213 lines
7.2 KiB
213 lines
7.2 KiB
package o;
import android.util.SparseArray;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public abstract class vlY {
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public static abstract class IeS {
public abstract IeS a(Sts sts);
public abstract vlY c();
public abstract IeS d(LWm lWm);
/* JADX WARN: $VALUES field not found */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to restore enum class, 'enum' modifier and super class removed */
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public static final class LWm {
public static final LWm zza;
public static final LWm zzb;
public static final LWm zzc;
public static final LWm zzd;
public static final LWm zze;
public static final LWm zzf;
public static final LWm zzg;
public static final LWm zzh;
public static final LWm zzi;
public static final LWm zzj;
public static final LWm zzk;
public static final LWm zzl;
public static final LWm zzm;
public static final LWm zzn;
public static final LWm zzo;
public static final LWm zzp;
public static final LWm zzq;
public static final LWm zzr;
public static final LWm zzs;
public static final SparseArray<LWm> zzt;
public final int zzu;
static {
LWm lWm = new LWm("MOBILE", 0, 0);
zza = lWm;
LWm lWm2 = new LWm("WIFI", 1, 1);
zzb = lWm2;
LWm lWm3 = new LWm("MOBILE_MMS", 2, 2);
zzc = lWm3;
LWm lWm4 = new LWm("MOBILE_SUPL", 3, 3);
zzd = lWm4;
LWm lWm5 = new LWm("MOBILE_DUN", 4, 4);
zze = lWm5;
LWm lWm6 = new LWm("MOBILE_HIPRI", 5, 5);
zzf = lWm6;
LWm lWm7 = new LWm("WIMAX", 6, 6);
zzg = lWm7;
LWm lWm8 = new LWm("BLUETOOTH", 7, 7);
zzh = lWm8;
LWm lWm9 = new LWm("DUMMY", 8, 8);
zzi = lWm9;
LWm lWm10 = new LWm("ETHERNET", 9, 9);
zzj = lWm10;
LWm lWm11 = new LWm("MOBILE_FOTA", 10, 10);
zzk = lWm11;
LWm lWm12 = new LWm("MOBILE_IMS", 11, 11);
zzl = lWm12;
LWm lWm13 = new LWm("MOBILE_CBS", 12, 12);
zzm = lWm13;
LWm lWm14 = new LWm("WIFI_P2P", 13, 13);
zzn = lWm14;
LWm lWm15 = new LWm("MOBILE_IA", 14, 14);
zzo = lWm15;
LWm lWm16 = new LWm("MOBILE_EMERGENCY", 15, 15);
zzp = lWm16;
LWm lWm17 = new LWm("PROXY", 16, 16);
zzq = lWm17;
LWm lWm18 = new LWm("VPN", 17, 17);
zzr = lWm18;
LWm lWm19 = new LWm("NONE", 18, -1);
zzs = lWm19;
SparseArray<LWm> sparseArray = new SparseArray<>();
zzt = sparseArray;
sparseArray.put(0, lWm);
sparseArray.put(1, lWm2);
sparseArray.put(2, lWm3);
sparseArray.put(3, lWm4);
sparseArray.put(4, lWm5);
sparseArray.put(5, lWm6);
sparseArray.put(6, lWm7);
sparseArray.put(7, lWm8);
sparseArray.put(8, lWm9);
sparseArray.put(9, lWm10);
sparseArray.put(10, lWm11);
sparseArray.put(11, lWm12);
sparseArray.put(12, lWm13);
sparseArray.put(13, lWm14);
sparseArray.put(14, lWm15);
sparseArray.put(15, lWm16);
sparseArray.put(16, lWm17);
sparseArray.put(17, lWm18);
sparseArray.put(-1, lWm19);
private LWm(String str, int i, int i2) {
this.zzu = i2;
/* JADX WARN: $VALUES field not found */
/* JADX WARN: Failed to restore enum class, 'enum' modifier and super class removed */
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public static final class Sts {
public static final Sts zza;
public static final Sts zzb;
public static final Sts zzc;
public static final Sts zzd;
public static final Sts zze;
public static final Sts zzf;
public static final Sts zzg;
public static final Sts zzh;
public static final Sts zzi;
public static final Sts zzj;
public static final Sts zzk;
public static final Sts zzl;
public static final Sts zzm;
public static final Sts zzn;
public static final Sts zzo;
public static final Sts zzp;
public static final Sts zzq;
public static final Sts zzr;
public static final Sts zzs;
public static final Sts zzt;
public static final Sts zzu;
public static final SparseArray<Sts> zzv;
public final int zzw;
static {
Sts sts = new Sts("UNKNOWN_MOBILE_SUBTYPE", 0, 0);
zza = sts;
Sts sts2 = new Sts("GPRS", 1, 1);
zzb = sts2;
Sts sts3 = new Sts("EDGE", 2, 2);
zzc = sts3;
Sts sts4 = new Sts("UMTS", 3, 3);
zzd = sts4;
Sts sts5 = new Sts("CDMA", 4, 4);
zze = sts5;
Sts sts6 = new Sts("EVDO_0", 5, 5);
zzf = sts6;
Sts sts7 = new Sts("EVDO_A", 6, 6);
zzg = sts7;
Sts sts8 = new Sts("RTT", 7, 7);
zzh = sts8;
Sts sts9 = new Sts("HSDPA", 8, 8);
zzi = sts9;
Sts sts10 = new Sts("HSUPA", 9, 9);
zzj = sts10;
Sts sts11 = new Sts("HSPA", 10, 10);
zzk = sts11;
Sts sts12 = new Sts("IDEN", 11, 11);
zzl = sts12;
Sts sts13 = new Sts("EVDO_B", 12, 12);
zzm = sts13;
Sts sts14 = new Sts("LTE", 13, 13);
zzn = sts14;
Sts sts15 = new Sts("EHRPD", 14, 14);
zzo = sts15;
Sts sts16 = new Sts("HSPAP", 15, 15);
zzp = sts16;
Sts sts17 = new Sts("GSM", 16, 16);
zzq = sts17;
Sts sts18 = new Sts("TD_SCDMA", 17, 17);
zzr = sts18;
Sts sts19 = new Sts("IWLAN", 18, 18);
zzs = sts19;
Sts sts20 = new Sts("LTE_CA", 19, 19);
zzt = sts20;
zzu = new Sts("COMBINED", 20, 100);
SparseArray<Sts> sparseArray = new SparseArray<>();
zzv = sparseArray;
sparseArray.put(0, sts);
sparseArray.put(1, sts2);
sparseArray.put(2, sts3);
sparseArray.put(3, sts4);
sparseArray.put(4, sts5);
sparseArray.put(5, sts6);
sparseArray.put(6, sts7);
sparseArray.put(7, sts8);
sparseArray.put(8, sts9);
sparseArray.put(9, sts10);
sparseArray.put(10, sts11);
sparseArray.put(11, sts12);
sparseArray.put(12, sts13);
sparseArray.put(13, sts14);
sparseArray.put(14, sts15);
sparseArray.put(15, sts16);
sparseArray.put(16, sts17);
sparseArray.put(17, sts18);
sparseArray.put(18, sts19);
sparseArray.put(19, sts20);
private Sts(String str, int i, int i2) {
this.zzw = i2;
public abstract Sts a();
public abstract LWm b();