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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package o;
import android.content.Context;
import android.hardware.Camera;
import android.hardware.Sensor;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import o.C17083tlK;
/* renamed from: o.eqo, reason: case insensitive filesystem */
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class C12047eqo {
public C10943eTk a;
public C16524oza c;
public Handler i;
public OTQ j;
public Handler k;
public RmV n;
public boolean g = false;
public boolean d = true;
public Xad e = new Xad();
public Runnable f = new Runnable(this) { // from class: o.eqo.5
private C12047eqo a;
this.a = this;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public final void run() {
try {
C10943eTk c10943eTk = this.a.a;
int e = oBF.e(c10943eTk.l.i);
Camera open = e == -1 ? null : Camera.open(e);
c10943eTk.c = open;
if (open == null) {
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to open camera");
int e2 = oBF.e(c10943eTk.l.i);
Camera.CameraInfo cameraInfo = new Camera.CameraInfo();
c10943eTk.e = cameraInfo;
Camera.getCameraInfo(e2, cameraInfo);
} catch (Exception e3) {
Handler handler = this.a.k;
if (handler != null) {
handler.obtainMessage(C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_camera_error, e3).sendToTarget();
public Runnable h = new Runnable(this) { // from class: o.eqo.2
private C12047eqo c;
this.c = this;
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:17:0x0029 A[Catch: Exception -> 0x0045, TryCatch #3 {Exception -> 0x0045, blocks: (B:6:0x000a, B:15:0x0023, B:17:0x0029, B:18:0x003e, B:43:0x0035), top: B:5:0x000a }] */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:25:0x0058 A[Catch: Exception -> 0x00a9, TryCatch #2 {Exception -> 0x00a9, blocks: (B:2:0x0000, B:23:0x004c, B:25:0x0058, B:26:0x0068, B:28:0x0074, B:31:0x0099, B:34:0x0084, B:36:0x008a, B:37:0x0097, B:39:0x005d, B:48:0x00a1, B:49:0x00a8), top: B:1:0x0000 }] */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:28:0x0074 A[Catch: Exception -> 0x00a9, TryCatch #2 {Exception -> 0x00a9, blocks: (B:2:0x0000, B:23:0x004c, B:25:0x0058, B:26:0x0068, B:28:0x0074, B:31:0x0099, B:34:0x0084, B:36:0x008a, B:37:0x0097, B:39:0x005d, B:48:0x00a1, B:49:0x00a8), top: B:1:0x0000 }] */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:38:? A[RETURN, SYNTHETIC] */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:39:0x005d A[Catch: Exception -> 0x00a9, TryCatch #2 {Exception -> 0x00a9, blocks: (B:2:0x0000, B:23:0x004c, B:25:0x0058, B:26:0x0068, B:28:0x0074, B:31:0x0099, B:34:0x0084, B:36:0x008a, B:37:0x0097, B:39:0x005d, B:48:0x00a1, B:49:0x00a8), top: B:1:0x0000 }] */
/* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:43:0x0035 A[Catch: Exception -> 0x0045, TryCatch #3 {Exception -> 0x0045, blocks: (B:6:0x000a, B:15:0x0023, B:17:0x0029, B:18:0x003e, B:43:0x0035), top: B:5:0x000a }] */
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump.
To view partially-correct add '--show-bad-code' argument
public final void run() {
r5 = this;
o.eqo r0 = r5.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.eTk r0 = r0.a // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
android.hardware.Camera r1 = r0.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
if (r1 == 0) goto La1
r1 = 1
r2 = 0
o.OTQ r3 = r0.j // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
int r3 = r3.e // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
if (r3 == 0) goto L22
if (r3 == r1) goto L1f
r4 = 2
if (r3 == r4) goto L1c
r4 = 3
if (r3 == r4) goto L19
goto L22
r3 = 270(0x10e, float:3.78E-43)
goto L23
r3 = 180(0xb4, float:2.52E-43)
goto L23
r3 = 90
goto L23
r3 = r2
android.hardware.Camera$CameraInfo r4 = r0.e // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
int r4 = r4.facing // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
if (r4 != r1) goto L35
android.hardware.Camera$CameraInfo r4 = r0.e // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
int r4 = r4.orientation // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
int r4 = r4 + r3
int r4 = r4 % 360
int r3 = 360 - r4
int r3 = r3 % 360
goto L3e
android.hardware.Camera$CameraInfo r4 = r0.e // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
int r4 = r4.orientation // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
int r4 = r4 - r3
int r4 = r4 + 360
int r3 = r4 % 360
r0.k = r3 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
android.hardware.Camera r4 = r0.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
r4.setDisplayOrientation(r3) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L45
r0.d(r2) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L49
goto L4c
r0.d(r1) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> L4c
android.hardware.Camera r1 = r0.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
android.hardware.Camera$Parameters r1 = r1.getParameters() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
android.hardware.Camera$Size r1 = r1.getPreviewSize() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
if (r1 != 0) goto L5d
o.VDF r1 = r0.f // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r0.i = r1 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
goto L68
o.VDF r2 = new o.VDF // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
int r3 = r1.width // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
int r1 = r1.height // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r2.<init>(r3, r1) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r0.i = r2 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.eTk$HBt r1 = r0.a // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.VDF r0 = r0.i // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r1.e = r0 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.eqo r0 = r5.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
android.os.Handler r0 = r0.k // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
if (r0 == 0) goto Lb9
o.eqo r0 = r5.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
android.os.Handler r0 = r0.k // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
int r1 = o.C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_prewiew_size_ready // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.eqo r2 = r5.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.eTk r2 = r2.a // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.VDF r3 = r2.i // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
if (r3 != 0) goto L84
r2 = 0
goto L99
boolean r3 = r2.a() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
if (r3 == 0) goto L97
o.VDF r2 = r2.i // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
o.VDF r3 = new o.VDF // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
int r4 = r2.b // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
int r2 = r2.c // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r3.<init>(r4, r2) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r2 = r3
goto L99
o.VDF r2 = r2.i // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
android.os.Message r0 = r0.obtainMessage(r1, r2) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r0.sendToTarget() // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
java.lang.RuntimeException r0 = new java.lang.RuntimeException // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
java.lang.String r1 = "Camera not open"
r0.<init>(r1) // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
throw r0 // Catch: java.lang.Exception -> La9
r0 = move-exception
o.eqo r1 = r5.c
android.os.Handler r1 = r1.k
if (r1 == 0) goto Lb9
int r2 = o.C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_camera_error
android.os.Message r0 = r1.obtainMessage(r2, r0)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Method not decompiled: o.C12047eqo.AnonymousClass2.run():void");
public Runnable l = new Runnable(this) { // from class: o.eqo.3
private C12047eqo a;
this.a = this;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public final void run() {
try {
C10943eTk c10943eTk = this.a.a;
RmV rmV = this.a.n;
Camera camera = c10943eTk.c;
SurfaceHolder surfaceHolder = rmV.c;
if (surfaceHolder != null) {
} else {
C10943eTk c10943eTk2 = this.a.a;
Camera camera2 = c10943eTk2.c;
if (camera2 == null || c10943eTk2.h) {
c10943eTk2.h = true;
c10943eTk2.b = new OVZ(c10943eTk2.c, c10943eTk2.l);
tuL tul = new tuL(c10943eTk2.g, c10943eTk2, c10943eTk2.l);
c10943eTk2.d = tul;
boolean z = tul.c.d;
} catch (Exception e) {
Handler handler = this.a.k;
if (handler != null) {
handler.obtainMessage(C17083tlK.LWm.zxing_camera_error, e).sendToTarget();
public Runnable b = new Runnable(this) { // from class: o.eqo.4
private C12047eqo b;
this.b = this;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public final void run() {
try {
C10943eTk c10943eTk = this.b.a;
OVZ ovz = c10943eTk.b;
if (ovz != null) {
c10943eTk.b = null;
tuL tul = c10943eTk.d;
if (tul != null) {
Sensor sensor = tul.b;
c10943eTk.d = null;
Camera camera = c10943eTk.c;
if (camera != null && c10943eTk.h) {
c10943eTk.a.a = null;
c10943eTk.h = false;
C10943eTk c10943eTk2 = this.b.a;
Camera camera2 = c10943eTk2.c;
if (camera2 != null) {
c10943eTk2.c = null;
} catch (Exception unused) {
this.b.d = true;
C16524oza c16524oza = this.b.c;
synchronized (c16524oza.b) {
int i = c16524oza.d - 1;
c16524oza.d = i;
if (i == 0) {
synchronized (c16524oza.b) {
c16524oza.c = null;
c16524oza.e = null;
public C12047eqo(Context context) {
if (Looper.getMainLooper() == Looper.myLooper()) {
if (C16524oza.a == null) {
C16524oza.a = new C16524oza();
this.c = C16524oza.a;
C10943eTk c10943eTk = new C10943eTk(context);
this.a = c10943eTk;
c10943eTk.l = this.e;
this.i = new Handler();
throw new IllegalStateException("Must be called from the main thread.");
public final void e(final boolean z) {
if (Looper.getMainLooper() != Looper.myLooper()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Must be called from the main thread.");
if (this.g) {
C16524oza c16524oza = this.c;
Runnable runnable = new Runnable(this, z) { // from class: o.Eis
private boolean a;
private C12047eqo b;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public final void run() {
C12047eqo c12047eqo = this.b;
this.b = this;
this.a = z;
synchronized (c16524oza.b) {