0000".equals(d7)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i);
} else if ("Leica Camera AG".equals(o2)) {
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i2);
} else {
if (!"LEICA".equals(o2)) {
return false;
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 8, i2);
} else {
pmg.b = false;
int g = pmg.g(i + 8);
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, g + i, i);
} else {
pmg.b = d6.equals("KDK INFO");
EZB ezb = new EZB();
try {
BrP.b(new Object[]{ezb, 0, new Gux(pmg.c(i + 8, 8), UeM.d)}, 688836184, -688836178, 0);
ezb.d(9, pmg.m(i + 17));
ezb.d(10, pmg.m(i + 18));
ezb.d(12, pmg.l(i + 20));
ezb.d(14, pmg.l(i + 22));
ezb.d(16, pmg.l(i + 24));
ezb.c(18, pmg.c(i + 26, 2));
ezb.c(20, pmg.c(i + 28, 4));
ezb.d(24, pmg.l(i + 32));
ezb.d(27, pmg.m(i + 35));
ezb.d(28, pmg.m(i + 36));
ezb.d(29, pmg.m(i + 37));
ezb.d(30, pmg.l(i + 38));
ezb.e(32, pmg.o(i + 40));
ezb.d(36, pmg.a(i + 44));
ezb.d(56, pmg.m(i + 64));
ezb.d(64, pmg.m(i + 72));
ezb.d(92, pmg.m(i + 100));
ezb.d(93, pmg.m(i + 101));
ezb.d(94, pmg.l(i + 102));
ezb.d(96, pmg.l(i + 104));
ezb.d(98, pmg.l(i + 106));
ezb.d(100, pmg.l(i + 108));
ezb.d(102, pmg.l(i + 110));
ezb.d(104, pmg.l(i + 112));
ezb.d(107, pmg.j(i + 115));
} catch (IOException e) {
StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder("Error processing Kodak makernote data: ");
BrP.b(new Object[]{ezb, sb7.toString()}, -1786863991, 1786863992, System.identityHashCode(ezb));
} else {
pmg.b = true;
Xfn.c(this, pmg, set, i + 20, i2);
pmg.b = z;
return true;