
481 lines
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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package o;
import android.graphics.Color;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewConfiguration;
import android.widget.ExpandableListView;
import com.scb.phone.data.entity.transfer.SingleDataEntity;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
/* renamed from: o.bRf, reason: case insensitive filesystem */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class C4145bRf implements InterfaceC17063tdn {
private static char[] h;
private static int i;
private final YWN a;
private final String b;
private final HIV c;
private final yhN d;
private final phk e;
private static final byte[] $$a = {67, 119, -105, 2};
private static final int $$b = 33;
private static int $10 = 0;
private static int $11 = 1;
private static int j = 1;
private static void g(byte b, short s, int i2, Object[] objArr) {
byte[] bArr = $$a;
int i3 = b * 3;
int i4 = 4 - (i2 * 2);
int i5 = (s * 2) + 71;
byte[] bArr2 = new byte[i3 + 1];
int i6 = -1;
if (bArr == null) {
i5 += i4;
i6 = -1;
while (true) {
int i7 = i4;
int i8 = i5;
int i9 = i6 + 1;
bArr2[i9] = (byte) i8;
if (i9 == i3) {
objArr[0] = new String(bArr2, 0);
} else {
i4 = i7 + 1;
i5 = bArr[i7] + i8;
i6 = i9;
public C4145bRf(HIV hiv, yhN yhn, phk phkVar, YWN ywn, String str) {
C14957gcv.e(hiv, "");
C14957gcv.e(yhn, "");
C14957gcv.e(phkVar, "");
C14957gcv.e(ywn, "");
C14957gcv.e(str, "");
this.c = hiv;
this.d = yhn;
this.e = phkVar;
this.a = ywn;
this.b = str;
public static final /* synthetic */ yhN e(C4145bRf c4145bRf) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = i + 99;
j = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
yhN yhn = c4145bRf.d;
if (i4 == 0) {
int i5 = 67 / 0;
return yhn;
/* renamed from: o.bRf$Sts */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
static final class Sts extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14894gbR<SingleDataEntity<MRj>, MRj> {
public static final Sts a = new Sts();
@Override // o.InterfaceC14894gbR
public final /* synthetic */ MRj invoke(SingleDataEntity<MRj> singleDataEntity) {
return singleDataEntity.getData();
Sts() {
/* renamed from: o.bRf$RVV */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
static final class RVV extends AbstractC14961gcz implements InterfaceC14894gbR<MRj, iHE> {
private String c;
private C4145bRf e;
@Override // o.InterfaceC14894gbR
public final /* synthetic */ iHE invoke(MRj mRj) {
MRj mRj2 = mRj;
C14957gcv.c(mRj2, "");
Object[] objArr = {mRj2, this.c, this.e.a()};
return (iHE) yhN.d(objArr);
/* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
RVV(C4145bRf c4145bRf, String str) {
this.e = c4145bRf;
this.c = str;
private static final MRj e(InterfaceC14894gbR interfaceC14894gbR, Object obj) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = j + 109;
i = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14894gbR, "");
return (MRj) interfaceC14894gbR.invoke(obj);
C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14894gbR, "");
Object obj2 = null;
throw null;
private static final iHE b(InterfaceC14894gbR interfaceC14894gbR, Object obj) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = i + 99;
j = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 != 0) {
C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14894gbR, "");
return (iHE) interfaceC14894gbR.invoke(obj);
C14957gcv.e(interfaceC14894gbR, "");
Object obj2 = null;
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC17063tdn
public final AbstractC13175fSw<iHE> c(C11056eX c11056eX) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
C14957gcv.e(c11056eX, "");
String str = c11056eX.c;
C15571guL d = this.a.d(c11056eX.c);
String str2 = d.c;
C14957gcv.e(str2, "");
c11056eX.c = str2;
HIV hiv = this.c;
String str3 = d.d;
C14957gcv.e(c11056eX, "");
C14957gcv.e(str3, "");
AbstractC13175fSw<SingleDataEntity<MRj>> integrityNonce = hiv.a.getIntegrityNonce(c11056eX, str3);
final Sts sts = Sts.a;
C13372fYk c13372fYk = new C13372fYk(integrityNonce, new fSS(sts) { // from class: o.OBZ
private InterfaceC14894gbR d;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
return C4145bRf.c(this.d, obj);
this.d = sts;
final RVV rvv = new RVV(this, str);
C13372fYk c13372fYk2 = new C13372fYk(c13372fYk, new fSS(rvv) { // from class: o.ApV
private InterfaceC14894gbR c;
@Override // o.fSS
public final Object a(Object obj) {
Object[] objArr = {this.c, obj};
return (iHE) C4145bRf.c(objArr);
this.c = rvv;
C14957gcv.c(c13372fYk2, "");
int i3 = j + 39;
i = i3 % 128;
if (i3 % 2 == 0) {
return c13372fYk2;
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC17063tdn
public final AbstractC13175fSw<C17395wQg> c(String str) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = j + 35;
i = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
C14957gcv.e(str, "");
String str2 = this.b;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
f(new byte[]{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, new int[]{0, 6, 14, 0}, false, objArr);
if (!C14957gcv.b((Object) ((String) objArr[0]).intern(), (Object) str2)) {
return this.e.d(str);
int i5 = j + 85;
i = i5 % 128;
if (i5 % 2 == 0) {
return this.e.a(str);
Object obj = null;
throw null;
@Override // o.InterfaceC17063tdn
public final fRY b(C10991eV c10991eV) {
fRY e;
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = j + 73;
i = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
C14957gcv.e(c10991eV, "");
C15571guL d = this.a.d(c10991eV.a);
String str = d.c;
C14957gcv.e(str, "");
c10991eV.a = str;
String str2 = this.b;
Object[] objArr = new Object[1];
f(new byte[]{0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0}, new int[]{0, 6, 14, 0}, false, objArr);
if (C14957gcv.b((Object) ((String) objArr[0]).intern(), (Object) str2)) {
int i5 = j + 113;
i = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
HIV hiv = this.c;
String str3 = d.d;
C14957gcv.e(c10991eV, "");
C14957gcv.e(str3, "");
e = fRY.e(hiv.a.verifyHuaweiSysIntegrity(c10991eV, str3));
C14957gcv.c(e, "");
} else {
HIV hiv2 = this.c;
String str4 = d.d;
C14957gcv.e(c10991eV, "");
C14957gcv.e(str4, "");
e = fRY.e(hiv2.a.verifyIntegrity(c10991eV, str4));
C14957gcv.c(e, "");
int i7 = i + 119;
j = i7 % 128;
if (i7 % 2 == 0) {
int i8 = 18 / 0;
return e;
/* renamed from: o.bRf$HBt */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public static final class HBt {
private HBt() {
public /* synthetic */ HBt(byte b) {
private static void f(byte[] bArr, int[] iArr, boolean z, Object[] objArr) {
char[] cArr;
char c;
char[] cArr2;
int i2 = 2 % 2;
TVH tvh = new TVH();
int i3 = 0;
int i4 = iArr[0];
int i5 = iArr[1];
int i6 = iArr[2];
int i7 = iArr[3];
char[] cArr3 = h;
if (cArr3 != null) {
int length = cArr3.length;
char[] cArr4 = new char[length];
int i8 = $10 + 29;
$11 = i8 % 128;
int i9 = i8 % 2;
int i10 = 0;
while (i10 < length) {
try {
Object[] objArr2 = new Object[1];
objArr2[i3] = Integer.valueOf(cArr3[i10]);
Object obj = xzZ.y.get(1645349359);
if (obj != null) {
cArr2 = cArr3;
} else {
Class cls = (Class) xzZ.c((ViewConfiguration.getLongPressTimeout() >> 16) + 223, Color.green(i3) + 5, (char) (Gravity.getAbsoluteGravity(i3, i3) + 41977));
byte b = (byte) i3;
byte b2 = b;
cArr2 = cArr3;
Object[] objArr3 = new Object[1];
g(b, b2, b2, objArr3);
obj = cls.getMethod((String) objArr3[0], Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(1645349359, obj);
cArr4[i10] = ((Character) ((Method) obj).invoke(null, objArr2)).charValue();
cArr3 = cArr2;
i3 = 0;
} catch (Throwable th) {
Throwable cause = th.getCause();
if (cause == null) {
throw th;
throw cause;
cArr3 = cArr4;
char[] cArr5 = new char[i5];
System.arraycopy(cArr3, i4, cArr5, 0, i5);
if (bArr != null) {
int i11 = $11 + 53;
$10 = i11 % 128;
if (i11 % 2 != 0) {
cArr = new char[i5];
tvh.c = 0;
c = 1;
} else {
cArr = new char[i5];
tvh.c = 0;
c = 0;
while (tvh.c < i5) {
if (bArr[tvh.c] == 1) {
int i12 = tvh.c;
Object[] objArr4 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr5[tvh.c]), Integer.valueOf(c)};
Object obj2 = xzZ.y.get(850398076);
if (obj2 == null) {
obj2 = ((Class) xzZ.c(503 - (ViewConfiguration.getGlobalActionKeyTimeout() > 0L ? 1 : (ViewConfiguration.getGlobalActionKeyTimeout() == 0L ? 0 : -1)), 5 - View.resolveSize(0, 0), (char) ((ViewConfiguration.getScrollBarSize() >> 8) + 54))).getMethod("F", Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(850398076, obj2);
cArr[i12] = ((Character) ((Method) obj2).invoke(null, objArr4)).charValue();
} else {
int i13 = tvh.c;
Object[] objArr5 = {Integer.valueOf(cArr5[tvh.c]), Integer.valueOf(c)};
Object obj3 = xzZ.y.get(1084521042);
if (obj3 == null) {
obj3 = ((Class) xzZ.c(14 - ExpandableListView.getPackedPositionChild(0L), (-16777211) - Color.rgb(0, 0, 0), (char) (Color.alpha(0) + 58134))).getMethod("H", Integer.TYPE, Integer.TYPE);
xzZ.y.put(1084521042, obj3);
cArr[i13] = ((Character) ((Method) obj3).invoke(null, objArr5)).charValue();
c = cArr[tvh.c];
Object[] objArr6 = {tvh, tvh};
Object obj4 = xzZ.y.get(1698744941);
if (obj4 == null) {
Class cls2 = (Class) xzZ.c(402 - TextUtils.indexOf("", "", 0, 0), 5 - (ViewConfiguration.getMaximumDrawingCacheSize() >> 24), (char) ((SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() > 0L ? 1 : (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() == 0L ? 0 : -1)) + 21607));
byte b3 = (byte) 0;
byte b4 = (byte) (b3 + 1);
Object[] objArr7 = new Object[1];
g(b3, b4, (byte) (b4 - 1), objArr7);
obj4 = cls2.getMethod((String) objArr7[0], Object.class, Object.class);
xzZ.y.put(1698744941, obj4);
((Method) obj4).invoke(null, objArr6);
cArr5 = cArr;
if (i7 > 0) {
char[] cArr6 = new char[i5];
System.arraycopy(cArr5, 0, cArr6, 0, i5);
int i14 = i5 - i7;
System.arraycopy(cArr6, 0, cArr5, i14, i7);
System.arraycopy(cArr6, i7, cArr5, 0, i14);
if (z) {
int i15 = $10 + 69;
$11 = i15 % 128;
int i16 = i15 % 2;
char[] cArr7 = new char[i5];
int i17 = 0;
while (true) {
tvh.c = i17;
if (tvh.c >= i5) {
cArr7[tvh.c] = cArr5[(i5 - tvh.c) - 1];
i17 = tvh.c + 1;
cArr5 = cArr7;
if (i6 > 0) {
int i18 = 0;
while (true) {
tvh.c = i18;
if (tvh.c >= i5) {
int i19 = $11 + 65;
$10 = i19 % 128;
if (i19 % 2 != 0) {
cArr5[tvh.c] = (char) (cArr5[tvh.c] << iArr[2]);
i18 = tvh.c;
} else {
cArr5[tvh.c] = (char) (cArr5[tvh.c] - iArr[2]);
i18 = tvh.c + 1;
String str = new String(cArr5);
int i20 = $10 + 115;
$11 = i20 % 128;
int i21 = i20 % 2;
objArr[0] = str;
/* JADX INFO: Access modifiers changed from: private */
public static /* synthetic */ Object c(Object[] objArr) {
InterfaceC14894gbR interfaceC14894gbR = (InterfaceC14894gbR) objArr[0];
Object obj = objArr[1];
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = j + 27;
i = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
iHE b = b(interfaceC14894gbR, obj);
int i5 = i + 77;
j = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
return b;
static void e() {
h = new char[]{39968, 40023, 40018, 40017, 40023, 40030};
public final String a() {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = j;
int i4 = i3 + 63;
i = i4 % 128;
int i5 = i4 % 2;
String str = this.b;
int i6 = i3 + 29;
i = i6 % 128;
int i7 = i6 % 2;
return str;
static {
i = 0;
new HBt((byte) 0);
int i2 = j + 91;
i = i2 % 128;
int i3 = i2 % 2;
public static /* synthetic */ MRj c(InterfaceC14894gbR interfaceC14894gbR, Object obj) {
int i2 = 2 % 2;
int i3 = i + 27;
j = i3 % 128;
int i4 = i3 % 2;
MRj e = e(interfaceC14894gbR, obj);
int i5 = j + 125;
i = i5 % 128;
int i6 = i5 % 2;
return e;
public static /* synthetic */ iHE a(InterfaceC14894gbR interfaceC14894gbR, Object obj) {
Object[] objArr = {interfaceC14894gbR, obj};
return (iHE) c(objArr);