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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package o;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import o.C17026tNn;
import org.bouncycastle.asn1.cmp.PKIFailureInfo;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public final class gQG extends ZXE {
C17026tNn[] a;
public int ap = -1;
public int aA = -1;
public int aj = -1;
public int am = -1;
public int as = -1;
public int at = -1;
public float ao = 0.5f;
public float az = 0.5f;
public float e = 0.5f;
public float ai = 0.5f;
public float aq = 0.5f;
public float aw = 0.5f;
public int an = 0;
public int ay = 0;
public int ar = 2;
public int ax = 2;
public int aB = 0;
public int au = -1;
public int av = 0;
private ArrayList<LWm> aT = new ArrayList<>();
private C17026tNn[] aO = null;
private C17026tNn[] aM = null;
private int[] aR = null;
int c = 0;
@Override // o.NsV, o.C17026tNn
public final void e(C17026tNn c17026tNn, HashMap<C17026tNn, C17026tNn> hashMap) {
super.e(c17026tNn, hashMap);
gQG gqg = (gQG) c17026tNn;
this.ap = gqg.ap;
this.aA = gqg.aA;
this.aj = gqg.aj;
this.am = gqg.am;
this.as = gqg.as;
this.at = gqg.at;
this.ao = gqg.ao;
this.az = gqg.az;
this.e = gqg.e;
this.ai = gqg.ai;
this.aq = gqg.aq;
this.aw = gqg.aw;
this.an = gqg.an;
this.ay = gqg.ay;
this.ar = gqg.ar;
this.ax = gqg.ax;
this.aB = gqg.aB;
this.au = gqg.au;
this.av = gqg.av;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final int c(C17026tNn c17026tNn, int i) {
if (c17026tNn == null) {
return 0;
if (c17026tNn.B[0] == C17026tNn.LWm.MATCH_CONSTRAINT) {
if (c17026tNn.H == 0) {
return 0;
if (c17026tNn.H == 2) {
int i2 = (int) (c17026tNn.M * i);
if (i2 != (c17026tNn.Z == 8 ? 0 : c17026tNn.ac)) {
c17026tNn.O = true;
a(c17026tNn, C17026tNn.LWm.FIXED, i2, c17026tNn.B[1], c17026tNn.Z != 8 ? c17026tNn.p : 0);
return i2;
if (c17026tNn.H != 1) {
if (c17026tNn.H == 3) {
return (int) (((c17026tNn.Z != 8 ? c17026tNn.p : 0) * c17026tNn.s) + 0.5f);
} else {
if (c17026tNn.Z == 8) {
return 0;
return c17026tNn.ac;
if (c17026tNn.Z == 8) {
return 0;
return c17026tNn.ac;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public final int d(C17026tNn c17026tNn, int i) {
if (c17026tNn == null) {
return 0;
if (c17026tNn.B[1] == C17026tNn.LWm.MATCH_CONSTRAINT) {
if (c17026tNn.I == 0) {
return 0;
if (c17026tNn.I == 2) {
int i2 = (int) (c17026tNn.K * i);
if (i2 != (c17026tNn.Z == 8 ? 0 : c17026tNn.p)) {
c17026tNn.O = true;
a(c17026tNn, c17026tNn.B[0], c17026tNn.Z != 8 ? c17026tNn.ac : 0, C17026tNn.LWm.FIXED, i2);
return i2;
if (c17026tNn.I != 1) {
if (c17026tNn.I == 3) {
return (int) (((c17026tNn.Z != 8 ? c17026tNn.ac : 0) * c17026tNn.s) + 0.5f);
} else {
if (c17026tNn.Z == 8) {
return 0;
return c17026tNn.p;
if (c17026tNn.Z == 8) {
return 0;
return c17026tNn.p;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:17:0x003e, code lost:
if (r34.aA == (-1)) goto L24;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:260:0x0407, code lost:
if ((r14.Z == 8 ? 0 : r14.ac) < r10) goto L245;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:490:0x004b, code lost:
r34.aA = 0;
/* JADX WARN: Code restructure failed: missing block: B:495:0x0049, code lost:
if (r34.aA == (-1)) goto L24;
/* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:232:0x03ac */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:53:0x0777 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:55:0x0793 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:58:0x07b2 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:61:0x07b4 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:62:0x0796 */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:67:0x077d */
/* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v14 */
/* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v23 */
/* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v53 */
/* JADX WARN: Type inference failed for: r1v9 */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:268:0x0461 -> B:207:0x0471). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:269:0x0463 -> B:207:0x0471). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:271:0x0469 -> B:207:0x0471). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
/* JADX WARN: Unsupported multi-entry loop pattern (BACK_EDGE: B:272:0x046b -> B:207:0x0471). Please report as a decompilation issue!!! */
@Override // o.ZXE
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final void c(int r35, int r36, int r37, int r38) {
Method dump skipped, instructions count: 1976
To view this dump add '--comments-level debug' option
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.gQG.c(int, int, int, int):void");
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
class LWm {
final gQG f;
private C1230Yni i;
int j;
private C1230Yni k;
private int l;
private int m;
private int n;
/* renamed from: o, reason: collision with root package name */
private int f9136o;
private C1230Yni p;
private C1230Yni s;
private int t;
C17026tNn b = null;
int d = 0;
int h = 0;
int c = 0;
int g = 0;
int a = 0;
int e = 0;
public LWm(gQG gqg, int i, C1230Yni c1230Yni, C1230Yni c1230Yni2, C1230Yni c1230Yni3, C1230Yni c1230Yni4, int i2) {
this.f = gqg;
this.l = 0;
this.t = 0;
this.f9136o = 0;
this.m = 0;
this.n = 0;
this.j = i;
this.k = c1230Yni;
this.p = c1230Yni2;
this.s = c1230Yni3;
this.i = c1230Yni4;
this.l = ((ZXE) gqg).aQ;
this.t = ((ZXE) gqg).aP;
this.f9136o = ((ZXE) gqg).aN;
this.m = ((ZXE) gqg).aJ;
this.n = i2;
public final void e(C17026tNn c17026tNn) {
if (this.j == 0) {
int c = this.f.c(c17026tNn, this.n);
if (c17026tNn.B[0] == C17026tNn.LWm.MATCH_CONSTRAINT) {
c = 0;
this.h += c + (c17026tNn.Z != 8 ? this.f.an : 0);
int d = this.f.d(c17026tNn, this.n);
if (this.b == null || this.d < d) {
this.b = c17026tNn;
this.d = d;
this.c = d;
} else {
int c2 = this.f.c(c17026tNn, this.n);
int d2 = this.f.d(c17026tNn, this.n);
if (c17026tNn.B[1] == C17026tNn.LWm.MATCH_CONSTRAINT) {
d2 = 0;
this.c += d2 + (c17026tNn.Z != 8 ? this.f.ay : 0);
if (this.b == null || this.d < c2) {
this.b = c17026tNn;
this.d = c2;
this.h = c2;
public final void e(int i) {
int i2 = this.e;
if (i2 == 0) {
int i3 = this.a;
int i4 = i / i2;
for (int i5 = 0; i5 < i3; i5++) {
if (this.g + i5 >= this.f.c) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn = this.f.a[this.g + i5];
if (this.j == 0) {
if (c17026tNn != null && c17026tNn.B[0] == C17026tNn.LWm.MATCH_CONSTRAINT && c17026tNn.H == 0) {
this.f.a(c17026tNn, C17026tNn.LWm.FIXED, i4, c17026tNn.B[1], c17026tNn.Z == 8 ? 0 : c17026tNn.p);
} else if (c17026tNn != null && c17026tNn.B[1] == C17026tNn.LWm.MATCH_CONSTRAINT && c17026tNn.I == 0) {
this.f.a(c17026tNn, c17026tNn.B[0], c17026tNn.Z == 8 ? 0 : c17026tNn.ac, C17026tNn.LWm.FIXED, i4);
this.h = 0;
this.c = 0;
this.b = null;
this.d = 0;
int i6 = this.a;
for (int i7 = 0; i7 < i6; i7++) {
if (this.g + i7 >= this.f.c) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn2 = this.f.a[this.g + i7];
if (this.j != 0) {
int c = this.f.c(c17026tNn2, this.n);
int d = this.f.d(c17026tNn2, this.n);
int i8 = this.f.ay;
if (c17026tNn2.Z == 8) {
i8 = 0;
this.c += d + i8;
if (this.b == null || this.d < c) {
this.b = c17026tNn2;
this.d = c;
this.h = c;
} else {
int i9 = c17026tNn2.Z == 8 ? 0 : c17026tNn2.ac;
int i10 = this.f.an;
if (c17026tNn2.Z == 8) {
i10 = 0;
this.h += i9 + i10;
int d2 = this.f.d(c17026tNn2, this.n);
if (this.b == null || this.d < d2) {
this.b = c17026tNn2;
this.d = d2;
this.c = d2;
public final void c(boolean z, int i, boolean z2) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn;
char c;
float f;
int i2 = this.a;
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i2; i3++) {
if (this.g + i3 >= this.f.c) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn2 = this.f.a[this.g + i3];
if (c17026tNn2 != null) {
if (i2 == 0 || this.b == null) {
boolean z3 = z2 && i == 0;
int i4 = -1;
int i5 = -1;
for (int i6 = 0; i6 < i2; i6++) {
int i7 = z ? (i2 - 1) - i6 : i6;
if (this.g + i7 >= this.f.c) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn3 = this.f.a[this.g + i7];
if (c17026tNn3 != null && c17026tNn3.Z == 0) {
if (i4 == -1) {
i4 = i6;
i5 = i6;
C17026tNn c17026tNn4 = null;
if (this.j != 0) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn5 = this.b;
c17026tNn5.x = this.f.ap;
int i8 = this.l;
if (i > 0) {
i8 += this.f.an;
if (z) {
c17026tNn5.X.b(this.s, i8, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (z2) {
c17026tNn5.D.b(this.k, this.f9136o, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i > 0) {
this.s.i.D.b(c17026tNn5.X, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else {
c17026tNn5.D.b(this.k, i8, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (z2) {
c17026tNn5.X.b(this.s, this.f9136o, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i > 0) {
this.k.i.X.b(c17026tNn5.D, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
for (int i9 = 0; i9 < i2; i9++) {
if (this.g + i9 >= this.f.c) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn6 = this.f.a[this.g + i9];
if (c17026tNn6 != null) {
if (i9 == 0) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni = c17026tNn6.V;
C1230Yni c1230Yni2 = this.p;
int i10 = this.t;
if (c1230Yni.i == c17026tNn6) {
c17026tNn6.d(c1230Yni.j, c1230Yni2.i, c1230Yni2.j, i10);
int i11 = this.f.aA;
float f2 = this.f.az;
if (this.g == 0 && this.f.am != -1) {
i11 = this.f.am;
f2 = this.f.ai;
} else if (z2 && this.f.at != -1) {
i11 = this.f.at;
f2 = this.f.aw;
c17026tNn6.W = i11;
c17026tNn6.T = f2;
if (i9 == i2 - 1) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni3 = c17026tNn6.n;
C1230Yni c1230Yni4 = this.i;
int i12 = this.m;
if (c1230Yni3.i == c17026tNn6) {
c17026tNn6.d(c1230Yni3.j, c1230Yni4.i, c1230Yni4.j, i12);
if (c17026tNn4 != null) {
c17026tNn6.V.b(c17026tNn4.n, this.f.ay, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i9 == i4) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni5 = c17026tNn6.V;
int i13 = this.t;
if (c1230Yni5.f != null) {
c1230Yni5.a = i13;
c17026tNn4.n.b(c17026tNn6.V, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i9 == i5 + 1) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni6 = c17026tNn4.n;
int i14 = this.m;
if (c1230Yni6.f != null) {
c1230Yni6.a = i14;
if (c17026tNn6 != c17026tNn5) {
if (z) {
int i15 = this.f.ar;
if (i15 == 0) {
c17026tNn6.X.b(c17026tNn5.X, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else if (i15 == 1) {
c17026tNn6.D.b(c17026tNn5.D, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else if (i15 == 2) {
c17026tNn6.D.b(c17026tNn5.D, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn6.X.b(c17026tNn5.X, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn4 = c17026tNn6;
} else {
int i16 = this.f.ar;
if (i16 == 0) {
c17026tNn6.D.b(c17026tNn5.D, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else if (i16 == 1) {
c17026tNn6.X.b(c17026tNn5.X, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else if (i16 == 2) {
if (z3) {
c17026tNn6.D.b(this.k, this.l, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn6.X.b(this.s, this.f9136o, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else {
c17026tNn6.D.b(c17026tNn5.D, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn6.X.b(c17026tNn5.X, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn4 = c17026tNn6;
c17026tNn4 = c17026tNn6;
C17026tNn c17026tNn7 = this.b;
c17026tNn7.W = this.f.aA;
int i17 = this.t;
if (i > 0) {
i17 += this.f.ay;
c17026tNn7.V.b(this.p, i17, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (z2) {
c17026tNn7.n.b(this.i, this.m, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i > 0) {
this.p.i.n.b(c17026tNn7.V, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (this.f.ax == 3 && !c17026tNn7.d) {
for (int i18 = 0; i18 < i2; i18++) {
int i19 = z ? (i2 - 1) - i18 : i18;
if (this.g + i19 >= this.f.c) {
c17026tNn = this.f.a[this.g + i19];
if (c17026tNn.d) {
c17026tNn = c17026tNn7;
for (int i20 = 0; i20 < i2; i20++) {
int i21 = z ? (i2 - 1) - i20 : i20;
if (this.g + i21 >= this.f.c) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn8 = this.f.a[this.g + i21];
if (c17026tNn8 != null) {
if (i20 == 0) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni7 = c17026tNn8.D;
C1230Yni c1230Yni8 = this.k;
int i22 = this.l;
if (c1230Yni7.i == c17026tNn8) {
c17026tNn8.d(c1230Yni7.j, c1230Yni8.i, c1230Yni8.j, i22);
if (i21 == 0) {
int i23 = this.f.ap;
float f3 = this.f.ao;
if (z) {
f3 = 1.0f - f3;
if (this.g == 0 && this.f.aj != -1) {
i23 = this.f.aj;
if (z) {
f = this.f.e;
f3 = 1.0f - f;
c17026tNn8.x = i23;
c17026tNn8.u = f3;
} else {
f3 = this.f.e;
c17026tNn8.x = i23;
c17026tNn8.u = f3;
} else {
if (z2 && this.f.as != -1) {
i23 = this.f.as;
if (z) {
f = this.f.aq;
f3 = 1.0f - f;
} else {
f3 = this.f.aq;
c17026tNn8.x = i23;
c17026tNn8.u = f3;
if (i20 == i2 - 1) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni9 = c17026tNn8.X;
C1230Yni c1230Yni10 = this.s;
int i24 = this.f9136o;
if (c1230Yni9.i == c17026tNn8) {
c17026tNn8.d(c1230Yni9.j, c1230Yni10.i, c1230Yni10.j, i24);
if (c17026tNn4 != null) {
c17026tNn8.D.b(c17026tNn4.X, this.f.an, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i20 == i4) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni11 = c17026tNn8.D;
int i25 = this.l;
if (c1230Yni11.f != null) {
c1230Yni11.a = i25;
c17026tNn4.X.b(c17026tNn8.D, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
if (i20 == i5 + 1) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni12 = c17026tNn4.X;
int i26 = this.f9136o;
if (c1230Yni12.f != null) {
c1230Yni12.a = i26;
if (c17026tNn8 != c17026tNn7) {
c = 3;
if (this.f.ax != 3 || !c17026tNn.d || c17026tNn8 == c17026tNn || !c17026tNn8.d) {
int i27 = this.f.ax;
if (i27 == 0) {
c17026tNn8.V.b(c17026tNn7.V, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else if (i27 == 1) {
c17026tNn8.n.b(c17026tNn7.n, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else if (z3) {
c17026tNn8.V.b(this.p, this.t, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn8.n.b(this.i, this.m, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else {
c17026tNn8.V.b(c17026tNn7.V, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
c17026tNn8.n.b(c17026tNn7.n, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else {
c17026tNn8.f9277o.b(c17026tNn.f9277o, 0, PKIFailureInfo.systemUnavail, false);
} else {
c = 3;
c17026tNn4 = c17026tNn8;
} else {
c = 3;
public final void d(int i, C1230Yni c1230Yni, C1230Yni c1230Yni2, C1230Yni c1230Yni3, C1230Yni c1230Yni4, int i2, int i3, int i4, int i5, int i6) {
this.j = i;
this.k = c1230Yni;
this.p = c1230Yni2;
this.s = c1230Yni3;
this.i = c1230Yni4;
this.l = i2;
this.t = i3;
this.f9136o = i4;
this.m = i5;
this.n = i6;
@Override // o.C17026tNn
public final void d(Npn npn, boolean z) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn;
float f;
int i;
super.d(npn, z);
boolean z2 = this.S != null && ((WqU) this.S).aq;
int i2 = this.aB;
if (i2 != 0) {
if (i2 == 1) {
int size = this.aT.size();
int i3 = 0;
while (i3 < size) {
this.aT.get(i3).c(z2, i3, i3 == size + (-1));
} else if (i2 != 2) {
if (i2 == 3) {
int size2 = this.aT.size();
int i4 = 0;
while (i4 < size2) {
this.aT.get(i4).c(z2, i4, i4 == size2 + (-1));
} else if (this.aR != null && this.aM != null && this.aO != null) {
for (int i5 = 0; i5 < this.c; i5++) {
int[] iArr = this.aR;
int i6 = iArr[0];
int i7 = iArr[1];
float f2 = this.ao;
C17026tNn c17026tNn2 = null;
int i8 = 0;
while (i8 < i6) {
if (z2) {
i = (i6 - i8) - 1;
f = 1.0f - this.ao;
} else {
f = f2;
i = i8;
C17026tNn c17026tNn3 = this.aM[i];
if (c17026tNn3 != null && c17026tNn3.Z != 8) {
if (i8 == 0) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni = c17026tNn3.D;
C1230Yni c1230Yni2 = this.D;
int i9 = ((ZXE) this).aQ;
if (c1230Yni.i == c17026tNn3) {
c17026tNn3.d(c1230Yni.j, c1230Yni2.i, c1230Yni2.j, i9);
c17026tNn3.x = this.ap;
c17026tNn3.u = f;
if (i8 == i6 - 1) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni3 = c17026tNn3.X;
C1230Yni c1230Yni4 = this.X;
int i10 = ((ZXE) this).aN;
if (c1230Yni3.i == c17026tNn3) {
c17026tNn3.d(c1230Yni3.j, c1230Yni4.i, c1230Yni4.j, i10);
if (i8 > 0 && c17026tNn2 != null) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni5 = c17026tNn3.D;
C1230Yni c1230Yni6 = c17026tNn2.X;
int i11 = this.an;
if (c1230Yni5.i == c17026tNn3) {
c17026tNn3.d(c1230Yni5.j, c1230Yni6.i, c1230Yni6.j, i11);
C1230Yni c1230Yni7 = c17026tNn2.X;
C1230Yni c1230Yni8 = c17026tNn3.D;
if (c1230Yni7.i == c17026tNn2) {
c17026tNn2.d(c1230Yni7.j, c1230Yni8.i, c1230Yni8.j, 0);
c17026tNn2 = c17026tNn3;
f2 = f;
for (int i12 = 0; i12 < i7; i12++) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn4 = this.aO[i12];
if (c17026tNn4 != null && c17026tNn4.Z != 8) {
if (i12 == 0) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni9 = c17026tNn4.V;
C1230Yni c1230Yni10 = this.V;
int i13 = ((ZXE) this).aP;
if (c1230Yni9.i == c17026tNn4) {
c17026tNn4.d(c1230Yni9.j, c1230Yni10.i, c1230Yni10.j, i13);
c17026tNn4.W = this.aA;
c17026tNn4.T = this.az;
if (i12 == i7 - 1) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni11 = c17026tNn4.n;
C1230Yni c1230Yni12 = this.n;
int i14 = ((ZXE) this).aJ;
if (c1230Yni11.i == c17026tNn4) {
c17026tNn4.d(c1230Yni11.j, c1230Yni12.i, c1230Yni12.j, i14);
if (i12 > 0 && c17026tNn2 != null) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni13 = c17026tNn4.V;
C1230Yni c1230Yni14 = c17026tNn2.n;
int i15 = this.ay;
if (c1230Yni13.i == c17026tNn4) {
c17026tNn4.d(c1230Yni13.j, c1230Yni14.i, c1230Yni14.j, i15);
C1230Yni c1230Yni15 = c17026tNn2.n;
C1230Yni c1230Yni16 = c17026tNn4.V;
if (c1230Yni15.i == c17026tNn2) {
c17026tNn2.d(c1230Yni15.j, c1230Yni16.i, c1230Yni16.j, 0);
c17026tNn2 = c17026tNn4;
for (int i16 = 0; i16 < i6; i16++) {
for (int i17 = 0; i17 < i7; i17++) {
int i18 = (i17 * i6) + i16;
if (this.av == 1) {
i18 = (i16 * i7) + i17;
C17026tNn[] c17026tNnArr = this.a;
if (i18 < c17026tNnArr.length && (c17026tNn = c17026tNnArr[i18]) != null && c17026tNn.Z != 8) {
C17026tNn c17026tNn5 = this.aM[i16];
C17026tNn c17026tNn6 = this.aO[i17];
if (c17026tNn != c17026tNn5) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni17 = c17026tNn.D;
C1230Yni c1230Yni18 = c17026tNn5.D;
if (c1230Yni17.i == c17026tNn) {
c17026tNn.d(c1230Yni17.j, c1230Yni18.i, c1230Yni18.j, 0);
C1230Yni c1230Yni19 = c17026tNn.X;
C1230Yni c1230Yni20 = c17026tNn5.X;
if (c1230Yni19.i == c17026tNn) {
c17026tNn.d(c1230Yni19.j, c1230Yni20.i, c1230Yni20.j, 0);
if (c17026tNn != c17026tNn6) {
C1230Yni c1230Yni21 = c17026tNn.V;
C1230Yni c1230Yni22 = c17026tNn6.V;
if (c1230Yni21.i == c17026tNn) {
c17026tNn.d(c1230Yni21.j, c1230Yni22.i, c1230Yni22.j, 0);
C1230Yni c1230Yni23 = c17026tNn.n;
C1230Yni c1230Yni24 = c17026tNn6.n;
if (c1230Yni23.i == c17026tNn) {
c17026tNn.d(c1230Yni23.j, c1230Yni24.i, c1230Yni24.j, 0);
} else if (this.aT.size() > 0) {
this.aT.get(0).c(z2, 0, true);
((ZXE) this).aG = false;