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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package o;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import com.scb.phone.presentation.mapper.transferandpay.BaseAssetsDisplayMapper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
/* renamed from: o.pe, reason: case insensitive filesystem */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class C16602pe extends BaseAssetsDisplayMapper {
/* JADX WARN: 'super' call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public C16602pe(Resources resources, SharedPreferences sharedPreferences, String str) {
super(resources, sharedPreferences, str);
C14957gcv.e(resources, "");
C14957gcv.e(sharedPreferences, "");
C14957gcv.e(str, "");
private static IW c(Pgp pgp) {
return new IW(pgp != null ? pgp.a : null, pgp != null ? pgp.b : null);
private static C0545Jc a(OeP oeP) {
C14851gaI c14851gaI;
List<Pgp> list;
if (oeP != null && (list = oeP.e) != null) {
List<Pgp> list2 = list;
C14957gcv.e(list2, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list2 instanceof Collection ? list2.size() : 10);
Iterator<T> it = list2.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
arrayList.add(c((Pgp) it.next()));
c14851gaI = arrayList;
} else {
c14851gaI = C14851gaI.c;
return new C0545Jc(c14851gaI);
public final IY e(FIi fIi) {
String str;
String str2;
String str3;
String str4;
String str5;
C0551Jg c0551Jg;
String str6;
String str7;
C0551Jg c0551Jg2;
String str8 = "";
C14957gcv.e(fIi, "");
String str9 = fIi.j;
String str10 = fIi.h;
List<C0227BuO> list = fIi.a;
C14957gcv.e(list, "");
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(list instanceof Collection ? list.size() : 10);
Iterator it = list.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
C0227BuO c0227BuO = (C0227BuO) it.next();
C14957gcv.e(c0227BuO, str8);
int i = c0227BuO.y;
String str11 = c0227BuO.j;
String str12 = c0227BuO.e;
String str13 = c0227BuO.c;
String str14 = c0227BuO.h;
String str15 = c0227BuO.i;
String str16 = c0227BuO.g;
String str17 = c0227BuO.w;
String str18 = c0227BuO.x;
String str19 = str8;
zSr zsr = c0227BuO.f;
Iterator it2 = it;
String str20 = zsr != null ? zsr.c : null;
if (zsr != null) {
str2 = zsr.e;
str = str10;
} else {
str = str10;
str2 = null;
IZ iz = new IZ(str20, str2);
String[] strArr = c0227BuO.a;
int i2 = c0227BuO.B;
String str21 = str9;
String b_ = b_(c0227BuO.b);
String str22 = c0227BuO.u;
String str23 = c0227BuO.s;
String str24 = c0227BuO.d;
if (c0227BuO.v != null) {
String str25 = c0227BuO.v;
str3 = c(str25 != null ? Double.valueOf(Double.parseDouble(str25)) : null);
} else {
str3 = null;
String str26 = c0227BuO.k;
ArrayList arrayList2 = arrayList;
String str27 = c0227BuO.p;
String str28 = c0227BuO.f8114o;
String str29 = c0227BuO.z;
C0696Mln c0696Mln = c0227BuO.q;
if (c0696Mln != null) {
if (c0696Mln != null) {
str5 = str29;
str4 = str24;
c0551Jg2 = new C0551Jg(c0696Mln.c, c0696Mln.b);
} else {
str4 = str24;
str5 = str29;
c0551Jg2 = null;
c0551Jg = c0551Jg2;
} else {
str4 = str24;
str5 = str29;
c0551Jg = null;
C17458wtK c17458wtK = c0227BuO.r;
String[] strArr2 = c17458wtK != null ? c17458wtK.e : null;
String[] strArr3 = c17458wtK != null ? c17458wtK.a : null;
if (c17458wtK != null) {
str6 = str23;
str7 = c17458wtK.d;
} else {
str6 = str23;
str7 = null;
if (str7 == null) {
str7 = str19;
String str30 = c17458wtK != null ? c17458wtK.b : null;
C0546Jd c0546Jd = new C0546Jd(strArr2, strArr3, str7, str30 == null ? str19 : str30);
String str31 = c0227BuO.A;
Boolean bool = c0227BuO.n;
Boolean bool2 = c0227BuO.l;
String str32 = c0227BuO.t;
String str33 = str32 == null ? str19 : str32;
Boolean bool3 = c0227BuO.m;
IU iu = new IU(i, str11, str12, str13, str14, str15, str16, str17, str18, iz, strArr, i2, b_, str22, str6, str4, str3, str26, str27, true, str28, str5, c0551Jg, c0546Jd, str31, bool, bool2, str33, bool3 != null ? bool3.booleanValue() : false);
arrayList = arrayList2;
str8 = str19;
it = it2;
str10 = str;
str9 = str21;
String str34 = str9;
String str35 = str10;
ArrayList arrayList3 = arrayList;
C13670feh c13670feh = fIi.c;
return new IY(str34, str35, arrayList3, new C0547Je(a(c13670feh != null ? c13670feh.d : null), a(c13670feh != null ? c13670feh.b : null), a(c13670feh != null ? c13670feh.a : null), a(c13670feh != null ? c13670feh.e : null)), fIi.g, fIi.i, fIi.f, new C0555Jh(c(fIi.b), c(fIi.k), c(fIi.d), c(fIi.m), c(fIi.e), c(fIi.f8157o)));