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2024-07-27 18:17:47 +07:00
package androidx.core.text;
import android.graphics.Typeface;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.LocaleList;
import android.text.PrecomputedText;
import android.text.Spannable;
import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristic;
import android.text.TextDirectionHeuristics;
import android.text.TextPaint;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.text.style.MetricAffectingSpan;
import com.airbnb.deeplinkdispatch.UrlTreeKt;
import o.ZEY;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public class PrecomputedTextCompat implements Spannable {
private static final Object a = new Object();
private final Params b;
private final PrecomputedText c;
private final Spannable d;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public static final class Params {
final PrecomputedText.Params a;
private final TextPaint b;
private final TextDirectionHeuristic c;
private final int d;
private final int e;
/* loaded from: classes.dex */
public static class IeS {
private int b = 1;
private int c = 1;
private TextDirectionHeuristic d = TextDirectionHeuristics.FIRSTSTRONG_LTR;
private final TextPaint e;
public IeS(TextPaint textPaint) {
this.e = textPaint;
public Params a() {
return new Params(this.e, this.d, this.b, this.c);
public IeS qN_(TextDirectionHeuristic textDirectionHeuristic) {
this.d = textDirectionHeuristic;
return this;
public IeS b(int i) {
this.c = i;
return this;
public IeS c(int i) {
this.b = i;
return this;
Params(TextPaint textPaint, TextDirectionHeuristic textDirectionHeuristic, int i, int i2) {
this.a = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29 ? new PrecomputedText.Params.Builder(textPaint).setBreakStrategy(i).setHyphenationFrequency(i2).setTextDirection(textDirectionHeuristic).build() : null;
this.b = textPaint;
this.c = textDirectionHeuristic;
this.d = i;
this.e = i2;
public Params(PrecomputedText.Params params) {
this.b = params.getTextPaint();
this.c = params.getTextDirection();
this.d = params.getBreakStrategy();
this.e = params.getHyphenationFrequency();
this.a = Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 29 ? null : params;
public final boolean d(Params params) {
if (this.d == params.c() && this.e == params.e() && this.b.getTextSize() == params.qM_().getTextSize() && this.b.getTextScaleX() == params.qM_().getTextScaleX() && this.b.getTextSkewX() == params.qM_().getTextSkewX() && this.b.getLetterSpacing() == params.qM_().getLetterSpacing() && TextUtils.equals(this.b.getFontFeatureSettings(), params.qM_().getFontFeatureSettings()) && this.b.getFlags() == params.qM_().getFlags() && this.b.getTextLocales().equals(params.qM_().getTextLocales())) {
return this.b.getTypeface() == null ? params.qM_().getTypeface() == null : this.b.getTypeface().equals(params.qM_().getTypeface());
return false;
public final boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (obj == this) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Params)) {
return false;
Params params = (Params) obj;
return d(params) && this.c == params.qL_();
public final int hashCode() {
float textSize = this.b.getTextSize();
float textScaleX = this.b.getTextScaleX();
float textSkewX = this.b.getTextSkewX();
float letterSpacing = this.b.getLetterSpacing();
int flags = this.b.getFlags();
LocaleList textLocales = this.b.getTextLocales();
Typeface typeface = this.b.getTypeface();
boolean isElegantTextHeight = this.b.isElegantTextHeight();
return ZEY.d(Float.valueOf(textSize), Float.valueOf(textScaleX), Float.valueOf(textSkewX), Float.valueOf(letterSpacing), Integer.valueOf(flags), textLocales, typeface, Boolean.valueOf(isElegantTextHeight), this.c, Integer.valueOf(this.d), Integer.valueOf(this.e));
public final String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(UrlTreeKt.componentParamPrefix);
StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder("textSize=");
StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(", textScaleX=");
StringBuilder sb4 = new StringBuilder(", textSkewX=");
StringBuilder sb5 = new StringBuilder(", letterSpacing=");
StringBuilder sb6 = new StringBuilder(", elegantTextHeight=");
StringBuilder sb7 = new StringBuilder(", textLocale=");
StringBuilder sb8 = new StringBuilder(", typeface=");
StringBuilder sb9 = new StringBuilder(", variationSettings=");
StringBuilder sb10 = new StringBuilder(", textDir=");
StringBuilder sb11 = new StringBuilder(", breakStrategy=");
StringBuilder sb12 = new StringBuilder(", hyphenationFrequency=");
return sb.toString();
public final TextPaint qM_() {
return this.b;
public final TextDirectionHeuristic qL_() {
return this.c;
public final int e() {
return this.e;
public final int c() {
return this.d;
public PrecomputedText qK_() {
Spannable spannable = this.d;
if (spannable instanceof PrecomputedText) {
return (PrecomputedText) spannable;
return null;
@Override // android.text.Spannable
public void setSpan(Object obj, int i, int i2, int i3) {
if (obj instanceof MetricAffectingSpan) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MetricAffectingSpan can not be set to PrecomputedText.");
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
this.c.setSpan(obj, i, i2, i3);
} else {
this.d.setSpan(obj, i, i2, i3);
@Override // android.text.Spannable
public void removeSpan(Object obj) {
if (obj instanceof MetricAffectingSpan) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("MetricAffectingSpan can not be removed from PrecomputedText.");
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
} else {
@Override // android.text.Spanned
public <T> T[] getSpans(int i, int i2, Class<T> cls) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 29) {
return (T[]) this.c.getSpans(i, i2, cls);
return (T[]) this.d.getSpans(i, i2, cls);
@Override // android.text.Spanned
public int getSpanStart(Object obj) {
return this.d.getSpanStart(obj);
@Override // android.text.Spanned
public int getSpanEnd(Object obj) {
return this.d.getSpanEnd(obj);
@Override // android.text.Spanned
public int getSpanFlags(Object obj) {
return this.d.getSpanFlags(obj);
@Override // android.text.Spanned
public int nextSpanTransition(int i, int i2, Class cls) {
return this.d.nextSpanTransition(i, i2, cls);
@Override // java.lang.CharSequence
public int length() {
return this.d.length();
@Override // java.lang.CharSequence
public char charAt(int i) {
return this.d.charAt(i);
@Override // java.lang.CharSequence
public CharSequence subSequence(int i, int i2) {
return this.d.subSequence(i, i2);
@Override // java.lang.CharSequence
public String toString() {
return this.d.toString();
public Params e() {
return this.b;